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  1. Well since everyone on our server seems pissed with the sliding around I kind of hope they might be adjusted a bit more so they have great handling but less sliding. To be fair, it is space.. you keep "sliding" essentially until you hit something. Maybe we just need a "zero all inertia(movement)" button, which controls the thrusters to stop movement?
  2. All of these changes sound awesome. Thank you! It would be nice to see some more coop improvements to encourage friends to play. (Team/Faction creation & influence, location information)
  3. I definitely agree. I actually don't care for PVP. I'm here for Coop & exploration. All of the combat mechanics I mentioned also apply for AI combat. Currently the enemies just fly in a straight line at you and start shooting. It's boring. You can't really outfly them, there's no mechanics other than "shoot them more than they shoot you".
  4. Not having retrograde mechanics is a short-sighted mistake. We will still have awesome looking ships.. they just will have to flip and burn to slow down rapidly! Nobody wants thruster block beasts. Assuming multiplayer continues to advance and we start seeing more stable public servers, there will be a need for more depth than just gunboats with a bunch of weapons stacked on the front flying face-to-face and slugging it out. Part of the beauty of 3-dimensional space combat is in navigation-It's a lot like a submarine, or air blimp- You make compromises in navigation for weapons engagements, you can outmaneuver someone! Part of an engagement (or piloting a ship for that matter) would be planning ahead enough to understand if you want to make a fast pass and 'come back around' on the target, or if you want to match velocity and stay in range to fight. As the attacking ship you would have to decide if you want to face away from the enemy or not, and it determines how your ship is designed(rear mounted weaponry, anyone?). From the other ship's perspective, matching velocity would be a lot easier to see when the opposing ship turns around to decelerate. This way it's a lot easier to tell if someone is just flying by, or if they've taken an active interest in you. People mention that as ships get larger and more massive, it would be harder to navigate if you have to do a decel burn.. *this should be the case*. Part of flying a larger more powerful ship is that it has weight and takes more time to navigate with. Large ships don't turn on a dime, and don't decelerate rapidly.. and that should be part of the tradeoff. Otherwise there's never an advantage to having a smaller more nimble ship. Weapon design comes into play here too once we have chassis-mounted weapons. A railgun might only fire in a fixed direction which makes navigation and heading very important. If everyone is always facing eachother all the time, there's never a reason to *not* have a railgun involved. Indirect fire is worth much less in the balance scheme of things.
  5. I have to agree, it took far too long to remember how to spell the name when I first came across the game. Freelancer Space Engineers Edge of Space Elite: Dangerous Avorion Star Citizen Eve Online Astroneer Stellaris Star Conflict Kerbal Space Program I know all these games aren't really in the same genre, but one of them sticks out among all the others as harder to spell and remember.. I can see being tied to the name at this point, though. Maybe it needs a subtitle? Something that forms an acronym and helps to explain what it is. Avorion: Space Frontier
  6. No. Would create no end of headaches for build design and control and likely kill the game. This isn't KSP where you're literally doing rocket science. Go play that if you want that level of engineering realism. Koonschi has already stated that this game is about playing it, not sitting around for hours trying to build a ship that wont spontaneously combust the first time you turn on the coffee maker. Agreed completely. There should be some level of assumed computer-assisted-thrust compensation anyway. We just need a single keypress "orient and burn to cancel inertia" hold-able button. While the key is held the ship rotates negative to the ship's motion and burns appropriately to nullify the motion. If at any point the key is let go, the ship re-orients to the camera view as normal. While the key is held, you can free look with the mouse (and aim turrets appropriately). /soapbox
  7. I think it's actually an artifact of how much more powerful the main engines are than thrusters. When your negative orientation is only slightly off, it would cause the lateral motion when you engaged.. unless the thrusters were powerful enough to counter it. I don't think a physics hack(or thruster buff) is needed, we just need to let AI determine the optimal deceleration angle relative to current motion. This is being patched out which is one of the reasons it is up for discussion. There seems to be a design decision to utilize retrograde engine usage, but no viable control mechanism to do so at the moment. I really agree with retrograde burning to decelerate, as it adds a lot of gameplay and more realistic effects. It scales with ship design properly, and makes sense with the other drive/power elements we have. What I really feel like needs to be done is someone show a KSP mechjeb "burn retrograde" button which allows you to fly normally but when engaged automatically turns the ship retrograde and burns the main sail until inertia is dead. Thrusters already behave this way in Avorion as a default control element.
  8. Providing a semi-automated way or at least more controllable for us to do a deceleration burn (180 degree flip and mainsail burn) would eliminate a lot of problems people have with braking thrusters. Thrusters in general should only be for ship orientation(and docking), not braking or lateral movement.
  9. Yeah, it's actually an artifact of the ship rolling to match the camera view. If you notice, going "up" or pitch upwards with mouse look rolls as you'd expect, but I can see how the inverse roll might feel odd. In space, there's no aerodynamics though so either roll doesn't really matter. If anything, the ship should be doing the roll and the pitch simultaneously, but it appears the ship rolls last after matching camera pitch.
  10. This appears to be working correctly in the game..
  11. While ambitious this is likely well outside the game scope. Right now Koonschi is probably going to be focusing on co-oop style multiplay stable and efficient while expanding the core game.
  12. Really, any dialog action should take second priority to ship control.
  13. With the reduction in Pirate events, think there could be a way for us to more efficiently hunt for pirate sectors, or even "summon" them in some way?(A distress beacon of our own, maybe?) I know while I'm mining, the seemingly continual pirate attacks were annoying, but.. sometimes you're just out looking for a fight.
  14. I've been juggling the same limitation. Switching roles between combat + salvage, or mining. I'm not sure what the more elegant solution is, but I feel like there should be one. Maybe quick-change saved weapon configurations you could apply in build mode?
  15. This similar bug may be affecting my capabilities to save turret settings between load screens. My steam name is invalid and so I can't save my settings locally. I can't seem to override the steam name.
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