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[Steam guide] Complete guide to Avorion (WIP)


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Hi everyone,


Together with 82nd, we have made a guide that will help new players and explain some of mechanics that might not seem obvious.

To make it easier to access from the game, we have made it on the Steam guides. I will do my best to update the wikia while we're filling up the guide.


Click here to open the guide


Currently it's WIP but we are expanding it constantly, if you wish to help out, feel free to contact us!

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Hey man! Brilliant stuff! Really well formatted tutorials! Looking forward to the rest of it. Thank you! <3


That said, I'd love to help out!


I have some 42 hours under my belt (not including the demo). I am currently exploring controlling a fleet (was using a frigate to escort me around whilst looking for trade routes) + I got some ideas on how the meta game works such as enemy factions destroying trade routes, and some theories around how to handle A.I factions. I guess this could be counted as "advanced"? Watching factions destroy each other made me question if it's a good idea to be friendly with everyone as I have noted a lot of stations being completely out of a lot of items. I'm speculating I need to track down valuable areas, and then start running fleets in key areas to "buff" my faction of choice.


I have yet to try to found my own stations so I have no idea if it's possible to found my own factories. Can you guys clue me in on this?


I also know a little about how to track down trade routes, factories and some basic stuff on how to approach the game once you understand the basics of flying a single ship. On my TODO list is to figure out research, and the foundation of stations. My hopes are that it's possible to create my own little economic system (eco-system in short) for myself. Micro goal is to pimp out as frigate with max-quality salvages for the mad cash-money-money-flow-dawg!


You can find me on steam under RosyUnicorn (Sweden) with a portrait of a skull-kitten if any of this sounds interesting to you!. I prefer direct contact!




Whilst I'm here I'd like to ask a quick favour! I've been spending about 8 hours now trying to find Laser Modulators. Do the factories for these spawn closer to the center? If so, do you have any coords to this?

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I've just commented this on youtube, maybe it can find a niche in your guide? ;)


In a nutshell:


The mechanics will repair, altough slowly your unbroken parts - patience or money. :D


Mine 5000 iron and 1000 titanium or try, before building the first ship. Make battery, generator and integrity field from titanium.

Mine more iron and you can sell that for credits.


Get a lot of crew, some functions can be overpopulated for bonuses.

You can set them to autopay salaries, and autoassign.


Do not fear!

On death, your turrets, upgrades, money, and building materials are kept, and you get a new mining drone at a friendly place nearby.

Your ship will be lost, it's cost will be refunded, if you've got insurance.

Turrets and upgrades in the destroyed ship also will. be lost.

Your wreckage may remain there.


Join in combat on your preferred side, after winning, clean up the rare parts of the wreckage with salvage cannons.


Yes, the little mouse icon above some weapon groups can be right clicked.


Bigger blocks have more HP, and other bonuses may apply.


Intergrity field causes blocks in range seemingly have ten times their HP considering is it breaking off. The leftover damage applies to all blocks, and to your overall HP.


The bigger is your ship, the more turret(civilian/military) and upgrade slots it will have.


Examine the builder interface with scrunity - there is 3 axis mirror mode, it's just in a dropdown list. ;)


You can exit and enter your ship by pressing T, if nothing/ship is selected.

This way you can build more ships, stations and mines on claimed big asteroids (with crew, and captain), telling them what to do.


If you are experiencing freezes, consider starting a dedicated server (just for singleplay, too).

The info is here: http://wiki.avorion.net/index.php?title=Setting_up_a_server

I've also reduced sector activity without player 300 --> 30

put up 4 threads instead one,

and raised ten times the autosave: 600 --> 6000 and periodically typing into the chat /save

These are seconds.


It was a bit of problem setting me up for admin - it worked by adding my 17 digit steam id number into --admin in server.bat


Do not forget to /save your server, and /stop it, before quitting! :)

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* - Removing ship core will be prevented by safe mode, but attempting to delete the ship core will remove it without granting your materials back and will kill you. Use drone to destroy the ship core instead.
Plain wrong. You can usually safely delete the core block as soon as you've placed more than that block's worth of volume. Behavior is a little weird, but destroying the block with the drone is laughable, you'll pay to repair it every time you get damaged, too.


Deaths in this game happen. Very often.
Learn not to ram asteroids and when to run from fights. Dying does not happen often then...


volume =/= mass... taking a design made of iron and converting it to Trinium will not reduce the number of slots.


Battery Upgrade - Increases speed at which ship battery recovers and/or max capacity
More complicated than that. In the loading tips, you will notice sometimes it says that your battery can only recharge a maximum of 1/20 of its maximum capacity per second. Recharge rate increases this cap, but this is only useful if you produce more than 5% of your ship's capacity per second.


Generator Upgrade - Increases generator efficiency (recommended for newbies)
Be wary of upgrades that say recharge rate vs. generated energy, see my previous comment for the difference.


Good work otherwise.

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