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Hello dear Avorion community,

I'm writing those lines because i can't find the problem by myself.

I have constantly low fps during gameplay, ranging from 35-25 in an empty sector to 25 and lower in a more crowded area. As you can imagine, if something happens in a sector, it's not unusal to drop into one digit fps.

I tried a lot of things to get this fixed:

- NVidia: Open Nvidia Control Panel Select Manage 3D-Settings from the list on the left Select Program Settings Pick Avorion from the list of programs or select the executable from your steam install directory: <Steam install>/SteamApps/common/Avorion/bin/Aviorion.exe Select it to always use the dedicated graphics card from the dropdown menu

Only thing that made some difference, gave me all around 5 fps, yay


This a post, which describes the addend of registry entries for Nvdidia cards, who are installed with CPU graphic chips, which didn't help

Bottom left corner, there's a search bar. Type 'graphics settings' and you'll be able to change whether programs use the one Windows recommends, power saving (usually your integrated GPU) or performance (other graphics card your PC has.

Neither hardware scheduling, nor enlisting avorion.exe as high performance on GPU brought an increase

So best course of action is to go to minimum settings, load the galaxy....then restart the game with everything maxed out and load the galaxy.

It did not increase my fps

Miscellaneous tweaks:

- set priority up in task manager,

- changed CPU assignments,

-disabled Intel Graphics HD 530,

-enabled XMS RAM profile

-changed borderless, fullscreen, windowed mode,

-a lot of setups in graphic settings in game (vsync on/off etc.) {comment: fps are nearly same with lowest and highest possible settings!},

- Flash-upgrade BIOS

I also monitored the system specs during starting sector gameplay:
CPU:around 50-60%, with some 60%+ peaks
RAM: 8-10 GB Usage (with browser in background)
GPU: 10-30% usage, which i mostly thaught is the culprit

I uploaded the last clientlog, which is the mere startup of an only start sector secured single player game. Please remember, i don't have a fps drop during gameplay (after some time) or giant exploered galaxy maps, it's from the get go.

Here is a pastebin with shortening multiple entries: https://pastebin.com/cXGytu9U

Computer specs are:

OS: Windows 10 home
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz
RAM: 16 GB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Game installed on SSD drive

Edit says, that i have posted my problem and this thread in the Reddit Avorion forums. https://www.reddit.com/r/avorion/comments/s7l791/low_fps/


Thanks in advance


clientlog 2022-01-11 17-15-42 -.txt

Edited by Riktarden
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13 hours ago, Dosman said:

Friends had the same problem. Try downloading the NVIDIA Studio Driver (not the Game Ready).  It may be some of the optimizations NVIDIA does for games doesn't work well with the Avorion engine.

I successfully installed the Studio driver, but there was'nt an increase in performance. Thanks for the help though.

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  • 1 month later...

I also decided to play Avorion and ran into the same problem, or very similar to it.
I took the ship from the workshop and started editing it. after installing the turrets, the fps dropped from 99fps to 17-20fps... I deleted the ship - it didn't help, I restarted after the deletion - everything returned to normal. I tried another ship - the situation is the same.
A year ago, I used the same ships and even more massive ones, and I didn’t drop below 50-60fps in battle. What could it be? Drivers? Bugs in the game engine?
All my friends have same problem.

Тоже решил поиграть в аворион и столкнулся с такой же проблемой ну или очень на нее похожей.
Я Взял корабль из мастерской и начал его редактировать. после установки турелей фпс со 99фпс упал до 17-20фпс... Удалил корабль - не помогло, перезашел после удаления - все нормализовалось. Попробовало другой корабль - ситуация такая же. 
Год назад я использовал эти же корабли и даже массивнее и у меня не падало в бою ниже 50-60фпс. Что же это может быть ? Драйвера ? Ошибки в движке игры ?
Все мои друзья имеют такую же проблему.

Edited by TF534
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have serious fps problems in multiplayer on a rented server aswell, but my friends don't - so it not seems to be a server issue.

My Specs: Win 10pro, I7-6800k (not overclocked), GTX1080 @2,5k resolution, 32GB RAM, Avorion incl. Black Market on SSD, 100/40 MBit Internet - Ping to Server 10ms

avg. CPU load 16-20%, GPU load 10% - no high temps, no throttling, no power issues, everything is "sleeping"

When we started playing fps were ok (50-60). Now i ve framedrops to 20fps or worse in real hi-pop sectors with lots of stuff going on. In low pop sectors i ve ~ 35 fps and it feels like 15 fps.

What i have done:

- reinstalled latest NVIDIA drivers
- reinstalled Avorion
- deleted config and  logfile folder
- changed graphics settings to low, vsync on off, fullscreen, borderless, windowed, even changed resolution to FullHD - no changes at all

The logfile shows no errors BUT it's flooded with hundreds and thousand entries like those:

2022-03-30 17-11-39| TinyObjReader: Cannot open file [data/meshes/trading-goods/crate-01.obj]
2022-03-30 17-11-39| TinyObjReader: Cannot open file [data/meshes/trading-goods/acid.obj]
2022-03-30 17-11-39| TinyObjReader: Cannot open file [data/meshes/trading-goods/crate-food.obj]
2022-03-30 17-11-39| TinyObjReader: Cannot open file [data/meshes/trading-goods/adhesive-solvent.obj]

I already played Avorion 2 times before to the centre of the galaxy and i believe to remember that this fps problem with no systemload is not a new one - but i can be wrong with this memory 😉





clientlog 2022-03-30 18-18-05.txt

Edited by Dr.Gonzo
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