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nbanyan's Shipyard


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I used the AutoIt script im my signature to intelligently create the material restricted variants.


Shadow Ships (Babylon 5)

These are all substantially different and extremely capable.

  • [spoiler text=Battle Crab]W3L7MRc.jpg
    Steam Workshop Link
    Updated for 1.0!
    Shadow Battle Crab from Babylon 5. These are the iconic ships of the Shadow fleet. They are huge, dreadfull monstrosities. However, I found the original size (4x Scale) I had for this ship made it harder to start playing it in survival, so it's smaller now (feel free to scale it up when you are able). It was designed at about 2^5 times what's needed for 15 slots and the systems calibrated to work well at that scale with pure Trinium. It's hull is almost entirely stone and most of its systems are housed within an extra box of armor and stone.

    Update: I've added the new utility blocks (Transporter, Academy, Cloning) and split a lot of the stone plating on the top, bottom, and front of the ship for the intent that you will change these to turret bases as needed.

    The colors changed slightly while I was updating this. The stone and glow blocks are now colored a deep red (ff1b0000) while the other blocks are a pure black (ff000000) - neither of these are stock colors. From a distance, the red glow blocks cause the ship to shimmer due to z-fighting; if you don't want the shimmer delete all glow blocks (this will remove 631 blocks so be patient with it). It has 17298 blocks, but if you need it below 15k delete the glow blocks and merge the directional thrusters to drop the count to 14690.
    This is the amazing 3D model I tried to copy when designing this ship. There are some hard to notice details that are more visible when the ship is a lighter color.
    Please don't run around with a white Battle Crab - it looks very wrong like that.
    The following are the pre-update (but still close) stats for the posted file while at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades for the current scale and the scaled down to 15 slots version. Both stats are provided to show how well this ship scales.
    Stats (4x scale from 15 slots):
                  Hull:  67015800 hp
    Shield:  166177000 hp
    Blocks:  16809
    Volume:  9.8 bill m3
    Mass:  222.12 Mt
    Thrust:  109.1 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  128 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  1935 m/s2
    Yaw:  0.84 rad/s
    Pitch:  1.32 rad/s
    Roll:  0.89 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 2736 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 255.5 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 15
    Processing Power: 9.6 mill
    Cargo Hold: 301674
    Crew Quarters: 444259
    Fighters: 2757 - 22062
    Production Capacity: 1912500 /s
    Productions: 5
    Generated Energy: 221.41 TW
    Req. Energy: 60.98 TW
    Storable Energy: 137.5 TJ
    Req. Engineers: 168241
    Req. Mechanics: 189580

    Stats (barely 15 slots scale):
                  Hull:  1047120 hp
    Shield:  2596520 hp
    Blocks:  16809
    Volume:  153.05 mill m3
    Mass:  3.47 Mt
    Thrust:  109.1 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  128 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  1311 m/s2
    Yaw:  3.36 rad/s
    Pitch:  4 rad/s
    Roll:  3.55 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 355.1 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 65.7 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 15
    Processing Power: 150.01 k
    Cargo Hold: 3468.5
    Crew Quarters: 6945
    Fighters: 31 - 248
    Production Capacity: 29882.8 /s
    Productions: 5
    Generated Energy: 3.46 TW
    Req. Energy: 952.8 GW
    Storable Energy: 2.17 TJ
    Req. Engineers: 2629
    Req. Mechanics: 2963

[spoiler text=Scout]
Steam Workshop Link
Shadow Scout from Babylon 5.
The following are the stats for the Trinium version while at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
Stats (Trinium):

              Hull:  30966 hp
Shield:  26681 hp
Blocks:  3444
Volume:  1.9 mill m3
Mass:  41.6 kt
Thrust:  209.2 m/s2
Brake Thrust:  256.6 m/s2
Max Velocity:  747 m/s2
Yaw:  4 rad/s
Pitch:  4 rad/s
Roll:  4 rad/s
Hyperspace Cooldown: 52.3 s
Hyperspace Reach: 8.5 sctrs
Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
System Upgrade Slots: 5
Processing Power: 1.8 k
Cargo Hold: 35.7
Crew Quarters: 144
Generated Energy: 33.25 GW
Req. Energy: 13.3 GW
Storable Energy: 92.78 GJ
Req. Engineers: 37
Req. Mechanics: 30

Carrier Stats (Avorion):


              Hull:  307783 hp
Shield:  442550 hp
Blocks:  7128
Volume:  12.43 mill m3
Mass:  284.6 kt
Thrust:  61.4 m/s2
Brake Thrust:  76.3 m/s2
Max Velocity:  850 m/s2
Yaw:  4 rad/s
Pitch:  4 rad/s
Roll:  4 rad/s
Hyperspace Cooldown: 112.4 s
Hyperspace Reach: 15.3 sctrs
Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
System Upgrade Slots: 7
Processing Power: 12.33 k
Cargo Hold: 3867.1
Crew Quarters: 577
Fighters: 15 - 124
Production Capacity: 13056.9 /s
Productions: 5
Generated Energy: 126.65 GW
Req. Energy: 64.05 GW
Storable Energy: 92.78 GJ
Req. Engineers: 87
Req. Mechanics: 222

[spoiler text=Fighter (Blueprint)]
Steam Workshop Link
Shadow fighter from Babylon 5.
Not intended as a player ship, but can be used as a starter (I'd recommend using armor instead of stone).





The Black Claw

Sleek design and plenty of room for modification. All interior components are Ghost White to allow easier modification of the framework.

Each ship class listed below is a resizing of the Battleship.

[spoiler text=Screenshot]xHjk6Rw.jpg


  • [spoiler text=Battleship]
    This ship is designed to serve as a carrier while still maneuverable enough to engage in the firefight.
    Updated and Optimized from V1 for end-game materials.
    Steam Workshop Link
    The following are the stats at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
                  Cost: 23.837.879
    Tr 928.404
    Xa 16.989
    Og 12,160
    Av 602,580

    Hull:  1500440 hp
    Shield:  1416080 hp
    Blocks:  9385
    Volume:  62.26 mill m3
    Mass:  1.96 Mt
    Thrust:  33.6 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  73.7 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  1049 m/s2
    Yaw:  0.2 rad/s
    Pitch:  0.26 rad/s
    Roll:  0.22 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 270.6 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 15.1 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 12
    Processing Power: 64.4 k
    Cargo Hold: 3320.6
    Crew Quarters: 2370
    Fighters: 87 - 701
    Production Capacity: 1824 /s
    Productions: 5
    Torpedo Storage Space: 316
    Generated Energy: 1.11 TW
    Req. Energy: 302.32 GW
    Storable Energy: 698.6 GJ
    Req. Engineers: 353
    Req. Mechanics: 798

  • [spoiler text=Cruiser]
    While smaller than the Battleship, this ship can also serve as a carrier while being maneuverable enough to engage in the firefight. (75% scale of the Black Claw Battleship)
    The following are the stats at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
                  Cost: 10.261.949
    Tr 402.978
    Xa 7.479
    Og 5.260
    Av 256.664

    Hull:  645740 hp
    Shield:  609438 hp
    Blocks:  9385
    Volume:  26.8 mill m3
    Mass:  843.76 kt
    Thrust:  33.6 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  73.7 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  923 m/s2
    Yaw:  0.27 rad/s
    Pitch:  0.37 rad/s
    Roll:  0.29 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 182.7 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 19.5 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 9
    Processing Power: 27.71 k
    Cargo Hold: 1337.8
    Crew Quarters: 1022
    Fighters: 34 - 277
    Production Capacity: 785 /s
    Productions: 5
    Torpedo Storage Space: 126
    Generated Energy: 476.62 GW
    Req. Energy: 130.11 GW
    Storable Energy: 312.05 GJ
    Req. Engineers: 152
    Req. Mechanics: 344

  • [spoiler text=Destroyer]
    This ship can serve as a small carrier, but is still primarily a combat ship. (75% scale of the Black Claw Cruiser)
    The following are the stats at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
                  Cost: 4.417.748
    Tr 176.016
    Xa 4.171
    Og 2.275
    Av 112.088

    Hull:  277907 hp
    Shield:  262283 hp
    Blocks:  9385
    Volume:  11.53 mill m3
    Mass:  363.13 kt
    Thrust:  33.6 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  73.7 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  797 m/s2
    Yaw:  0.35 rad/s
    Pitch:  0.52 rad/s
    Roll:  0.38 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 125 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 15.4 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 7
    Processing Power: 11.93 k
    Cargo Hold: 526.2
    Crew Quarters: 442
    Fighters: 13 - 105
    Production Capacity: 337.8 /s
    Productions: 5
    Torpedo Storage Space: 49
    Generated Energy: 205.41 GW
    Req. Energy: 55.99 GW
    Storable Energy: 145.69 GJ
    Req. Engineers: 65
    Req. Mechanics: 148

  • [spoiler text=Frigate]
    This ship is just large enough to serve as a carrier to a few fighters but is still primarily a combat ship. (75% scale of the Black Claw Destroyer)
    The Material restricted builds were created by modifying the material numbers in the XML. The game replaces material unavailable blocks with Hull (Ex. Hangers in the Titanium build). These are intended as a temporary craft before upgrading to the original ship once Xanion is acquired.
    The following are the stats at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
                  Cost: 1.904.843
    Tr 76.207
    Xa 2.245
    Og 1.006
    Av 48.405

    Hull:  119602 hp
    Shield:  112878 hp
    Blocks:  9385
    Volume:  4.96 mill m3
    Mass:  156.28 kt
    Thrust:  33.6 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  73.7 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  672 m/s2
    Yaw:  0.47 rad/s
    Pitch:  0.76 rad/s
    Roll:  0.5 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 87.2 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 12.2 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 7
    Processing Power: 5.13 k
    Cargo Hold: 200.1
    Crew Quarters: 192
    Fighters: 4 - 38
    Production Capacity: 145.4 /s
    Productions: 5
    Torpedo Storage Space: 18
    Generated Energy: 88.69 GW
    Req. Energy: 24.1 GW
    Storable Energy: 74.09 GJ
    Req. Engineers: 28
    Req. Mechanics: 64

  • [spoiler text=Corvette]
    This ship is a moderately cheap combat ship. (75% scale of the Black Claw Frigate)
    The Material restricted builds were created by modifying the material numbers in the XML. The game replaces material unavailable blocks with Hull (Ex. Hangers in the Titanium build). These are intended as a temporary craft before upgrading to the original ship once Xanion is acquired.
    The following are the stats at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
                  Cost: 822.522
    Tr 35.440
    Xa 1.885
    Og 450
    Av 21.192

    Hull:  51473 hp
    Shield:  48579 hp
    Blocks:  9385
    Volume:  2.14 mill m3
    Mass:  67.26 kt
    Thrust:  33.6 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  73.7 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  549 m/s2
    Yaw:  0.62 rad/s
    Pitch:  1.12 rad/s
    Roll:  0.66 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 62.4 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 9.8 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 6
    Processing Power: 2.21 k
    Cargo Hold: 72.4
    Crew Quarters: 85
    Fighters: 1 - 13
    Production Capacity: 62.6 /s
    Productions: 5
    Torpedo Storage Space: 6
    Generated Energy: 38.45 GW
    Req. Energy: 10.37 GW
    Storable Energy: 43.28 GJ
    Req. Engineers: 12
    Req. Mechanics: 28




A fighter box. Designed as a fleet fighter control unit, it has good shields and good hanger capacity.


  • [spoiler text=Carrier]
    Steam Workshop Link
    The following are the stats at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
                  Hull:  62840 hp
    Shield:  648271 hp
    Blocks:  1213
    Volume:  7 mill m3
    Mass:  165.14 kt
    Thrust:  41.7 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  40.7 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  712 m/s2
    Yaw:  0.69 rad/s
    Pitch:  0.67 rad/s
    Roll:  0.69 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 89.2 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 10.5 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 7
    Processing Power: 6.95 k
    Crew Quarters: 571
    Fighters: 110 - 885
    Generated Energy: 134.48 GW
    Req. Energy: 87.51 GW
    Storable Energy: 20 GJ
    Req. Engineers: 135
    Req. Mechanics: 122



Hollow Ships

Experements with ships that are mostly hologram.

  • [spoiler text=Fatal Star]
    Eight octahedrons float in a holographic box, tethered to the inside by holographic wires.
    Steam Workshop Link
    The following are the stats at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
                  Hull:  433376 hp
    Shield:  3405430 hp
    Blocks:  1182
    Volume:  39.19 mill m3
    Mass:  780.97 kt
    Thrust:  85.1 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  200.5 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  1050 m/s2
    Yaw:  1.38 rad/s
    Pitch:  1.38 rad/s
    Roll:  0.8 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 176.4 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 27.1 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 10
    Processing Power: 40.45 k
    Cargo Hold: 1100.5
    Crew Quarters: 2888
    Fighters: 11 - 88
    Production Capacity: 9206.4 /s
    Productions: 5
    Generated Energy: 405.62 GW
    Req. Energy: 483.66 GW
    Storable Energy: 1.57 TJ
    Req. Engineers: 506
    Req. Mechanics: 750

  • [spoiler text=White Star Ghost]
    My last expiriment with hollow ships. The idea here is to have as small an area as possible that can support enough turrets in order to be harder to hit. I certianly noticed torpedoes having a harder time due to the smaller target size, and I gained what looked like a firefly effect for a while that I think were launcher rockets circling the center of the hologram but not finding anything to hit.
    The White Star used for the hologram is a wonderful ship created by codeeagle2000. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1297835539
    Please give his build a try; it's a fun ride and a much more natural feel than this ghost.
    Steam Workshop Link
    The following are the stats at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
                  Hull:  1979050 hp
    Shield:  10194600 hp
    Blocks:  2751
    Volume:  165.62 mill m3
    Mass:  4.12 Mt
    Thrust:  120 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  211.6 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  1351 m/s2
    Yaw:  4 rad/s
    Pitch:  4 rad/s
    Roll:  4 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 385.4 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 56.6 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 15
    Processing Power: 166.15 k
    Cargo Hold: 7579.4
    Crew Quarters: 13908
    Fighters: 68 - 546
    Production Capacity: 105812 /s
    Productions: 5
    Generated Energy: 3.07 TW
    Req. Energy: 1.73 TW
    Storable Energy: 6.25 TJ
    Req. Engineers: 2775
    Req. Mechanics: 3294



The Ring

Designed for having a better view of the target (whether an enemy ship, wreck or asteroid), this is compact and versatile spacecraft. Note that while it has very responsive forward thrust, it currently has near zero capacity for strafing.

The Frigate is simply a smaller scaling of the Destroyer.

  • [spoiler text=Destroyer]
    Steam Workshop Link
    The following are the stats at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
                  Hull:  329259 hp
    Shield:  51030 hp
    Blocks:  484
    Volume:  17.25 mill m3
    Mass:  464.74 kt
    Thrust:  223.1 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  64.6 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  1117 m/s2
    Yaw:  0.22 rad/s
    Pitch:  0.22 rad/s
    Roll:  0.09 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 139.5 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 13.5 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 8
    Processing Power: 18.91 k
    Crew Quarters: 913
    Fighters: 44 - 354
    Production Capacity: 256 /s
    Productions: 2
    Torpedo Storage Space: 190
    Generated Energy: 173.3 GW
    Req. Energy: 82.6 GW
    Storable Energy: 20 GJ
    Req. Engineers: 351
    Req. Mechanics: 244Ring Destroyer
    Slots: 8
    Vol: 17.25
    Crew: 800-900

  • [spoiler text=Frigate]
    Steam Workshop Link
    The following are the stats at rest for a fully crewed ship with no turrets or system upgrades.
                  Hull:  41157 hp
    Shield:  6379 hp
    Blocks:  484
    Volume:  2.16 mill m3
    Mass:  58.09 kt
    Thrust:  223.1 m/s2
    Brake Thrust:  64.6 m/s2
    Max Velocity:  806 m/s2
    Yaw:  0.43 rad/s
    Pitch:  0.45 rad/s
    Roll:  0.33 rad/s
    Hyperspace Cooldown: 59 s
    Hyperspace Reach: 8 sctrs
    Radar Reach: 14 sctrs
    System Upgrade Slots: 6
    Processing Power: 2.36 k
    Crew Quarters: 117
    Fighters: 3 - 27
    Production Capacity: 32 /s
    Productions: 2
    Torpedo Storage Space: 17
    Generated Energy: 22.1 GW
    Req. Energy: 10.32 GW
    Storable Energy: 20 GJ
    Req. Engineers: 44
    Req. Mechanics: 31



Edited by nbanyan
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Workshop               Avorion XML               Ogonite XML               Xanion XML               Trinium XML               Naonite XML               Titanium XML
Shadow Battle Crab [+] [+] [+] [+] - -
Shadow Scout [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+]
Shadow Scout - Carrier [+] [+] [+] [+] - -
Shadow Fighter - - - - - [+]
Black Claw Battleship V2 [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+]
Black Claw Battleship V1 - - [+] - - -
Black Claw Cruiser V2 [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+]
Black Claw Cruiser V1 - - [+] - - -
Black Claw Destroyer V2 [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+]
Black Claw Destroyer V1 - - [+] [+] - -
Black Claw Frigate V2 [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+]
Black Claw Frigate V1 - - [+] [+] [+] [+]
Black Claw Corvette V2 [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+]
Black Claw Corvette V1 - - [+] [+] [+] [+]
Tesseract - - - [+] - -
Hollow Ship: Fatal Star [+] [+] [+] [+] - -
Hollow Ship: White Star Ghost [+] [+] [+] [+] - -
Ring Destroyer - - [+] - - -
Ring Frigate - - [+] - - -
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