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Posts posted by Martin

  1. Another possible fix we found was to run the server in the official steam runtime environment:

    • Download the latest 'steam-runtime.tar.xz' from http://repo.steampowered.com/steamrt-images-scout/snapshots/
    • Exctract it to a folder of your choice
    • On a command line, execute the script './setup.sh' in the steam runtime folder. This will adjust the steam runtime to work with your system. It is not necessary to run this command as root, as it will only change files inside of the steam runtime folder.
    • Now, open your server's server.sh and search for the line './bin/AvorionServer ...'. Modify it so that it now starts with '<steam-rt>/run.sh ./bin/AvorionServer ...', where '<steam-rt>' is the path of the steam runtime directory.


    Again, if this helped, I would appreciate a quick feedback.




  2. Hey brut3force,


    I apologize for the inconvenience. This must have been caused by an internal update of ours.


    One possible way to fix that problem is to run the server in the official steam runtime:

    • Download the latest 'steam-runtime.tar.xz' from http://repo.steampowered.com/steamrt-images-scout/snapshots/
    • Exctract it to a folder of your choice
    • On a command line, execute the script './setup.sh' in the steam runtime folder. This will adjust the steam runtime to work with your system. It is not necessary to run this command as root, as it will only change files inside of the steam runtime folder.
    • Now, open your server's server.sh and search for the line './bin/AvorionServer ...'. Modify it so that it now starts with '<steam-rt>/run.sh ./bin/AvorionServer ...', where '<steam-rt>' is the path of the steam runtime directory.


    I would appreciate a quick feedback of whether or not this worked.




  3. Hey Rogon!


    I apologize for the inconvenience, this must have been caused by an internal update of ours.

    You didnt tell me your operating system, so I assume Ubuntu 14.04 or older. This operating system  version seems to be missing some libraries required to run the server.


    Luckily, there is a workaround that should fix your problem. You seem to be missing the required gcc5 libraries, and you can install them like this:


    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install gcc-5 g++-5


    I would appreciate a quick feedback if this fixed your problem.




  4. Hi Martin, thank you for the explanations.


    For performance optimizations a timer with microseconds would be great, cause small operations may be done in 1 or 0 milliseconds. On the other side I think there are currently some more important things that has to be done in the game (bugfixing and so on) then writing a whole API just for better timer resolution.

    Don't worry, it's basically just copy-paste of the other timer. Should be available in the next patch.

  5. We can't, sadly. Not all operating systems (including Windows) support sub-millisecond resolution. That means, the microsecond api already only gave you millisecond resolution, meaning it didn't behave as intended. That's why we removed it.


    This answer is from 7 years ago. QueryPerformanceCounter has been around since WinXP. In fact, I can't find any common OS /Language that doesn't support microsecond timing.




    I think I have some explaining to do here.

    There is different kinds of time measurement that can be done. Absolute and relative measurements.

    The difference is that absolute measurements guarantee do be consistent (multiple timers return the same value, distant machines can be synchronized).

    Relative time measurements do not guarantee that, therefore they can only be used to measure small intervals. They are mainly used for performance optimization. They can NOT be used to actually time stuff that needs to be consistent.


    In the actual game code, we have two timers, one default timer for absolute values and a HighResolutionTimer for performance optimizations.

    The timer that is exposed in lua is the default timer. It is based on std::chrono::high_resolution_clock and only gives millisecond resolution on windows.

    There is no way to measure absolute sub-millisecond resolution time on windows.

    The second timer also uses std::chrono::high_resolution_clock on linux, but falls back on QueryPerformanceCounter on windows. By that, it loses its absolute property.

    It can only be used for performace optimization and is currently not exposed to lua. If you guys need that, we could write a lua api for that HighResolutionTimer (just for performance optimizations).


    I hope that  clears things up. Let me know if we should write an api for the second timer.


    Edit: There IS a sub-millisecond absolute timer on windows, called GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime. It got introduced in Windows 8 though, and as we support Windows 7 we can't use it.

  6. In any patch some time ago Timer().microseconds was removed from API. The lowest unit is now milliseconds, wich may be still too huge sometimes for performence improvements. Can you please give us back microseconds?


    We can't, sadly. Not all operating systems (including Windows) support sub-millisecond resolution. That means, the microsecond api already only gave you millisecond resolution, meaning it didn't behave as intended. That's why we removed it.

  7. Not related to the new design, but an issue in forum: Forwarding from http:// to https:// does add parameters to the forwarded URL, so you land on index.php when clicking a link with http.


    Links to this topic, with and without https:

    Link with https

    Link with http


    This results in many forum links that does not work anymore.


    Should be fixed now.

  8. The new forum look is cool ! But the new forum host is bad. It was kind of horrible to see "Gone..." yesterday :(.

    Felt like the end of

    , so it was like the host dropping any decency to suddenly threaten "u r dead nao dawg" to the devs :'(.

    Let's fight for decent forum hosting conditions >:(.


    The forum host didn't change, I'm not entirely sure what you are talking about. Please explain :)



    I just saw that we had a server problem. Now I know what you are talking about :)

    Nevertheless, that was independent from the new forum look.

    Thanks for your concern, though :)

  9. Also I just noticed its hard to see the borders on quotes, maybe make them a lighter gray shade or even the same as the code borders? The #10131a is hard to see, I swapped it to white and it stood out much better.


    I increased the background color slightly for more contrast, I hope that helps already

  10. Hey!


    Thanks for posting this.

    The problem here seems to be that the space is quite small and a 1.5 size turret barely fits. In the turret build mode, the check seems to determine that a 1.5 turret fits, in the repair and the turret placement it seems to deny that. That's why it deletes the turret.


    The solution for us will be to make the checks more consistent.

    We added it to our list of bugs to fix.




  11. Long titles cause the post response to look really bad and be almost unusable (attachment 1)


    Reducing the size of the text in the

    .navigate_section li span

    fixes it


    maybe just make that not wrap?


    Or use up the whole area at least, right now its a


    and the


    used for


    is empty, make it span the whole width.


    Can you confirm that it is fixed now?

  12. The new forum look is cool ! But the new forum host is bad. It was kind of horrible to see "Gone..." yesterday :(.

    Felt like the end of

    , so it was like the host dropping any decency to suddenly threaten "u r dead nao dawg" to the devs :'(.

    Let's fight for decent forum hosting conditions >:(.


    The forum host didn't change, I'm not entirely sure what you are talking about. Please explain :)

  13. Watched.


    Great thanks. The code-fix didn't work for Firefox though, or it maybe it has never been bugged in other browser? Can't say, for Chromium based browsers it works, for Firefox it doesnt work. I still got dark color on dark background in all code tags. For firefox browsers it puts the


    element inside of a


    element, wich makes css overwrite the color. Doesnt happen in some other browsers I tested.


    Ah. Now I get what you are talking about. I almost exclusively use Chrome, so I didn't see that. Give me a moment, I'll look into it.

  14. another suggestion that just came to my mind:

    as not everybody here seems to understand proper english, is it possible to show in which languages you are able to communicate?

    I'm thinking of some checkboxes in account settings, which would result in showing flags of the checked languages under your forum avatar.


    The official forum language is English I'm afraid. We can't start mixing languages, as we (the admins) only understand English and German, and therefore aren't able to maintain the forum once other languages get mixed in.

    We decided that we won't accept German as most of the Avorion community doesn't understand German and we don't want anybody to be left out.

  15. It looks good, much better then the old one.

    In some cases the profile image got a background color wich doesnt look really good if you have a profile image with transparency.


    I agree.

    Is it better now? :)

    Much better now, thanks. Please also watch the other suggestions I gave regarding the new look  :)


  16. It looks good, much better then the old one.

    In some cases the profile image got a background color wich doesnt look really good if you have a profile image with transparency.


    I agree.

    Is it better now? :)

  17. Hey!


    Thanks for your suggestions.

    I just fixed a bug concerning the automatic update of the test server, hopefully that should work now.


    The automatic reboot now also has a 'stuck' detection, which (hopefully) should take care of crashes that don't end the executable.


    We do read the forums, so at the moment, the forums is the way to go.

  18. Well, theoretically it should work. Although the "%_t" tag was never intended for dynamic strings, it was made as an attachment to static strings. (like "Hello"%_t, not as an attachment to a variable)

    But, I mean, if it works, it works.


    Could the problem with your code be that %_t has more priority than the ".." operator?

    Meaning, your code implicitely gets evaluated like this?

    dirString = dir.name .. (" /*direction*/"%_t )


    The call to the translation engine would try to translate " /*direction*/", resulting in an empty string, then attach it to dir.name, which, in total, gives the untranslated dir.name?


    But, to answer your original question:

    The %_t is like a function call the string gets put into. The %_t function then tries to find a translation to the string. If none found, it strips the comment, if existing, and returns the untranslated string.


    The comment is important for differenciating between identical strings with different meanings. (In your specific case, W - West and W - Watt)


    Also, a string without the %_t should not get translated at all. Do you have a working minimal example to reproduce that behaviour?

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