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Selecting your best turrets how? - Inventory vs build mode


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So, i picked up Avorion about a week ago, and i'm about ~75 hours in (singleplayer). I absolutely love the game, and it has SO much potential. As an old elite and freelancer fan (along with most survival and building games), this game could become the bees knees.


That being said, something has been irking me ever since starting it. How do i easily select and place the turrets i own with the best dps?


Now, your inventory (I->Inventory) has several sorting options, of which my favorite is [Damage]+[Material]. The reason for this is that this sorting _SEEMS_ to more or less order turrets by DPS which is ofcourse majorly useful since DPS is not a listed stat on weapons. Sure you could calculate it yourself with the listed stats, but this gets tiring very fast once you have, say, hundreds of turrets.


Now, here's my issue:


I can't for the life of me find a way to select a turret from my inventory once i am in build mode. I can drag my selected turret(s) to the hotbar, but that does just that and nothing else. And build mode itself has no similar sorting options for turrets. So what i find myself doing over and over and over and over (insert repeats) is looking at the list in the inventory window, trying to remember a specific turrets icon and stats, and then go hunt for it in the build menu among maaaaaaany other turrets. And this gets tedious very very fast.


I can't for the life of me understand why i can't select a turret from my inventory when in build mode, or if intentional, that the build mode itself does not have the same sorting options unless ofcourse i'm missing something completely.


Now why don't i just go to a research station and "refine" all those turrets i can almost hear someone say? Well, sure i could do that, and i do every now and then. And while turrets are ordered a lot nicer in the research window, it's still somewhat unclear what produces the best result (f ex 5 of the exact same turrets or 5 of the same class and tier and so on and so forth). Also, i might want to save an amount of turrets for specific usages or future ships/stations/whatever, which leads to having a large amount of turrets anyway and as such the same search issues are present.


When i've carefully searched through my turrets and placed what i believe to be my best f ex 14 armed turrets, then another issue arises after playing a little more. You get more turrets. But since the turrets you have equipped are not shown in the inventory and build list, theres only 2 ways (as i see it) to figure out if there are any upgrades among your new turrets or not:

a) Unequip all turrets and redo the whole tedious process

b) Try to calculate the dps, but that introduces another problem - you can't see which turrets youve picked up recently and which are "old"


So, please, if anyone knows of a solution to these issues i would be grateful. It's early acces and there are a lot of minor issues (aiming being of when you reposition the camera f ex), but none that really detracts from my enjoyment of the game in its current state except this one.


IF there is presently no solution i propose the following implementation changes:

- Enable turrets to be placed from inventory in build mode or enable similar sorting options in build mode

- Keep currently equipped turrets in inventory/buildmode but with a visible icon overlay showing it is currently equipped, and where it is equipped in the tooltip

- Add icon overlay for newly aquired turrets (overlay disappearing could be made to disappear either on mouseover, timebased, encounter based, probably more good solutions)


In hope of someone being able to solve my issue or just read through my wall of text and post feedback,





NB.: I did a lot of searching prior to this, and couldn't find any information solving or illuminating this issue, so forgive me if i missed it somewhere

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sorting options needed in placement mode are,

-> Sort by Raw DPS

-> Sort by Shield DPS

-> Sort by Hull DPS

-> Sort by Type

-> Sort By Weapon Cooldown Time

-> Sort By Overloaded Power Consumption

-> Sort By Bonuses, such as:

        *Target Tracking

        * Guided

        *Multiple Projectile



        *all the other bonuses....


Weapons currently in the game are severely unbalanced due to a flaw in the calculation of bonuses or lack there of. I have seen uncommon weapons with significantly more DPS than Legendary weapons of the same type simply because the legendary weapon had no bonuses and the uncommon one had nice bonuses. Proper inventory sorting would at least allow players to find what they are looking for easier as well as lay out a numerical system for tracking the worth of such bonuses and more accurately balancing weapons.

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Also parameters like efficiency, energy drain/s etc should be sortable. However, there are quite a few different parameters that players both could and would use, so the best approach would probably to have a dropdown with general options (f ex hull dps, shield dps etc), and an advanced button expanding a pane.


The expanded pane could then have the general assortment of dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons and input fields that you would expect in any advanced search GUI.

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