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Everything posted by DracoNB

  1. Got back into the game and really enjoying it, been playing at the barrier for a while now waiting for my buddies to get back so we can finish the quest to cross it. But getting annoyed at having small hull pieces get destroyed taking my turrets with them and having to manually place them back on. I love how the reconstruction places everything back properly for my other ships that might die, but its annoying taking slight hull damage but losing some turrets and having to manually place them back on (and having to find the right ones....) and then re-assigning the weapon groups to them. Am I missing something or is there not a way for when you repair your ship to have it also automatically re-add your turrets? Like how the reconstruction token does. Thanks!
  2. Anyone know if there are any plans to update this? Just got back into the game recently and having a hard time filling out interiors on ships.
  3. Yeah I noticed that as well, it was also (not sure if fixed in 17+) impossible to filter when items are entering the inventory due to it refreshing constantly. I made this mod to help clean up systems: https://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4886.0.html
  4. Yeah I'm hoping for an update too, makes my buddies playing remote basically unable to play at all together in a group
  5. You'll need to rename any "ShipNotifier" to "StationNotifier" or similar :)
  6. Good info in this thread: https://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4951.0.html Details from 9th post (is there a way to link directly from posts in this newer theme?) Basically: Fighters will completely wreck network traffic
  7. This still work ? Use this one: https://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4632.0.html http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4632.0.html One of those links should work depending on your http(s) settings
  8. Hah, I was actually going to make the stations one separate since the list can already get quite big. You could basically copy/paste the code and rename to it stations everywhere so that way you can place them in two locations and enable/disable as wanted. And yeah I noticed the Player not Faction coloring which is annoying. Meant to fix it but haven't been playing recently.
  9. https://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3055.0.html That one worked with 16 and most likely works with 17/18
  10. Thats not what i mean. You start the game with a couple chain gun turrets and a couple mining turrets. Doesnt matter that you can create custom cosmetics for them. im talking about the actual turrets. As far as I know even if you are in creative mode you have to actually loot the turrets or buy them, you cant just make one with creative mode powers. Yes in creative mode you can't create turrets afaik without having to find the mats first. You can use the admin/debug menu to give yourself a bunch of (random) turrets.
  11. What do you mean by slots for saving ships limited to 15? I have hundreds of auto saves and saved ship designs
  12. What do you mean exactly? If you are trying to create a custom styled turret, you have to be on the Beta branch in steam.
  13. Yes this is normal, they are saying they are going to kill your (Red, huge warning at top of screen) ships because they are easy prey. Solution: Give them some big weapons (even disabled) or leave another ship with good weapons to keep it safe, just set it to patrol / attack enemies. No ships will spawn if you are out of sector except those, and as along as there is a ship in the sector that isn't showing as red warning they won't show up either. They want easy prey, not a fair fight.
  14. Best way to slow down is to flip a 180 and reverse thrust... see the expanse ;) But yes, thrusters all over your ship! The work the best when on the outside edges of your ship, but put them all over. You can also use gyros, but usually thrusters will give better performance overall.
  15. Hey did the extended turret factory mod get removed? None of the links work for it anymore and I can't find its post on the forums.
  16. Wow those two are way OP... why do they have good shield stats and high turrets? Like you said, the Delivery Quest is super simple to farm so why does it have the best stats out there??
  17. Glad you like it, glad its still working for the latest patch I haven't played much myself recently
  18. But, isn't that achievable easier by being in an alliance flying a personal ship? I don't want to remove that, I'd just want a better understandable situation for loot when you are in an alliance ship. Right now it's not half to you/half in alliance, it's all to you unless you are slow, and I don't think it makes a lot of sense. At least, that is the situation in my tests. I haven't tested much since the 16.7 patch but during that it was giving loot to both. And no it wouldn't be easier because you'd still have to get money / equipment / materials to create your personal ship from alliance members, instead of just borrowing an alliance ship. When playing with my buddy we'd both get personal loot and alliance loot while killing stuff. It was easy to tell which was which because loot would only be looted by my fighters that was alliance loot and then I'd have to fly over to collect my personal loot
  19. I see it as a way for someone to borrow a bigger / better ship than they are currently capable of using, but still getting loot because they get personal drops when fighting / salvaging and half the drops go to the alliance. That way that person doesn't have to take items from the alliance storage (or might not be able to).
  20. I think the idea is that you can still get personal items while using alliance ships which means you can still advance your character not just the alliance one... probably useful for bigger alliances where people have personal and alliance use cases. And you can right-click items to instant transfer / equip vs drag and dropping. I'd honestly rather have alliance ships use items from your personal inventory if wanted (there is a mod that lets you do personal systems) and its so nice.
  21. I increased the background color slightly for more contrast, I hope that helps already Yeah that looks better thanks :)
  22. Haven't messed with the latest beta much besides creative mode, but is there a way to command the fights on your own ship from the commands menu now? Thats my biggest one is commanding your own ship
  23. Yes Fighters wreck servers... I think its an issue with the network code though, as it only seems to effect people remotely (sending updates of each fighter?)
  24. The station founder just sets a flag (it actually attaches a script) on the ship that it can now be used to create a station. You can fly that ship like normal and jump it whereever you want to create the station :). It just gives you another option.
  25. Can you confirm that it is fixed now? Works great thanks! I just edited the title of this post and it hid the extra text instead of wrapping it to a new line. Thanks! Also I just noticed its hard to see the borders on quotes, maybe make them a lighter gray shade or even the same as the code borders? The #10131a is hard to see, I swapped it to white and it stood out much better.
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