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About Quellcrest

  • Birthday 09/30/1986

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  1. I haven't done an abundant of testing, but the mod definitely still works(as of 0.29.5), at least in singleplayer. Haven't touched multiplayer. If the instructions are unclear drop the 'mods' folder in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Avorion\data\scripts And then drop the data folder here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Avorion In game run /tmod in chat. I had to relog to get it to appear the 1st time, but after that it works everywhere I go. It also didn't load the correct icon, so if you want to fix that you can go in scripts/mods/DccTurretEditor/interface/TurretModding.lua. Find the function: function getIcon(Seed, Rarity). Change the return value to: return "data/scripts/mods/DccTurretEditor/Textures/Icon.png"
  2. Was this mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1827208586 Even has a comment in there with the same problem :(
  3. Ya, they're auto defensive or whatever, torpedos and fighters. I can see them hitting the torpedos, but the torps just seem to take a zillion hits and then just explode on my ship/shields. After that I even went in and changed the scripts for pdcs to make the damage 100x more. They still don't successfully destroy the torpedos, for me at least. Enemies can still shoot theirs down no problem. Difficulty setting was on difficult. I didn't try disabling any mods, but then again none of the mods should have affected pdcs. I'll do that later.
  4. Maybe I'm missing something, but PDCs don't seem to be useful at all. I made a creative game, spawned in a ship with like 30 PDCs and a torpedo enemy ship. Torpedos hit me almost every time, even if I'm looking right at the damn thing. Enemies on the other hand, they can shoot down my torpedos in like half a second. Am I doing something stupid or are they broken?
  5. 1) Inside your steam folder will be a folder for Avorion. And inside that, a scripts folder. Should look something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Avorion\data\scripts 2) All the scripts are written in lua. You can edit them with any text editor including plain old notepad. 3) This forum should suffice. If you are having this much trouble simply importing ship designs, you will undoubtedly find modding to be very tricky, to the point of not possible. Not anytime soon at least.
  6. All bosses respawn. Something like the AI can be found in like 2 minutes, since it's a random spawn. The Guardian has a timer to cause his respawn, 1 hour.
  7. -100% regen shields just means 2x faster regen, doesn't mean you can't die. -No cooldown is great, but it still takes time to calculate the jump. Far jumps still take forever. -Infinite scanner/mass scanner range doesn't really provide an advantage
  8. Gonna take a stab in the dark and say you guys had turrets from Turret Factories and not ones looted? If so, sort of explains why your have HUGE firepower. The insane weapons you can get at turret factories are basically impossible to find from loot. Try again with regular weapons.
  9. I also made a tiny tweak to allow research to use multiple types of the same weapon to be researched together(Single + Double + Quads, etc). Since the number of weapons has no impact on dps, there's no reason to not do this. Change if W[A].item.itemType==T and W[A].item.material==Z and W[A].item.weaponPrefix==_ and W[A].item.numWeapons==a0 then To: if W[A].item.itemType==T and W[A].item.material==Z and W[A].item.weaponPrefix==_ then I haven't thoroughly tested it, but the few times I did it worked as I intended.
  10. Well, turretgenerator.lua has a few lines like: local weaponDPS, weaponTech = Balancing_GetSectorWeaponDPS(sector, 0) and: local o = GenerateTurretTemplate(seed, weaponType, dps, tech, rarity, material) You could manually change tech to something silly and see what happens, but it might be internally capped at 52 with no way of going higher...haven't tried.
  11. There's an ingame debug console you can access by pressing the single quote button: '
  12. I had probably hundreds of shitty white weapons or other types of weapons I had no use for and always selling them off was a tad annoying. So I made this little mod. It's a little ugly visually, whatever, but it seems to work just fine. What it actually does? Finds all turrets in your inventory, loops through them all and finds undesirable ones, and sells them. What counts as undesirable? The table named "JunkWeapons" contains names of weapons that I didn't want. Feel free to use, edit, modify, improve upon, etc. Note: You do need to follow standard procedure for selling items(proper rep, docked, etc). Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/hNH8LLW.jpg In the file scripts\lib\shop.lua, inside the buildGui function, right at the bottom add: local station = Entity() if guiType == 1 and (string.match(station.title, "Turret") or string.match(station.title, "Equipment")) then yText = y + 6 window:createButton(Rect(340, yText - 6, 160 + 360, 30 + yText - 6), "Sell Junk", "onSellJunkButtonPressed") end Now add 2 brand new functions: function onSellJunkButtonPressed(button) -- client local craftIndex = Player().craftIndex local ship = Entity(craftIndex) local station = Entity() local player = Player(ship.factionIndex) local JunkWeapons = {} table.insert(JunkWeapons, "Plasma") table.insert(JunkWeapons, "Rocket") table.insert(JunkWeapons, "Rail") table.insert(JunkWeapons, "Bolter") table.insert(JunkWeapons, "Repair") table.insert(JunkWeapons, "Chaingun") table.insert(JunkWeapons, "Mining") table.insert(JunkWeapons, "Force") local stuffs = player:getInventory():getItemsByType(InventoryItemType.Turret) for i,item in pairs(stuffs) do for _,junkweapon in pairs(JunkWeapons) do if string.match(item.item.weaponName, junkweapon) then invokeServerFunction("buyFromPlayer", craftIndex, i) end end end invokeServerFunction("onSellJunkButtonPressed2", Player().craftIndex) end and function onSellJunkButtonPressed2(shipIndex) -- server local ship = Entity(shipIndex) local station = Entity() local player = Player(ship.factionIndex) player:sendChatMessage("Server", 1, "All Junk items have been sold!") end
  13. There's a mod to fix that here: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1984.0.html
  14. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't a bug, but I've never used an artifact in the research menu. I put in 3 legendaries and out pops the artifact, I've done it like a dozen times...
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