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  1. Game experience become boring when our resources gained more and more quickly, and what's more player's fleet become more and more unbeatenable. To stretch players' fun time, and for some performance issues many games choosed to be harder to gather, enforced AI enemies roughly, or simply let all the economy numbers harder for players to survive. Combine with the existing system now of Avorion and what I know (maybe quite little but play a lot times experience), and think through the dev's 2 dlc ideas, I saw a possiblity. Here is my idea about this new "DLC" : 1. The Second Galaxy War. (New global event) When player have beaten the Xstans' wormhole mothership, we can set a timer to trigger this event. This will not a single boss event, but a whole disaster in a fixed range from the center of galaxy. What it means shutdown the server for a while, re-generate the galaxy center, reform it to a new dimension of Xstan invader Empire. We will have new dlc about enter the rift right? Story is, the Xstan's new invasion, made the whole center into the Grand Rift. And they are going to annihilate all the factions in the universe ! Now the NPC friendly sector will request urgent assist and have a time limit to save them, or they will be devoured by the growing Grand Rift ! Players will confront stronger enemy's ships, no way to gather better material to build invincible fleets back, only allies and what player have the numbers of resources that stored before the great war. When players struggled on the front line, hardly prevent the rift from growing, other players can form an elite fleet, into the rift, gather better resources, find the hidden Xstan comanders, eliminate them and destroy their alien devices that build the rifts, get the sectors back! In this global disaster events, players will always have the lower tier of materials than the Xstan has, so we can only use more numbers of ships to fight, like a normal AI faction. To make it comfortable, RTS mode is very important, and an economy flow from players industries are the same. So lets' see the next "update". 2. New ship equipment and turret Production Machanics. To make the equipments from what it is now to a production of military supply, We will have player turret factory and equipment dock changed: New Player Turret Factory productions: when player-build Turret Factory is built, it will take a blueprint to continue. Building turrets wont cost credits but components, when all settings are done, the factory will auto product this turret within production cycle, until the player inventory full or meets the production limit number or insuffcient components. As the same, Equipment dock will function just like the Turret Factory, consume components and auto product several selected ship systems. This only affact the players owned dock and factory, AI faction's remain the old mech. 3. New Ship building selection. (Shipyard builds player-saved ship blueprints with setup) Now the ship that with systems, turrets. Can be saved as blueprint items(generate from the building-mode). This item will be required when player goto a shipyard for building a fancy new battleship. Shipyard will trigger a timer to build the whole ship like before, and player will consume all the turrets and systems needed for that ship immediately, just waiting for your new ship, with all the things setup, with crews and captian! Thus, player wont be annoyed again and again, to into system tab, setup everything, building mode, place all the turrets, set the turret skin... 4. If there's spare force to code. dev. Please implements the fleet formation system. Let players' ship form in battle line, click to move one followed after one, V shape, horizonal row shipe, square formation or anything else! Also, let the AI use formations as well! The End.
  2. ur right about singleplayer server although, in dedicated servers just about more than 6 people (I used to play on) do have a serious performance problem. Even the ai ships command attack the enemy is freezed. I think the dev is trying to make it a larger server? Anyway, here's the dev said on wiki roadmap page: Last update: November 2020. Developer Note: "For the future, we want to make sure to not spread our efforts too thin, since we're a small team. We've added so many systems where we're only scratching the surface, and that makes the game feel unfinished. We want to implement our own vision of the game, and to do that, we'll have to stick to what we're good at. That means fleshing out some systems that work really well in the game, but at the same time, it means reducing, maybe even removing some systems that we think don't work well. In general, we want to go towards less micro-management intensive, finicky gameplay and more towards macro decisions & commands." Loop commands must be the one that dev already reduced.Sad.
  3. I think I have a better acceptance opinion with this new update, I do love loop commands back to older version yes, but I do know it is a huge performance issue related with these command scripts running background. Compared to a roll back version of loop command I rather like an implemented fleet formation command. Hates my ships wraping in a sector and begin to engage enemies like Somalian pirates swarm upside-down all the time like these[🙃🙂🤣🙃🤪] and when using escorts they still do friendly attacks with each other sometimes, or say friendly targeting.Buggy.🙃 Oh, pirates do have a formation I guess.🙃🤣
  4. You can hide all the thrusters inside the ship hull deeper than the flame effects, nothing will blink your eyes XD. anyway, I dont really notice this display problem, looks weird. Thrusters doing well on my laptop. Tested just now. I do think it is a low-end graphic card issue, or did you tried update the graphic card driver?
  5. 1.About the docking block,see pictures below 🙂 if the docking check box smaller or configurable to fit this block shape, we can get a better docking ships feature. 2.we have hotkeys to disable/enable weapon groups, how about adding hotkey bindings to weapon group controls? ie.we can use keyboard to do weapon group state changes, to make auto groups attack my target instead of click the icon below.
  6. Hi Im Kizuna. Start to deal with this Chinese Traditional community translation since early 2017. I am doing the work all alone from the community translation begun.Large numbers of new entries popped up this year (about 2000+ new) and this quite a large burden for me to ensure quality. I found a few people do go to translate.avorion.net to sign up new or correct my translation, but I dont have any way to contact or thank their help and support.Worse is, I realized that they might think there's no one is approving their waiting translation or, no one is answering about this stuff. Still I am on checking the translate site sporadically,not that much but still working on the CHT localization, in a slow speed. 以下我用中文說吧,我是絆,羈絆的絆。自從2017年Avorion剛上steam時就在弄這個遊戲的漢化了,一開始只是為了勸誘(誤)朋友來玩才搞了個個人中文,而且起初的3000多詞條是一個台灣朋友肝三天來的。我作為校對幾乎重新調整過之後,朋友讓我和官方聯繫來試圖把這個文本官方化。但當時有個貼吧的漢化已經在製作,並且他們也同一個時期聯繫了官方,於是為了不和對方產生矛盾,我主動將文本改回繁體并改動詞語使用習慣接近港台朋友。在這裡要感謝我認識網友里的台灣朋友幫助。 我未曾想到官方會給予我審核社區繁中漢化的權限,但既然接了這個差就應該做到底。一直以來我都是自己翻新的詞條進行上傳,直到最近一年隨著更新內容的增加,詞條數量爆炸性增長了(大概2000個以上,最初總數是3700+現在6600+),而且絕大多數是長句而非界面按鈕上的單個詞彙。雖然爆肝幾天也能弄完,但就和最初版本那樣,校對會花海量的時間和精力。但這兩年翻譯的時候其實是脫離遊戲的(我好久沒玩了),所以也出現了很多語境錯誤。我有注意到最近有朋友在translate.avorion.net上提交新的翻譯文本,因為我不定期上線檢查的緣故,晚了半個月之久。 我意識到大家可能以為我也咕咕咕了,所以翻譯文本都不再提交也是有可能的,所以在這裡詐個尸告訴大家我還活著。 如果你對翻譯Avorion這個遊戲感興趣,同時也看到了這個帖子,請尝试联系我或者直接提交到官網翻譯網站。因為官方沒有提供更加便捷的聯絡方式,我只能在這裡向各位道謝。 感謝最近這個月提交數據的Haduoduo 感謝其他我沒法在translate.avorion.net查到註冊名的玩家 雖然今後我仍然會繼續自己翻譯這個遊戲的詞條,但由於沒在玩遊戲,進度會很慢。(我的英文並沒有那麼好,只是大陸大學6級裸過的家裡蹲程度而已,並不是專業的翻譯)想快點看到100%漢化的話請來幫忙吧!如果有人願意接這個攤子也可以和官方聯繫取得審核資格。在沒人接班前我會一直做下去。 (順便吐槽一下,新出的那一堆NPC推銷台詞好煩吶!同樣意思不同句子、劇情裡的詞條改了又改,同樣的東西翻譯了四遍每次換個標點符號都要重新校對也好煩吶!還有官方一開始負責聯絡接收原文修改意見的那個郵箱君也咕咕咕了吶。)
  7. Yeah have this bug too on my own dedicated server. Fighters remained in the ship hangar before the crash, and this bug seems accured randomly. Not all carriers lost its fighters, This bug indicate to some carriers losing all the squads setting after a server restart. Crash info in my server: ... 2018-02-28 01-41-14| Thread 137 Error: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION 2018-02-28 01-41-14| Sectors Total: 1458 2018-02-28 01-41-14| Players Online: 6 2018-02-28 01-41-14| Players In Memory: 8 2018-02-28 01-41-14| Sectors Loaded: 24 2018-02-28 01-41-14| Script Memory: 565.3MB 2018-02-28 01-41-14| Used Global Memory: 16.35GB 2018-02-28 01-41-14| Factions In Memory: 16 2018-02-28 01-41-14| Used Memory: 3.04GB 2018-02-28 01-41-14| [1] RaiseException 140719602883576 2018-02-28 01-41-14| [2] CreateVProfile 1939248945 2018-02-28 01-41-14| [3] RtlCaptureContext 140719646756563 2018-02-28 01-41-14| [4] CValidator::BMemLeaks 1939149719 2018-02-28 01-41-14| [5] CatchAndWriteMiniDumpForVoidPtrFn 1939154096 2018-02-28 01-41-14| [6] CThread::ThreadProc 1939173095 2018-02-28 01-41-14| [7] BaseThreadInitThunk 140719638845101 2018-02-28 01-41-14| Please fix this.
  8. Any news about this update? Been long when this posted. ::)
  9. Every 30 seconds with a probability of 50% (so effectively every minute) 1-6 of one random good gets removed from the station in loaded sectors. It is defined in /scripts/lib/tradingmanager.lua function TradingManager:useUpBoughtGoods(timeStep) if not self.useUpGoodsEnabled then return end self.useTimeCounter = self.useTimeCounter + timeStep if self.useTimeCounter > 5 then self.useTimeCounter = 0 if math.random () < 0.5 then local amount = math.random(1, 6) local good = self.boughtGoods[math.random(1, #self.boughtGoods)] if good ~= nil then self:decreaseGoods(good.name, amount) end end end end The OOSP mod has -for a few versions already- the ability to simulate this behavior in not loaded sectors Im not a programmer or a moddler now but I think if there is a way to do this discount function once *****when player entered the selected sector***** will greatly increase game performance. have all activated sectors' factories checked every 30secs will of course costs a lot. The OOSP mod used to lag my dedicated server seriously. I dont think 30secs is a good idea. If there is no way to mod that I believe in Koonschi will do something on it.
  10. Think about two coop situations: #1:Fly a specific fighter as leader, taking control of a fighter squad on your friend's carrier ship... a. Able to pilot a single fighter with fighter control mechanism. b.Fighter squad orders or tactics AI easy to use by the squad leader. c.Docking mechanism between different players' ships.(A dock button with auto dock is enough #2:Flies a flagship with larger hangar, that fits a gunship or light frigate as patrol ship or miner or whatever. The other player can fly it away when you are still on the bigger ship. a.Docking mechanism between different players' ships.(same with above b.Hangar blocks volume calculation for holding smaller player ships. c.Merging ships with merge block?(let players make twin ships just like the AI do oh... By the way, please make hotkeys for switching the auto-turrets fire mode. We now have to click the icons below the screen every time after entered a new sector.
  11. Very detailed explanation of current progress.Thank you. You are doing a better job than those devs who said,"fixed many mysterious bugs" ;)
  12. I have tried the file-upload.net link to download myself, sure the link is weird and had a lot of ads. Maybe I should try another way please check this post tomorrow. Comments are always welcome.
  13. Thank you for your advice, Google drive is down from my side because of local network restrictions. I will try other way today, but not promise. The curved shape is easy if you know how to use the triangles until you successfully made a ball. In fact this ships are all formed with similar components predefined, before I start to construct a whole "ship tiles". A ball is useful for cutting and reshape it - for curved outer armor and ellipsoid structure. It is a component that I considered. Other components like a single engine, ship bridge, complex weapon basement, hangar bays ... etc. Make the components first,save them to the space menu slots before your ship work, is quite helpful to form up a more complex ship model. There are many more creations on the steam screenshots page better than mine, but I realized they can't be download to play with.My ship is there for a month and sank then a guy leave comment said he want xmls, so here I am. I think the steam workshop won't be soon available for Avorion. Besides I'm expected more about game experiences update now.I will try more to solve this sharing problems from my side.
  14. Image links all set to steam cloud.They should work now. :'(
  15. So do I need to change an image post site or not? The guy up there said they are broken anyway. Oh...and thank you. I am fixing the broken image.
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