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(Question) Localization - what is %_t and how it works?


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It seems that game just finds all strings that end on "%_t" in lua files and replaces them before executing.

Because as I can see this is not valid lua code, because "%" is a 'modulo' operator. And you can't apply arithmetic's operators to strings.


I just need to know how it works, is there a way to understand, which language did player chose and is it possible to translate a string that already stored in the variable. Because this code doesn't work:

local say = { "Say Hi", "Say Hello", "Say Goodbye" }
for k,v in pairs(say) do

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Localization files are in /data/localization/ (from Avorion's root dir). They use PO file format.


Magic behind %_t is made true in /data/scripts/lib/stringutility.lua. Lines from 17 to 46 inclusive. Additionally there are comments with explanation.


Pretty much: __mod (modulo, hence %) of Strings' metatable is set to interp from stringutility. Localization happens in GetLocalizedString global function (see docs).


It is a valid lua code.

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one thing i need to be clarified for localization is:

where does the localization aka translation actually take place? in theory only the clients should be "able" to translate into correct player language, but i don´t see evidence for this in the scripts at first glance...

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one thing i need to be clarified for localization is:

where does the localization aka translation actually take place? in theory only the clients should be "able" to translate into correct player language, but i don´t see evidence for this in the scripts at first glance...


Localization happens in GetLocalizedString global function


_t is nil.

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I have a problem related to localization.

As I understand there is currently no way to show an error message without server calling this function

sendChatMessage(string sender, int messageType, string message, string... arguments)


I mean I just need to show a message to the player when he did something wrong. It will be

player:sendChatMessage("Server"%_t, 1, "You did something wrong"%_t)

right? Well there is a problem. It will translate this message according to the locale that was chosen on a Server side.


So, for example we have a German player and he will see English message.


There is a function with the same name on a Client side but it's not the same. Just look

sendChatMessage(string text)

I think it really sends the message in the chat, not shows it in the right side of the screen.


I could do something like this: send player chosen language to the Server. But I can't because there is no way to get chosen language using Lua.

Just some workarounds that will require more user attention that should.

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