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  1. Meiyo

    Traduction french

    Aucune idée, je me suis arrêté a la 1000 par principe, y'a pas mal d'erreur de traduction (ne serait ce que le placement des mots qui n'est pas le bon), et dès que la fin sera atteinte, je testerais la trad en jeu pour voir ce que ça donne, ce qui semble bon sur la ligne en fichier ne va pas forcément être top en jeu selon comment c'est utilisé.
  2. Meiyo

    Traduction french

    J'attaque la correction ;) Si quelqu'un veut reprendre, j'irais jusqu'à la ligne 1000 ce soir. Liens revu jusqu'à la ligne 1000 (manque juste le Force gun, j'hésite sur la trad) https://mega.nz/#!OcRkXACR!QvKNYVm92a9a3igI-FKV8VXQc-5t90fGHL8WvlVHN7E
  3. +1 8) More weapon possibilities = more destruction = more domination = more conflict = more more more more fun :D Why not dream about a giant ship integrated RailGun/Laser for a station / dreadnaught killer Like that 1.42 ;) Not needed today but why not in future x)
  4. I've not try but, what about the block "Turret rotation lock" he doesn't make what you want ?
  5. Right, I play solo actually, I dont look the chat x) I've only make the little frame on the left bord, but you can make it on the right side. You can add Relative speed and impact time in the target frame too, and keep only the players vessel speed always appear somewhere in a little space. You can make relative/impact in a little frame like that yes, but for the player speed I think he must always be seen without interaction.
  6. You have the choice for place the vessel frame, like that:
  7. Oh ? I've miss that feature ! Actually AI pilot is limited, I have my first ship with a captain and it pass 50% of his time without any activity, always block him. So, not really active/pratical When I say "offline", I speak when a sector has a player element (station or ship), it must always be active for the utility of other ships or stations. Without this feature, making a station or other ship is not really helpful/Primordial Another ship never followed me into a portal or even chain it has the same configuration (I've just change the armor shape) Maybe in option for Solo experience, in multiplayer you have a better chance to see a sector active ( a little bit)
  8. Hello, first, thank's for this amazing game, a really cool base actually, you can make THE SPACEOP Game ! About HUD I dont see anything about that so, why not add a panel or windows in the HUD for see some info about our vessel. -Actual Speed -Relative Speed with target (If you go at 100ms and your target flees at 50ms you have 50ms in relative speed and if your target comes on you at 50ms you have 150ms, just a little example for all) -RDV/Impact time with target (Time left before encounter) About universe And what about make an empire for the player ? (Build station(Mine/Industrial/Market interactive with NPC), take a sector for himself, protect with stationary defense (ship without engine actually), I think this point need an "offline" activity for sector without player in sector for keep active ships, stations, and invasion events. (Inspired of X3 series of course but with an Avorion touch, so he can be better !) About NPC I love that game but, the "cruiser" of NPC... not my tea, so why not give the possibility for player to add some pattern in NPC ship (military and transport), with a medium chance to see him in universe. For example, if someone want to add all Star Wars ships, he can take some 100+ hours for make all ships and add in the game for revive a war against the Empire ! Or Stargate x) see that is not bad x) https://s2.qwant.com/thumbr/0x0/f/4/7118aecef5b24d3bd6b648999f10b9/b_1_q_0_p_0.jpg?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stargate-fusion.com%2Fimages%2Fnews%2Fdivers%2Fhammond2.jpg&q=0&b=1&p=0&a=1
  9. Why not make an option for speed control, with the whell mouse for example for maintain the thrust at 5-10-30-60%. Really good too for manoeuvring between asteroid or other vessel in combat, i must spam "Z" for keep my engine at a good speed. (when you have 900ms topspeed with 8ms brake, not easy :o)
  10. Meiyo


    Thank's guy for answer ;) My bad for the modding forum, i don't have seen him :o In build mode you can focus a part by press F, camera change the center of vessel while you build or change the focus, a system like this in game give a better point of view. I think a camera mode like we can have it in X3 with actual system (follow mouse) and free cam (in X3 when you hit "space" you disable the follow).
  11. Meiyo


    Hello everyone, I'm new on Avorion and i really love it, base game is really fabulous for one day in early access on steam and i can just dream about next update of this game. First, sorry for my bad english, i try to write, but my translate... Not cool ;) Now questions for everyone or team: -Can you say me if an asteroïd can respawn (or if a pool of asteroïd can respawn) for maintain a resource in sector ? I've make my way since some hours and i clean sector but it's really not cool always going more far away, i think maintain a resource in sector is not bad (not necessary a huge amount of resources) and can be set by level of sector (spawn sector with low amount for example) -Can you say me if empty sector was feed in the future ? (with aste or other things like space station of player ? <3) -Can you say me if an option exist for move the "point of view" of ship ? Yes we can move the camera but i speak about an option like the focus in build mode (with F) -Can you say me if weapon like missile/torpedo is in todo ? Like all game of this time, modding is really an huge part for a good game (like Kerbal Space Program or X3 in space type), so the possibility of mod the game is a goal or no ? I've buy this game and i love it, so good work to the team, you are famous i love you :o
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