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[Request] Reload Ships Files Mod


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Hello everybody!


I was wondering if it would be possible to implement a mod to reload ships xml files from the game folder. Currently, it happens when the client loads the galaxy (when the player enters at some server); so if you import some ships files into your game folder you have to leave and reenter the galaxy to load them.


Sometimes the reenter method is a real pain if you are importing, renaming, or changing your ships folder tree. Also, I am currently working in an Avorion ship building api for Java (you know, to procedurally create ships and play a bit  with the possibilities), which will produce ships xml files, and a mod to reload would be really handy, both for development tests and for the afterwards use of the api (of course, the api will be published, and I hope that soon!).


I have had a fast look into the game api but I haven't seen anything about the ships reload. Is it even feasible with the current game api?


Thanks for reading, see u in Avorion!  ;D

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