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Umbral Reaver

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Everything posted by Umbral Reaver

  1. Suggestion: When you use a building knowledge, the tier of your drone's mining lasers improves to match. The drone could look like the new material as well.
  2. Suggestion: An orientable block that emits a stream of smoke particles of size proportional to that of the block's surface. Could be stacked to create denser smoke.
  3. Maybe if you have multiple shield generators with different colours, it slowly cycles through them. :3c
  4. Suggestion: Light blocks, engines, shields and so forth give off effects coloured according to the block's paint (if unpainted, same colour as default for the material).
  5. Suggestion: Implement directional indicators in the Gate UI icons. See Simple Gate Compasses mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2018219527 Posted in suggestions on behalf of Discord user Yinan.
  6. It could help when wanting to repaint select areas of the ship. Additionally, I often paint sections of internals distinct colours from the ship's exterior when working on it.
  7. Separating this suggestion out from my fleet/alliance colours one: An option for block visibility that lets you hide/show blocks by colour.
  8. A proposal for dynamic colour options: You can choose your personal 'Fleet Colours' and an alliance can have its colours set in the same way. Three to four colours would be fine. When you paint a ship, you can choose 'colour 1', 'colour 2' and so on, painting it normally. When you change your fleet colours, any part of your ship painted 'colour 1' changes to your fleet 'colour 1', etc. When a ship joins an alliance, its colours change to those set for the alliance. Any parts painted normally don't change. For example, if you paint the hull of your ship 'C1' and your fleet colour 1 is blue, it paints all those parts blue. If you then go into your fleet colours and change C1 to green, all those blue parts turn green. If you then put the ship in an alliance that has its C1 as red, those parts turn red. If a player downloads it from the workshop and their C1 is purple, those parts turn purple. A useful addition would be to add an extra hide/visibility option that lets you hide or show blocks by colour. (From the Depths already has something like this)
  9. I have discussed this on the Discord a few times before, but apparently never posted it in suggestions! So here it is: SIGNATURE All ships have a signature. This is determined by the mass of the ship and its current energy usage, including flight control, life support and so on. Firing weapons also adds a significant increase to signature even if those weapons aren't energy-based. Your signature determines the distance at which you can be detected. Even idle ships will still be detected at reasonable distance due to their mass and passive systems. Asteroids and non-ship objects are excluded from this mechanic for gameplay reasons. DETECTION By default, all ships can detect other ships at a distance proportional to their signature. Sensor system upgrades can increase this distance. Allied ships share detection. A ship in range to be detected by ship A will also be detected by ship A's ally, ship B, even if ship B is too far for sensors. STEALTH In order to engage in stealth, a ship must have a stealth block. A stealth block is an energy-using block that can be toggled on or off, and generates significant negative signature proportional to the size of the block (with efficiency or effectiveness increases per material rank). Active signature (all systems on) and running quiet signature (all systems off, stealth on) are shown as statistics in the ship menu (in metres). A ship's signature can never be reduced below the current signature of its active weapons (your bullets aren't stealthed). If a ship with a stealth block reduces its signature below zero, it's not only undetectable but actually turns invisible. UI A ship with a stealth block should have a UI element that displays how close other ships are to detecting you. This could be a simple bar that fills the closer they are to detecting your signature or a numeric output saying how many metres you are from their detection range for your current signature.
  10. Mining Rework Beta Windows 10 AMD Phenom II X4 AMD Radeon HD 6800 clientlog_2019-03-01_01-58-43.txt
  11. I had a go at trying to update this to the latest version (with the fancy new mining/salvaging lasers) and it turns out that maybe actual knowledge of lua is required. I thought I could just identify the patterns in where things should fit in the code and just slide it in. :I
  12. Perhaps cloaking would be a tradeoff with shields. Say, while cloaked your shields will be off, making it something for escaping, roaming unseen, or making surprise attacks before boosting away.
  13. Does this mod work on the current version? With gates no longer named for their direction, I am getting turned around more than ever.
  14. This mod no longer works on the current beta. :(
  15. Here's how I imagine it working: The faction creator/leader chooses a palette of 3 or so colours they have access to. All other players in that join the faction are given access to those colours even if they have not picked them up from loot. If that player switches to a different faction, any part of their ships they have painted in the old faction colours will switch to the corresponding new faction colours.
  16. 1 unit in the build menu is 10 metres. 1:1 scale works very nicely for most things.
  17. Having a unified set of turrets is something nice. Being able to have an unlimited number of them might be a bit broken. Why not let us trade in turrets of the same rarity to create duplicates? A station with an interface that goes something like this: Slot 1: Put turret you want to copy here. Slots 2 and 3 (or more): Put other turrets of the same rarity here. When you click on 'Duplicate', all the turrets in slots 2+ are removed and you get a copy of the turret in slot 1 (in addition to getting that turret back).
  18. I am going mad. D: Again I started planning a build, only to be trounced by the absence of this block. D:
  19. Seems like the damage to hull HP should not be multiplied by penetration if the railgun is stopped by armour. Basically, that it only does as much damage to hull as the total damage it does to blocks.
  20. If bigger turrets cost more turret control points, this ceases to be a problem.
  21. I would absolutely love to see an option for larger turrets. I posted about it on the Avorion reddit a while ago. The idea was for larger turrets to be proportionally more powerful than small ones, but take up 2+ turret control points.
  22. I tried making a facsimile of the shape by making ever finer approximations and scaling them down. But using a 100+ block model to approximate a single block doesn't seem that good a plan, and the edge still looked a little ragged.
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