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General things I noticed when playing around with the new Factories in 0.15


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First: The option to call traders for selling/buying to/from your factory is awesome. So is chaining them together.

But there are things that reduce usability:


[*]I can only configure my factory, when I'm outside the factory(-entity), when on the station, I can't modify any settings. Which obviously is very inconvenient  fixed in 0.15.1

[*]I haven't quite figured out what impact the margin slider has. Maybe a Tooltip will help here. I could have looked into the scource code for it, but meh.

[*] Setting up the chaining for factories is a painfully slow process:

1) Buy cargo-fighter and fly to the factory

2) get into your factory and add a new wing for cargo-fighters

3) transfer your cargo-fighters, maybe set up a fighterproduction with blueprints etc.

4) get back into your ship and configure the factory

5) repeat with every single factory


[*] The calculation for the duration of a single production cycle doesn't take the factory size (max. parallel productions) into account.

This has the effect that bigger sized factories (M, L, XL, XXL) get free productionCapacity. (1.5x for M, 3x for XXL) compared to an identical player factory (which can only be size S)- With the same amount and size of assembly blocks

[*] Freight fighters always carry a single good, never more, even though they could fit more (up to a cargo capacity of 5). 2nd the cargo capacity of such fighters can't be increased(Not by changing the underlying entity or otherwise modifying a variable)

[*] The factory only requests ingredients from trader when it is already empty. Considering the Freighter will take some time to reach the factory and complete the docking procedure, there will be a stop in production,


Possible ways to improve on the above points:

1. has been fixed in 0.15.1:

commented out line 76

--if Player(playerIndex).craftIndex == Entity().index then return false end


2. A tooltip explaining it should do


3. Here are multiple options to speed up the process:

3.1 giving factories some super basic freight fighter (100m/s, 1.0 turning, Iron) and allow for easy upgrading. That is you can change such an fighterlayout without switching entities

3.2 follow point 1. -only a slight speed up, because hangar configuration still requires switching ships

3.3 allow configuration of Hangars of other entities (in this context the factory) from the current playership, maybe a module/extension you have to aquire first. (This might also cause a big effort from Koonshi's side to add the UI and background functionality)

3.4 a little more exotic: To connect factories a player doesn't need to fiddle with every single factory, but can select (maybe even with drag and drop) factorie chains together, the whole fighter management will be done autonomous. (This pretty is probably too much to ask for)


4. I don't like seeing the cool stuff hanging in front of me (XXL-factories), but can never achieve them as a player. It just feels unfair. To have the same production capabilites of an XXL-factory (which has no difference to a regular factory, except  a variable called maxNumProductions set to 6 instead of 2) you have to spend 3x the resources. Therfore incorporating this maxNumProductions into the calculation of the production time seems to be a reasonable step.


5. Freight fighters should try to carry as much cargo as possible to avoid using more fighters (current max is 20 atm.) than required. The cargo capacity of freight-fighters would be a good attribute for distinguishing between fighter qualities and in combination with 3.1 would give the player a pretty good reason to upgrade them


6. Give it a threshold for maybe ~10 productioncycles to request ingredients per trader.


I'm open for more improvement-ideas on factories in 0.15


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The amount of cargo drones needed to keep production going is insane when I could use a 500 cargo trade ship that costs less than an un-upgraded cargo drone that carries 1 unit of resource per trip.. 


The cargo drones are nice In theory, but very costly and over complicated to use as it stands.

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Im also in the process of chaining my factories atm and it looks like a very nice update hence the drawback of 1 **EDIT** goodie per flight


From what i can tell there might be a bug where factories dont show their goods they have in cargo but when im in the station and look at my ship stats in cargo it all is there but it wont produce anything (might be that im missing some goods i cant tell for sure) anyways just fix item quantity showing when in sell/buy.


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Im also in the process of chaining my factories atm and it looks like a very nice update hence the drawback of 1 drone per flight


From what i can tell there might be a bug where factories dont show their goods they have in cargo but when im in the station and look at my ship stats in cargo it all is there but it wont produce anything (might be that im missing some goods i cant tell for sure) anyways just fix item quantity showing when in sell/buy.


Never had that happen to me. Do you have a picture of that?

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(i didnt dare to edit the post with the pictures, attachements might get lost)


the main issues with this are that the station doesnt produce AND when i sell to the station but it has no more space (which i cant see obviously) it would just delete the goods... hurts a bit when you drop 30 mill credits in the trash


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