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Patrolling Ships Kill Civilians - then rep death spiral.


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So My patrolling ships are constantly killing civilian pirate ships, which I wouldn't care about, however it drops my rep with other factions, to the point that I logged on today to find two of my patrolling ships one sector over attacking what was once a fully friendly ally. 


Is there any way to get patrolling ships to only attack military vessels?


Also - Fighters from a station are relentlessly attacking a jump gate.  Bug?

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I'm starting to think that these two bugs along with my AI defence fleets pretty regularly using gates when they are meant to be patrolling sector becomes game breaking pretty fast :(


Hope these issues get solved as EA progresses because I'm loving the game so far!

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I'd hope that at some point in avorion's developement, that more captain controls are implimented, and this is one of those things I would really like to see. I don't much care for killing all the civy ships flying through, especially when i'm trying to make allies, rather than enemies, and then ofcourse, this issue arrises...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Devs should remove the rep hit for shooting at enemy civilian ships, at least temporarily. It's really only there for flavor after all, and if it's screwing up actual faction/patrol mechanics, then that flavor isn't worth it.

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