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Seeking Guidance Regarding Large Scale Production Networks


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Hi everyone,


I have been playing this game for a few months now and am looking to explore the production and crafting aspect.  I have a solid bank of credits and materials and plan on colonizing sectors near a faction that I have good relations with mines, factories and stations to trade with them.  I have never built stations before so I want to make sure what I have planned is viable and would appreciate community feedback. I am aware there is an update coming out soon, so developer insight would also be appreciated if you have the time.


First I need some clarification on the behavior of sectors with no players.  I have a few salvaging and mining ships I leave in sectors to harvest materials and have never had them come under attack by xsotan or pirates. Is it safe to say that sectors with no players in them are completely safe from attack? If so, will this change anytime in the future? Further, I know that my harvesters continue to function when I am not in the sector, does this extend to stations (i.e. will stations produce when I am not there?)?


Second, will the demands of allied factions ever change? For example, I found a casino that has a high demand for liquor and luxury foods. Is this demand constant or does it change with time? I wouldn't want to waste resources setting up production to meet demands that won't even be present once everything is up and running.  It makes sense to me that the demand would be constant since there are no AI faction controlled sectors nearby that produce the goods, but I want to be sure.


Third, how fast will consumer stations burn through goods? For example, if I provide the casino mentioned above with enough food and liquor to max out its capacity, how long will it take for it to burn through these goods? Is this rate fixed or does it change?


My last question is about a feature that might be cool to have added in the future if it hasn't already. Can we build ships to move cargo between player controlled stations automatically? Or will all shipping have to be controlled manually? Returning to the casino example, liquor and luxury foods require precursor goods to produce. It would be cool to set up shipping networks that automatically provide the factories with the necessary precursors from factories that produce them.


Thanks for reading! That's all I can think of for now, I'll add more posts if I can think of anything else.

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your questions, I can only partially answer you.


First, it depends on whether you play single player or online based Multiplyer, or if you use mods.

If you're playing single-player, you'll find it hard to get a business up and running. You only have 5 active sectors. Only in these is produced / consumed. Everyone else is frozen.

Multiplayer is basically the same, except that you can keep your sector length active if you share it with other players and you are online independently of each other. On the server side, the number of active sectors can also be increased.


You can do a lot with mods. 2 are crucial here. 1st OOP, 2nd complex construction.


2. "So far" the quantities of goods are fixed.


3. Produce / Consume the stations only if the sector is Active. The consumption amount is very low. In my opinion, anyway. But you can do that yourself. Sell ​​10/100 and measure the time until everything is used up. For 25,000, it takes more than 3 weeks of active sector.


Your last question can only be answered by the developers. But I hope that you build in the automatic trade. After all, Avorion is designed after the X series in which this is a standard.

There is already a mod that allows at least the trade between your own stations.

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