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Everything posted by imeryak

  1. Found a solution - a Player():updateKnownSector() function is needed to update the client.
  2. I'm trying to make a mod, which will add trader post most expensive goods to a galaxy map, so i can find them later through a search box. Ended up with following code, attached to a server Player(): function sectorEntered(palyerIndex, x, y) local sector = Sector() --get current sector local tradePosts = {sector:getEntitiesByScript("entity/merchants/tradingpost.lua")} --get all trade posts in sector --if there are none skip if #tradePosts > 0 then local view = Galaxy():findPlayer(palyerIndex):getKnownSector(x, y) local noteText for _, tradePost in pairs(tradePosts) do -- local sellable = {} local buyable = {} --get all goods sold by station TradingUtility.getBuyableAndSellableGoods(tradePost, sellable, buyable) --full station name noteText = string.format("%s - %s", tradePost.title, tradePost.name) --sorting by price, most expensive first table.sort(buyable, function(a, b) return a.price > b.price end) --get NUM first for i = 1, NUM do noteText = string.format("%s\n%s",noteText,buyable[i].good.name); end view.note = NamedFormat(noteText, {}) --not working, sector notes are empty print(view.note.text) --working, print what i want in console end end print("OK!") end The problem is notes won't show on a map, but show in console just fine. Not sure where is issue here, can someone explain?
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