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Black Core Dynamics


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  • Welcome to Black Core Dynamics, Sub company of Fifth Echelon Hyperspace Forge.
    Here at Black Core we strive to deliver ships with purpose and spirit. Ships built for the grizzling adventurer, the stead fast explorer, the ruthless pirate of the admiral with a dream. We hope you will join us in the future of ship building and help bring about a new golden age of ship construction. From all of us here at Black Core Dynamics we wish you the best, and we hoep we'll server you as loyal customers.
    Here I will be documenting, or at least trying to, my many attempts at building something that looks less like a brick and more like a pancake ships that my imagination has forced me at gunpoint to build due to my loneliness inspired me to build. I deeply enjoy the look of star wars ship but overall I enjoy their "dagger" design. With Black Core I will be exploring different shapes, styles, sizes and learning about them. If enough people have the interest I may also break down what I've learned. That being said, I am ALWAYS open to criticism about improving the builds, shapes or overall deigns.
    The Renegade Mk 1
    The first ship I sat down and built, its rough, a little bit strange but I deeply enjoyed the strange yet elegant shape of the hull. The Mark 1 is the first most basic model I have yet to construct and serves as a ship in which I try to cater to almost any starting play style with something both cheap but durable.
    A link to the Renegade:
(Notes: It has some lacking in movement and speed but these will be addressed when the Mk 2 is build, The mark 2 Might* be a second vessel or a complete rebuild.

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