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Turn a non-station-founder ship into a station


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Hey all, I've built a prototyping ship in a creative world for the purpose of building a few station designs and saving them.  I've done that, and now I'm trying to make sure it doesn't try to go flying off into the sunset when I tell its captain to "attack enemies."  It has no engines or thrusters, so it can't actually move, but I can't help but worry that that'll break the AI somehow or something.


What I'd like to do to fix it is to turn it into an actual station.  Problem is, it's not a station founder, it's a ship I built from scratch.  Does anyone know if there's a way to change a ship into a station, perhaps by editing the save files?

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You could try saving the ship blueprint, then build a new ship with station founder turned on. You should be able to import your saved ship design onto the station ship, then turn it into a station. You may need to make some edits if you pick a station that adds extra parts.


Hope that helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forcing the craft into Station-founding capabilities would be rather easy if you want to mod it in / don't mind "cheating".


All you need to do is pilot the ship, open chat, and run the command:

/run Entity():addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/stationfounder.lua")


Alternatively, if you feel like writing a quick mod to always allow Station founding on any ship you pilot, consider adding this line to the data/scripts/lib/defaultscripts.lua file:


inside the function AddDefaultShipScripts(ship). For example, the lines near the start of my defaultscripts.lua now look like this:


function AddDefaultShipScripts(ship)




Actually, that's a good idea for a mod. I'm gonna keep this functionality in. I like not having to enable "station founder" and being able to always found a Station from any old ship I'm pilotting. Neato -- thanks for the suggestion. ;P

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