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Everything posted by Devious

  1. Looks very interesting, will give it a try :)
  2. I totally agree, stations have a higher weight in the equation but due to OOSP there's no need to keep them loaded over sectors with ships in them. Maybe we should make an API request (sticky) thread to keep track of these as the requests have been quite scattered around on the forums.
  3. Would be nice to see it on a per station basis and in an UI but you can also make an estimate by keeping an eye on the economy tab of the chat.
  4. It looks like the Player.payMoney hook might have changed, you can find the API hooks in the documentation folder. edit: found this function var pay(string or Format [optional] description, int money, int... resources) function bool, string, table<int, string> canPayMoney(int money)
  5. Interesting, that's one less click than using Sector Overview :)
  6. Awesome, nice to see others joining in on extending MoveUI :)
  7. Nothing significant changed this patch that isn't easily solved by a compare and merge of the files. 90% of the listed mods are inside our modpack, none gave a conflict when updating to beta 18.
  8. We get a lot of request for player resets due to our increased difficulty which makes the game a lot more challenging. The most annoying about this is that we have to stop the server for other players in order to do so. So my suggestion is another way to reset a player, perhaps with him being offline as that might be easier to implement.
  9. Woohoo thank you for the update, totally missed it!
  10. You can find some old plans here on the forums but I'm not aware of another external site hosting them.
  11. Thanks again for an awesome mod! Will try it out and put it on the servers :) Players are loving the dreadnought!
  12. Thank you for making a new research mod, the old one broke twice and after the last time nobody was able to get it working properly. Looking forward to turrets being added but for now this will make our players happy for sure!
  13. I wish I had the knowledge to update it, hopefully someone who can do so picks it up :)
  14. make the forums great again!
  15. Devious

    Recticle mod?

    There's no texture for it so I'm afraid it's hard coded.
  16. Anywhere between now and 3 months when they are supposed to release this game. Due to all the secrecy from the devs it is hard to say and less and less people still actually care.
  17. Should work, maybe it's a beta or server issue.
  18. Find the file in the sectors folder of your galaxy and delete it with the server offline.
  19. Your post would fit better in the suggestions board, besides perhaps the range and torpedo speed, all is hidden in the engine or would need a lot of work to implement through a mod.
  20. You downloaded the wrong file. Below the post is a download attached of a .zip, you need to extract that in your installation folder. Note that even if this still works, it has some serious flaws so I would advise against installing this on a server.
  21. I haven't found anything in the code either so I'm afraid it is hardcoded, but if you know how you might be able to override it by writing a new file, or you could try adding more files to it. But my guess is that the specific files are also included in the code that triggers it so adding new ones won't do much.
  22. To backup your galaxies and ships, find the Avorion folder inside the %appdata% folder. Both have their own folders there.
  23. Did you try validating your game files in steam?
  24. Is it the client or server crashing? In case of a client crash an admin can try teleporting you out of that sector. We are running MineCorp aswell and don't really have a noticable issue with it besides some players getting stuck randomly in a sector which I don't think is due to MineCorp, rather a combination of factors.
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