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  1. I changed both the pirateattack.lua and alienattack.lua events. What happens now is once the event starts and creates ships bandit factions(pirates), xsotan, etc. will have -200k reputation with each other. I'm pretty sure this fixes the scenario you're describing. Just download the ArmedStation.zip and extract inside the Avorion game directory. ;) eventchanges.zip
  2. Are you sure that there's an AI faction allied with the Xsotan? When the alien attack event takes place all factions in the current sector are set to -200k reputation.
  3. Yep, easy to solve by modifying the sellobject.lua script. Change this line of code local reputation = lerp(relations, -100000, 100000, 15000, 1000) Here's an example that only populates the sell table/list with factions that have at least 1,000 reputation with the player faction. function getFactions() local ownFaction = Faction(Entity().factionIndex) local factions = {} local x, y = Sector():getCoordinates() local offsets = { {x = 0, y = 0}, {x = -8, y = 0}, {x = 8, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = -8}, {x = 0, y = 8} } for _, offset in pairs(offsets) do local faction = Galaxy():getNearestFaction(x + offset.x, y + offset.y) local relations = ownFaction:getRelations(faction.index) local price = lerp(relations, -100000, 100000, 500, 40000) local reputation = lerp(relations, -100000, 100000, 100, 500) --- mod change 100 and 500 for lower/higher reputation value scale price = price * Balancing_GetSectorRichnessFactor(x, y) if relations >= 1000 then factions[faction.index] = {index = faction.index, price = price, reputation = reputation}end --mod only factions with 1k reputation will show up in table end return factions end
  4. Well I noticed in some new galaxy spawns the player is spawned in a sector near multiple hostile factions and their default 'allied' faction didnt attack enemy ships to the player. I updated the code and everything seems to be working now.
  5. I was in the middle of a battle against Xsotan and a group of pirates, when a faction war happened and two fleets warped in. Shortly after about 5 minutes or so of fighting the game crashed. I cant load the save file anymore which isn't a problem but kind of strange that it happened. EDIT:I was not lagging, but I did notice that the sound stopped working for some of the enemies turrets. Log file w/ -t all: http://pastebin.com/nur3Chf5 Gamesave: http://www.filedropper.com/defaultgalaxy
  6. h0yer does your ship have pyramid shapes? I kept crashing in build mode after building a giant pyramid with corner blocks.
  7. You can access variables attached to gameObjects in most game engines by doing something like gameObject.var, so try local velocity = gameObject.velocity or local velocity = gameObject.speed. I'm not very familiar with LUA scripting so it might not be correct.
  8. Well, you can run the script in game using the console(`) and typing /run. You could also run the script by calling it from another lua script the game uses like sector events, etc. I normally run my scripts through Avorion\data\scripts\server\server.lua ;D
  9. ----------------------------
  10. ------------------------
  11. You can do that by editing Avorion\data\scripts\lib\sectornamegenerator.lua just modify the arrays.
  12. Well, I think I finally have something that works. I'm not sure how many players are interested but I will provide the code below. All you have to do is Copy+paste the code to the factions.lua script, which is located in data\scripts\server. You can still gain reputation by fighting pirates, or participating in faction wars but it will be much harder to gain reputation. I'm also including an optional modification to SectorGenerator.lua that places turrets on most stations, as I was tired of pirates destroying stations with no resistance. Combined with the mod below it makes rushing to the center much harder. Code: Find the comment line '-- make sure the player has an early ally' and paste it below 'player:setValue("start_ally", faction.index)' -- mod make sure the player has plenty of enemies---------------------------------------------------------- for i = -499, 999 do local x = i local y = i delta = math.random(75000,1000) --min/max values for reputation decrease local homeSectorFaction = Galaxy():getNearestFaction(home.x, home.y) -- starting allied faction local getFaction = Galaxy():getNearestFaction(x, y) -- faction that should hate players and their starting ally local relation = player:getRelations(getFaction.index) if relation == 0 then Galaxy():setFactionRelations(getFaction, player, -delta) -- makes factions hate the player Galaxy():setFactionRelations(getFaction, homeSectorFaction, -delta) -- makes factions hate our starting ally end --mod make everyone hate pirates local pirates = Galaxy():getPirateFaction(x, y) Galaxy():setFactionRelations(pirates, getFaction, -200000) -- everyone hates pirates Galaxy():setFactionRelations(pirates, player, -200000) -- everyone hates pirates end Optional Mod: Armed Space Stations(SectorGenerator.zip) Desc:Lightly arms all space stations with turrets based on sector turret level. Equipment Docks and Military Outposts are heavily armed. ArmedStations.zip
  13. What if the turret creation system worked similar to Planet Explorers(horrible game) weapon creation system? Here's a video it allows you to do it "block-by-block" but requires you to place prefabs like barrels, grips, etc. to be functional.
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