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Operation Exodus is getting insanely tedious...

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I'm down in the corner of the map looking for a way to jump the distortions to get over to the last site...


The edges are all yellow dots, which I've hit nearly 50 with 2/3 still to go to find that magic bridge into the little island of real space where the final site resides.


Am I missing something..? Does the worm hole only leave from a green dot sector or am I really going to have to spend another day and a half visiting each and every boonyville hiccup in space trying to find that one magic dot.


This may be "an important story line", but honestly I'm to the point I could care less. Having purple cards doesn't even help.


I hope there's something I'm missing that will make this worthwhile, fun and interesting as I feel right now all I'm doing is redefining boring...



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Sorry, but i don't understand what you are talking.

Operation Exodus starts when you find a beacon in a hidden mass system.

Now you have to find another beacon to get a proper x,y coordinates.

Now you have to fly to these coordinates just to find another beacon, that give you another coordinates.

This goes on until you are at the edge of the galaxy/Map and you find the remaining surviviors which give you the 1. artefact after some talking.


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Yes, I followed the trail to the edge.


Problem is the last location is on an island of normal space surrounded by distortions, so it isn't accessible unless I can find a wormhole or gate to get to that island...


I've just spent the afternoon visiting another bunch of dots looking for the bridge with no luck.


A ton of dead pirates though. And I made the mistake of accidentally disturbing some prayers... Probably wouldn't be so bad if there was anything worth anything out here in East Podunk, but the Real Estate market is shite (asteroids are selling for $0) and the ships and weapons are all Iron...


Must just be some stroke of seriously bad luck. I've read of these types of walls surrounding other things. Have to say they just suck the life out of the game. Actually, they just just suck...


Thanks and Cheers..!

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Well... each time you talk to a beacon if gives you the cords to the next one, this is after you find the X/Y cord one. And if you go on the map it will show a ! icon on the location of the next beacon. Or simply go into missions and it will say what the next location is. There should be no reason to be hunting random spots. It gives you the exact location to go and it will be a field of wreckage with the final beacon you talk to it and then the xsotan artifact will appear out of a random wreckage so you have to fly around and find it.

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Found another set of X,Y coordinates and found ye olde empty space. (it's for rent if anyone is interested)


The map may indeed be buggered. Time for some new adventures in brick modelling and particulating pirates...


As for the seed, may hap some good news. It's "2", not a game generated number.


Thanks for the help all. Nice to know I wasn't just losing another marble.



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Oh wow.. Thats brutal! lmao I do feel bad though for you I would be like WHAT THE F... haha.


There is a command you can do to give you the xsotan artifact.. well any artifact. I did this for the bugged science one.

Then funny part all the time was wasted as I found a rift that went inside the wall. I then got avorion, made a small space jump out of it.. and now could cross over rifts lol.


I still yet to actually do the xsotan artifact properly, some are fun like the bosses, but the mad science, beacon are terrible and no fun at all. The merchant is lame cause just takes 3m to get so kinda pointless.


I really hope this whole xsotan artifact story gets looked at and made to be more interesting and fun. I especially hate the beacon, having to travel so much right into a corner where everything is weak and no point in fighting. I don't want to fly further away lol

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If you don't want your journey for this particular artifact to go to waste, then you can come back once you have an avorion hyperspace core. As long as you at least one tiny bit of it, you can jump across those rifts.


Of course, that involves finding a different operation exodus artifact somewhere else, as well as the rest of them, going to the core, fighting and then salvaging some xsotans, so it might take a bit....

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