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[0.19.0] Shieldbooster issues


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Emergancy recharge is always shown as permanent bonus, even if it is not available because rarity of the update is too low.



if bonusEmergencyRecharge then


always matches (because in lua 0 matches true, not false). Should be

if bonusEmergencyRecharge ~= 0 then



Also the old issue about shield recharge bonus still exist - positive shield recharge bonus is a debuff. Should be negative instead to be a buff.


But be aware that doing this will happen another bug to affect the ship: If the total shield recharge modifier of an entity gets to -1 or below, the shield of this entity will get bugged and does not seem to recharge anymore at all. Only way to fix the shield is deleting the entity.


To avoid this the recharge bonus could be changed to modify the amount of hp, the shield gets healed every tick.

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