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API: Server():getPlayers() returns 0 players


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0.18.2 - r12552, Windows 10 x64


I'm in the singleplayer game.

I add some code to the "data/scripts/server/server.lua" file, at the end of "update" function:

local players = {Server():getPlayers()}
print("#players = ", #players)
local playersOnline = {Server():getOnlinePlayers()}
print("#playersOnline = ", #playersOnline)


In the first case I get 0, in the second - 1. So I guess something is wrong with the "Server():getPlayers()" function?

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I'm *just* starting to fiddle around with scripting, and this is one of the first functions I was messing with in the console. I'm also Single Player Win 10 x64 on r12552.


In the console if I do

/run Server():getPlayers()

it returns a Player object.

/run Server():getPlayers().name

returns the correct name.

/run x = {Server():getPlayers()}, print(x)

prints nil.


I'm also just learning LUA - do the "{}" in variable declaration denote an array? Because it seems weird that that my first example returns a Player object, but surrounding it with curly braces to make it an array variable screws things up. 



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