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[1.3.5] Game crashes upon leaving a paused borderless game inactive for extended periods, then unpausing


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I left my borderless game window inactive for quite a few hours because I felt very tired and needed some rest. Upon returning, I was still docked at an Equipment Station just where I still left. I purchased torpedoes for my ship (through repetitive clicking with no means of a cart system or multi-buying) but then noticed that the game is sporadically freezing. I tried clicking slower but it was still giving me micro-freezes.

Upon unpausing the game, the game now freezes for real and...well, it crashed.

serverlog 2020-12-07 13-17-50.txt clientlog 2020-12-07 13-16-16.txt

Serverlog: 2020-12-08 00-58-05|

Clentlog: 2020-12-07 18-46-15|

(PS: In case you're wondering how to make your game "inactive," just press the Windows key and it will bring the taskbar to the front by opening the start menu. It's usually my preference whenever I need to go back viewing my browser.)

Edited by TacticalMaster
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