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  1. I'm unsure if this last little update is even functioning still. I am still unable to make the mines interact with me.
  2. The client side stuff actually doesn't do anything either... I installed it for single player use and there no way to interact still.
  3. So... basically the ultimate OP module. Funky.
  4. Gaalidas

    List of mods

    It's really quite sad. The website was pretty nice looking, if a bit hard to browse.
  5. Yeah... nice ships, would love to mess with them myself... but I'm not going to be running an executable file from some some other site, and the chinese site presents an error that, when translated, basically says it doesn't exist.
  6. Looks kinda... squat... but otherwise accurate enough.
  7. It only seems to affect newly generated turrets.
  8. My guess would be that wormhole entrances/exits are sector-level objects and the workhole itself is a galactic entity. In theory there might be a collection containing all the wormholes in the galaxy that one could iterate through to discover any with exit/entrance coords that match up with a central-galactic range. I'm just fishing out ideas here though. You might look at the mod which allows players/admins to add their own wormholes to see if you can reverse engineer that. If an admin is adding wormholes, then surely it's registering them with some collection somewhere. I do remember that wormholes are generated at the sector level, which might mean one would have to iterate through all of the sector data looking for wormholes and then, hopefuly, that entry would contain the data for it's matching wormhole in the target sector. Bleh... now I'm curious and have to go digging though the code.
  9. Gaalidas

    List of mods

    It should be noted that the mod list alternative link isn't returning a valid server.
  10. I would hypothesize that the real question would be related to getting captains to follow you even if their hyperspace range is less than your own OR if they'd been told to stay and you wanted them to make their way towards you from a distant place.
  11. Wouldn't selectedObject be the entity that the player has targeted? Just a thought anyway... or perhaps it's the target from the RTS-view. I always thought a modification of the force gun to instead putt distant loot items towards you so they would be caught in your pull-field would be the way to go. Sorta like a tractor beam. Supposedly a force gun with a negative force rating would do the trick, but I don't think those things affect floating loot so modification would have to be made for its layer mask.
  12. Not very useful you say? That's harsh. I'vce been messing with the textures myself to try and reduce the occasional mis-matching of shape faces during complex building. Removal of the camo is a good step towards that.
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