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Gamebreaking Xsotan module exploit (Exodus mission)


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This bug has been reported since February and Koon has stated a few months ago to address this issue but that hasn't happened yet so I'm reporting it again as it can be quite game breaking in multiplayer because of the value of these modules.


The exploit should already be known but I'm explaining it once again;


On the exodus mission you can get an infinite amount of the Xsotan module by re-opening the last dialog and not picking up the module that it drops after the dialog is complete, repeat and reap the rewards later on when selling the modules to the brotherhood for 100m each or to an equipment dock for still a substantial amount of credits.


A possible fix could be to drop it just once independend of the player having it in his inventory and then set a parameter on the player that it received it so it won't drop it again. (maybe that parameter can be reset when the quest is started over)

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  • 1 year later...

Avorion: 0.23 - Exploit is still there.

Even though Exodus Key was reworked and now can be sold for only 2500, exploit still exists. You can get thousands of them via script editing (invoke function many times) and just sell a whole pack.

Server doesn't even check if player has a key. And clientside checks are weak.


My suggestion: When script drops exodus key, set a variable for a player with current server "online_time" + 1 day. And check it when player is trying to get another key. All other checks (inventory, nearby ships) are too weak.

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