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About CaptPatrick01

  • Birthday 03/10/1994

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  1. ***JUMP GATE CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS***|***DEFEND IT FROM PIRATE ATTACK UNTIL THE TIME ELAPSES*** Or that's how I would imagine the disclaimer anyway. Call me hyped!
  2. so i added the booster and impenetrable code to the lib but i still cant spawn them is there some other code i have to modify? Did you check the upgradegenerator.lua? UpgradeGenerator.add("data/scripts/systems/shieldimpenetrator.lua", 1) and UpgradeGenerator.add("data/scripts/systems/lootrangebooster.lua", 1) Should be listed there. If not, it is out of date, but should be rectified by adding them in. Also check the upgrades folder to see if the files are there.
  3. I tried spawning the Cargo Shuttle thing, the game gave me an anti-fighter turret. The flak one.
  4. Eurekas were had! I found out how to add systems to the [/inventory upgrade] spawner Look at lib\cmd\upgrades.lua. you'll find strings that essentially go: {function (str) return str:find("^{SEARCH WORD}") end, "{NAME OF UPGRADE found in the systems folder}", "{<<<repeat last}"}, As an example, I managed to get it to spawn the XSTN-Ks by adding these to the list {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey1") end, "teleporterkey1", "teleporterkey1"}, {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey2") end, "teleporterkey2", "teleporterkey2"}, {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey3") end, "teleporterkey3", "teleporterkey3"}, {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey4") end, "teleporterkey4", "teleporterkey4"}, {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey5") end, "teleporterkey5", "teleporterkey5"}, {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey6") end, "teleporterkey6", "teleporterkey6"}, {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey7") end, "teleporterkey7", "teleporterkey7"}, {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey8") end, "teleporterkey8", "teleporterkey8"}, I will not try spawning them with a level lower than legendary though. Don't want to risk yerg-ing anything on my end mid-testing ;D. Other snippets for the newly released vanilla systems: {function (str) return str:find("^loot") end, "lootrangebooster", "lootrangebooster"}, {function (str) return str:find("^shieldimp") end, "shieldimpenetrator", "shieldimpenetrator"}, Good for DarkPaapi's Unique Xsotan Keys mod, now you don't have to type a long string of code and have to manually change the seed everytime if you want to try them.
  5. Hello. I wish to ask about something regarding sound effects. In the SFX folder, there are all the sound effects/music utilized by the game. But right now it is the sound effects that I am looking at. Is there a way to expand the amount of sounds that can be triggered by the game? Like adding an impact_shield4, 5, and 6.wav? I imagine that in an .lua somewhere it will list a library of sounds, or a bit of math.random trickery to tell the game to {play these sounds} when {thing} happens. But have been unable to find it. Is it possible to do this? Or is it just something hardcoded?
  6. I've been thinking. What if, like how one's ship can produce fighters using Assembly blocks, that the features of the Assembly blocks could be expanded to also include producing your own torpedos for the ship on the fly as well, so long as one has the necessary components that is.
  7. I have to ask, what is the advantage of using the new point defence chainguns over regular, high-rof chainguns in defensive mode?
  8. Is it possible to spawn in Xsotan Artifacts using this mod? I tried but it just says "Could not identify upgradeScript: teleporterkey1.lua" EDIT (To avoid Double-Posting): BTW, managed to add Pulse Cannons to the Turret WeaponType spawn list. Just add {function (str) return str:find("^[pP]ul") end, 13, "PulseCannon"}, to scripts/lib/cmd/weapons.lua and then change line 82 of inventory.lua from "...tonumber(w), 12" to "...tonumber(w), 13" so that it adds it to the search list.
  9. I can't help but notice the stack traceback pointing to autoresearch.lua line 7. So I went to check and it is one big line of code for creating the interface. Kind of hard to see what part of it that it is pointing to. Do they have to be in a single line? Or were they just not separated at each end? Could be a red herring, but i'll do a little experimenting. EDIT: Still says line 7, but now the traceback in the researchstation.lua points to 451 now. Same line of code as the one in 458 Autoresearch.lua must've been a red herring then. Let us know when it's fixed. I've spent up to an hour with the common quality items alone researching manually ever since the mod broke. Would love to see this back in action again.
  10. Until this, or something like this gets implemented, well... This is as close to escape pods as i'm gonna get.
  11. After I complete a distress call mission, or rescue a freighter that jumped into the system from pirates, they shouldn't remain in the system just sitting there, especially if they belong to a hostile faction, turning them into a tempting target for this 10,000 omicron ship that had just otherwise saved it. And even more especially with the hidden timer in the background slowly counting down to an impending pirate/Xsotan attack. Give them a little common sense. Once they've been saved, they should book it outta there rather than risk being next on the menu.
  12. I have an idea regarding the ship's upgrade slots to take advantage of the new ability to favorite inventory items. What if we can right-click an empty system upgrade slot to turn it variable, then assign hotkeys to it (for specific upgrades in the favorites list) to hotswap between them quickly without having to open the ship window? I do see some unsightly exploits however involving the 25% recharge shield boosters... perhaps those could have their ability be given a 5 or 10 minute lockout period when first or newly equipped, if there aren't measures in place already.
  13. I'm more impartial to the Pirate Warlord mod. But with so many changes to the API since then, nothing here works, or has since been made redundant by the vanilla game. Tried reverse-engineering the Warlord quest trigger in the old Military Outpost .lua to insert it into the list given by the new Military Outpost's .lua, but only wound up preventing the station from spawning at all instead. ::) I shall await the day that these mods are picked up again.
  14. Is it just me? Or are the Xsotan only sending a single ship with no weapons on it every time I begin a play session, and never showing up afterwards until I load it up again?
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