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AutoTarget Mining/Salvager dont aquire new target when out of range of old targe


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Everything said in title, but here we go:


I do some auto-targetting action with my mining barge. all my laz0rs do their proper work w/o any action of mine.

When i leave the asteroid before i pop it, the lasers are still trying to do some mining actions.

same on salvaging lasers.


Deactivating and activation doesnt help, you have to switch the turret mode.


Should be like lasers. out of range -> aquire new target when something in range is found :)

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It's not really a fix... but if you roll your ship sideways so the turrets cannot target their current target, they will switch to a new target, that's how I change targets with my salvagers. Much better than clicking on the turret icon and changing modes

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a, well, ingame hotfix for your problem.... It will be costly on your credits, even in the long run, but salvage fighters of exceptional or better status, and of "higher grade material" ( e.g. naonite fighter vs iron ships) will get the job done freakingly fast.


Upside: You can go fuck up the Xsotan/pirate/bandit ships, that probably spawned in on your ass, while you were stripping down other ships/stations.


Downside: once the initial target is obliterated, they will search you out, and start hovering around like stupid little insects, meaning you will have to keep an eye out for their return, and give them new commands.



Same thing goes for mining fighters.


Just make sure, they have an efficiency of 20 or higher. Otherwise the gain is just....... well, pardon my language, shit...

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Having the same issue, mainly with salvage beams, it's not so much that they try to target something out of range, it's that they fixate on something out of range and will not switch targets to something closer.

They'll often try to target a small fragment 20k away and not the intact wreck 0.5k in front of you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With salvaging lasers another problem plays as well, in that they are trying to target tiny tiny little bits of wreck which are moving, and they can just never hit it.


Seeing this behaviour a lot, where all my 16 salvaging lasers will be trying to hit the same little bit, and they all cross at the same point, well within range, just impossible to hit it. Sometimes I can target the tiny wreck piece and kill it, and all the lasers will seek out new targets, sometimes I can't even find it. Wiggling a bit so the lasers need to realign sometimes helps as well, but all in all it just stops salvaging dead.


Juicy generator RIGHT THERE, and all the lasers are trying to salvage a gnat.

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