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Everything posted by Splutty

  1. After you copy em and holding the blocks "in hand" press X- or C-Button (or was it X and Y respectivly Z on US Layout?) to mirror your current selection without placing beforehand! Hmm. I tried that but it never worked for me. I guess I'll have a look again!
  2. You can't. You either need to buy them before you turn it into a station, or use a mod that does transfer fighters (which i use, which is great :)
  3. Same for me Devious. Once it's triggered, it never goes away and I have to relog. And yes, that happens every time it's triggered. Edit: To be clear, I'm *not* running the beta branch when this happens, and it happens rarely enough that I don't want to update since I have more people on my server (who this happens to as well, actually). This has happened to us on and off since the patch that implemented it.
  4. Can you post a link to the original pictures? Since these get rescaled, and I have no idea what I'm looking at :)
  5. That really does sound like one of your mods is just eating up all your cycles when you have multiple ships. Any mod that could affect that? It's one of the reasons why I made my Hauler mod to only always have 1 ship that's doing the actual work, and the rest are just slaves that carry out 1 order at a time. I also have big issues with loading into the game when I have more than about 3000 or so inventory (turrets, system modules, that sort of stuff). I need to sell/clean out every once in a while to avoid being stuck on Loading.... forever.
  6. You can mirror a copied selection by making a temporary new selection. Put in a long temporary rod, select this as your mirror base, then use X/Y/Z mirroring to paste your selection to it, and it'll be pasted mirrored as well. Then select this new mirrored bit, and delete the lot again :)
  7. There's pretty much no impact from those messages. I'm not sure if I already had the time delays in 0.9.2, but those checks happen at most once every 5 seconds. And when the ship can't find a useable trading route, it'll increase the wait time 5 seconds every time to a max of 60 seconds. The only thing that costs any cycles at all is the initial building of the list, and even that's only minimal. I might put timings around some stuff to see how long it actually takes. As for the client side, if you want people to be able to use the Orders -> Haul Goods command, you're going to have to do that yes. Otherwise it can be fully run on the server side, as long as you add the command to the right permissions group. 0.9.3 also has a change in debugging, where you can set some levels. If you don't want debug messages at all, just change the debug_msg function.
  8. For a *signed* integer :) And why your money is being kept as a signed integer is somewhat odd, since how are you going to have negative money? :o
  9. If you use your steam screenshots, you can just click through to them until you get to the actual picture file, which will look something like this: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/81469096698854985/3974B185860F616E7B761A30A04E612E913F9DF7/ You can just paste that directly into an image link. For the XML, try zipping it before attaching?
  10. Heh. Trigonometry. That's how I built my sphere ships, and you get sides of 1.08, 2.83, etc. The side of a triangle with a 90 degrees corner and 2 45 degrees corners are 2,2,2.83 respectively. If you know side and angles, you can calculate the other sides, and determine what the measurements for blocks should be that are interacting with those triangles.
  11. That's a bug then :) It shouldn't do that.
  12. When you're messing with angles, calculate your sides and put them in manually, instead of relying on the 0.05 size/grid. http://www.mathwarehouse.com/triangle-calculator/online.php
  13. If you mean whether the latest patch solved my issue? No it didn't. Only thing that did was cutting inventory down from 4300 unique items to much less than that. ;D
  14. Nice work. If you use ship:selectedObject you can get the ship/your target :) So you don't have to actually enter your ship, although I guess you'd want to anyway to adjust the crew.
  15. Problem is that that's not how the flight mechanics are coded in the game, so that would cause all sorts of issues :) But yes I agree, we should be able to plop an engine on the front for fast braking.
  16. In Single Player, or if you're admin, it's always possible to destroy ships. WARNING: Make a backup, use at own risk, etc, if you don't know what you're doing! This script will destroy your target, make VERY VERY sure your target is what you want to destroy, since if it's your ship, it'll destroy your ship, if it's a factory, it'll destroy that... Paste that into your chat. Destroy them one by one until they're down to a manageable level. (Yes, you can also destroy them all at once, but I'm not going to put that script out there, and the people that know how to will know what not to do. lol)
  17. Hahaha :) Here's another hint, when you put them inside your ship, they will all look the same, so paint them. Red/Green/Blue so you know what the hell each one is.
  18. would love to know what these group features are erm, infected with what? ore \ good stuff like money ? virus \ nasty stuff that kills crew? what are these and how do they look? do i need to look out for an enemy that isnt a ship? p.s: im a new player Don't worry. When you see them, you'll go "Ooooh! THOSE infected asteroids!"
  19. I'm running the vanilla branch, not beta, since I have a bunch of other people on my server as well.
  20. I'm going to guess your laptop has a weird standard resolution which makes the UI either too stretched or too squished.
  21. That also deleted all my factories :D I need to finetune this somewhat. Time for a restore!
  22. Lots of testing on my side, and I can pretty much confirm that I was unable to load into the game at all with 4300 unique items in my inventory. I ran this script from the console when I was trying to log in: ----- Which removes everything blue and below from your inventory, after which I could log in without issues again. I'm player index 1 on my server (kind of logical...) but that needs to be replaced with whatever number the player is that gets stuck. I've also made a modification to shop.lua and included a "Sell All" button, which will sell all the items on your current page. Because clicking 'sell' 4000 times really isn't much of an option.... Can we check this for people? Also can we poke Koonschi to check on what happens on login with huge inventories.
  23. Adding to that, I'm logging on in an almost empty sector, with only one aluminium mine, and no enemies (unless they spawned in the meantime). The client log shows events happening around me, but my actual game window never shows any game, just Loading.... (And the last log entries don't exist since that's when I killed it)
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