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Everything posted by Valiance

  1. I never got this to work. Project fail.
  2. Hold a Real life contest where Players can submit Storyline or Mission script Content to better allow players to work with the dev team, thus reducing the load on the devs and increasing the interaction between players and devs.
  3. Have some mission/missions be specific to only that faction. This gives more depth and story line to the game.
  4. Have the NPC Faction traits not be totally random, but rather interdependent on other existing traits/faction relationships/events completed by the player.
  5. Have a headshot or graphic that represents each faction.
  6. Having the faction traits be slower to reveal themselves. This gives the appearance that the traits grow and progress for the Player.
  7. Having the faction traits be slower to reveal themselves. This gives the appearance that the traits grow and progress for the Player. Additionally, have the traits not be totally random, but rather interdependent on other existing traits/faction relationships/events completed by the player.
  8. I was going to post the same idea, having spotlights that show back on the station, or ship.
  9. Same, I have the dedicated server running Ubuntu 22.04 - fresh install. I cannot see the game on my Win10 PC. These two boxes are currently on the LAN. However, I have outside connections I want to make. Also, I cannot seem to find how to include a password on the dedicated server. I have been over the provided reference material, and not finding a working solution.
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