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Mounting Xanion turrets


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How have you all been mounting your Xanion turrets before you advance into Ogonite sectors since the Xanion tier doesn't have armor blocks? I'm going to try out Xanion stone since it's a high durability block but would be interested in any other ideas you might have.

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We just don't care about armour :)


For the most part, unless you're really into ramming stuff, it's not going to matter. A hull block that extends into your ship with a decent volume will have more than enough hitpoints for the occasional accidental collision.


As for shield penetrating NPCs, I find there are very few of these and they don't do enough damage to shoot your guns off to begin with.

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It got to the point with me that I dropped all Armor pieces and went all in on shields. This had the additional convenience of having a nimbler ship. This change has been very successful in Xanion regions. Therefore to answer your question, I use regular hull blocks.

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Te issues is that hulll blocks uses more crew then armor for the same volume, so its a minor trade off really:P


I end up using the shiny reflector blocks. They also look nice as an added bonus!


And the rich stone ones can also look really neat.

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With Xanion blocks for whatever looks aesthetically pleasing, heh.


Though most of the time if I'm not ready for a major overhaul of my ship I will just use a framework block that's super thin and just wide enough to place the weapon down.

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Stone blocks are just too heavy for my liking, I just use a hull block, this also goes for naonite.

One thing I like the idea off is making turret points, although I've got to do more in terms of working them into my designs, Turrets are still too much of an after thought mainly because the number is module dependent.


One Idea I'm kicking about atm is a 0.5x0.5x1or2 block sunk into the hull/armour layer with some angled armour blocks around it,  so only the side that the turret goes on is exposed.


I wish Hull didn't require so much crew&power I love the look of xanion and naonite hull :(

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