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[REQ] Disable asteroid selling


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Wouldn't adding the ability to buy said asteroids from factions solve that a bit better? Disabling selling is kinda breaking the mechanic to gain some semi-safe reputation with factions.


I agree to both sides as it's pretty exploity to use the asteroids for rep gain but it's also one of the easy/safe way, downside of this is that all the claimable asteroids are sold to factions in some area's. Factions themselve dont use them so being able to buy them back at a higher price perhaps would be a nice feature.

Imo the whole reputation gain system could use a rework or better balancing as it becomes pretty gland after a while and it's too easy to loose it all due to an accident which forces you to do it all over again.

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Old thread, but still up to date.


I absolutely agree to Devious, the reputation system needs a rework. I also thought about modding out asteroid selling, but how to gain reputation? So i did not do.


Maybe anybody got a better idea for a reputation mod? If there was at least another way, to gain reputation...


Rebuying asteroids from factions is not the nice way imo...

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