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I am puzzled by the two options for flight control? Need half and half.


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Option one, look by mouse, forward by W

Option 2  (F2)  look by keyboard, forward by keyboard throttle control


Can I have options 3?  look by mouse & keyboard throttle control, thus eliminating the need to spam the keyboard for flight and movement beyond throttle control? Am I missing something or is this not available.


Thanks for info :)

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No, you probably can't have option 3.


People have repeatedly asked for this and the developer has basically responded that he's already made a decision that there will never be a "set throttle" option in mouse control mode and that this decision will not be reconsidered.

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No, you probably can't have option 3.


People have repeatedly asked for this and the developer has basically responded that he's already made a decision that there will never be a "set throttle" option in mouse control mode and that this decision will not be reconsidered.



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I hope it gets considered. to my mind such a small addition of allowing say the plus and minus keys, or scroll wheel to throttle up or down while allowing mouse look isn't anything revolutionary, Freelancer was doing it 15 years ago. I realise it's not a priority, I was just curious.

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No, you probably can't have option 3.


People have repeatedly asked for this and the developer has basically responded that he's already made a decision that there will never be a "set throttle" option in mouse control mode and that this decision will not be reconsidered.






User Itharus: "I just noticed there's a keyboard mode... in it, you can treat your throttle as a slider and set your desired velocity. THAT IS FRIGGIN HUGE. Please implement a way to do that for mouse-steering mode as well!!!!"


Response from dev cepheni: "We will not do that, as we think the easier the default controls are the better. However we do want to have a "keep your current velocity" option for that control mode, where your thrusters would not slow your ship as soon as you let go of W."


Devs did not reply further to people asking why a settable throttle is "easy" in keyboard control mode, but not in mouse control mode, or suggesting that it could be available as a non-default option, thus leaving the default controls as they are while still providing a settable throttle in mouse mode for those who choose to enable it.


I also seem to remember another thread on the Steam forums at about that same time in which the devs more strongly stated that they consider this decision to be final, but I can't find it at the moment, so I could be mistaken.

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