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  1. i usually take a 'naval' ispired aproach. the ships are roughly the shape of a boat. They are usually heavy reliant on shields due to me using a lot of farings instead of armor. i usually only cover the front in amor plating http://imgur.com/KNUBUcj http://imgur.com/8o3nnes when it comes to weapon placements i put them on the spine on top and on the bottom... that gives you good firing arks when it comes to headon and broadside battles. The issue i havc ewith sticks is that (besids the visuals) a shield penetratinground could easily rip a ship like that i half not to say what happens if you lose your shields...
  2. Beside the rediculus spin they get with every little hit... have you ever thought about what would be left of the crew members if they would sit in the Tip of the ship when it spins. The Forces put on them would turn them into potato mash if I'm not mistaken ;D A strategy I use to counter them is positioning my ship in their path so they hit my ship when they start to spin they are immediately stoped when hitting my ship... Or just hit them softly and a nerve where the centre of mass seems to be and fire everything on that...
  3. higher materials could be more efficient thus requiring less energy to negate the damage
  4. Oh it is fun ;D if you know that a wrong step could kill you, flying through an asteroid field is a blast! Also as Maxumous already said: Rooks are pretty solid and would just a oblate your shields if you would compare it to a cannon shot and scale it up to similar mass/size/speed I assume that projectile would kill you aswell in one shot. Another thing that would bother me if collision damage would transfer to shields first is that in combat when colliding with a wreckage/ asteroid it would reduce my shields which I already need to protect the soft parts (covering the whole ship in amor never was a thing for me :P). and considering the amount of damage the collisions do on 100% I prefer to reduce my hull to 30-50% and still having my shields up instead of loosing those and than take true damage. That is also the thing for me with ramming speed: killing an enemy fast without loosing my shields. shield ramming would make this atleast for me useless. an alternative would be a ramming deflector (similar to rebel Galaxy) as a function block... maybe Xanium tied? that you can activate but it will eat up your energy pretty fast and also only absorbe damage as long as the energy storage has enough energy left to negate the hit. The size of the block could affect if the deflector can cover the ship or not thus volume determines how large your deflector has to be to function
  5. also the possibility to use the crew in the crew pods... Maybe with a bording mechanic that, if you recruit a crew men from an enemy faction there is chance of him turning against you while recruiting him or fighting ships of his faction. this could be handled as a boarding situation with security requiered to solve it. in an exchange the crew mans are lev 3 and for free
  6. it's some how cute! I like it :)
  7. would also be cool to be able to build in them... Like struts and such
  8. from icon I would guess that it auto attacks any thing in range but can be overwritten by fiering wo the the mousbutton... But I'am not sure just a guess
  9. Sounds good to me the crème de la crème would be retractable heat radiators like in KSP so you could protect em when flying through dense asteroid belts... but that might be too much
  10. Iam not a pro on anything that has to do with programming... but could it be tags this issue has something to do with that 2.147.483.647 is the highest number that can be created with a 32-digit binary code? I only have my my middle school programming knowledge so bare with me if I'am wrong but could it be that the money is stored in a (was it a long that had a maximum of 2.147.483.647?) that a higher number is not possible?
  11. An event for faction wars could be if each faction revives one Capital ship at boss size a capital ship battle were you can fight with or against these (you know similar to the capital ships from E:D) In case of destruction of one the factions could give the player missions to retrieve the ship (by transporting materials and and gods maybe crew as well to the ship and escort it back to a faction owned sector The other faction could send attackers and try's to board it (when it's implemented) and an players pay to bring the ship to them (by eliminating defence and boarding)
  12. Maybe also a heat radiator block could be added that works with surface (similar to solarpanels) and has a higher dissipation rate(?) than a normal block but not as fast as a vent while cooling passive so you have the possibility to cool even a Tetris block... I think this would be requiered especially for the starter ships since there is power still more of an issue than in super-Carrier-Cruiser-what-ever-giant-space-thing that has hundreds of TW in excess
  13. Yea I remember my first ship that involved launch contraptions like this hit itself more than one time when she was moving to fast or targeting an enemy below her
  14. Will you build an Majestic class interdict or as well? Would be cool to see both ships fighting each other
  15. Wow your replica of the USR Pioneer is great! Only criticism could be that as far as I remember the original ship from Fractured Space had the Merlin missile launcher fited around the centre in a circular arangement
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