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  1. Why not make every torpedo a Hyperspace Blocker with a cooldown from 10 sec after they are destroyed so people cannot escape and jump away.
  2. hab das selbe Problem gehabt Aus einen Schiff heraus in einen Sektor Wechseln, spawnt in der Drohne, wenn man dann aus dieser Drohne zurück wechselt (in den Herkunftssektor), kann man sein Schiff nicht mehr betreten. Dann hilft nur noch das Schiff abzureissen.
  3. I know dev are busy. But troll really exist, and i know the diffrence for people who critize the game, and a blatant troll. This guy called "Hellatze" trolling every post. Ithis a guy who like to rude in other post. And yet didnt get banned. Of course. You can ignore him, dont blame me if sales went down because of this guy. that was your second post in the forum now you are salty and annoying think for yourself
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