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Everything posted by Tchey

  1. What about having "waves" of updates. Maybe 6 weeks with 1 update each week, then 6 weeks "off" to bring a bigger update, or something like that.
  2. Always a little frustrating when a game is not getting quick updates when on Early Access. Always a little releasing when the devs are well active and communicative. Always my pleasure to read about game development process and what's going on when where how and all.
  3. Yes to all. I mostly want to build weapons the shape i want tem to be. Slim super long laser, builky massive double-barrel cannon, agile fast turning amti-missiles machine gun, and so on. I want to be able to adjust shape, color, effect, stats, according to my ships and needs. Just look at Starmade, or Sky Wanderers, or From the Depth, and for me it seems obvious they do weapons better than Avorion. Avorion basically only needs this and some rotating parts to be as good. And "human sctale" with interior, walking, planets... but well, can't have all. If we "only" have this Freenlancer-Starmade-XUniverse feeling, then it's fine.
  4. I'd like to have the need for cargo far everything ingame, too. To build a new ship or a bigger one, i'd have a cargo crate i can detach from my ship, just like a truck can remove its charge, or a train detach a wagon, without losing its ability to "exist". And if i die, i die. It would give Stations a better meaning, and player's base(s) too, obviously.
  5. You should change the title to be more specific ("More than 15000 blocks = crash" for example), and post this to Bug or Feedback. It's fine to warn the players, it's even better to let the devs now about the issue so they can fix it.
  6. Can we close this topic ? It's confusing to have more than one "update topic" at once.
  7. Yeah well, hopefully it's not an accurate simulation, because i'm not sure i will have much fun flying several months IRL to reach anoher sector...
  8. I like the patch, even if i didn't tried it yet, but mostly, i like your feedback on our keedbacks, Koonshi. I registered in may 2016, and i think you are doing a great work with the communication so far.
  9. I agree with this. Make engine one direction only, scale push power with volume, let the player rotate the block at will, and done.
  10. More than that, i'd like a "dig" tool too. To build ships, i like to make a shape, then arrange it. With games with lots of smalls blocks (Starmade, From the Depth, Minecraft...) it's quite easy, but because Avorion uses another building concept, it makes many changes tedious (but also some easier constructions too with the stetching tool). From the Creation part of the forum, the Cyclop : http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1351.0.html http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/159151765544069084/971BCF10BE9CE89783AB51FEBEF7DBE5F309BD19/ From the firt model on the left, it would be awesome to cut the edges, angles, to then have a smoother shape. Maybe not to reach the last model to the right, but at least to "adjust" parts without having to redo all.
  11. Agreed It was asked a few times before, several month ago, i hope it's on the Todo list.
  12. Hello, I know it's spaaace, but still. May space games have a fake horizon line, and a north, so you can easily align your ship when you get "lost". The map is already flat (like X3Terran Conflict), not 3D (like Starmade). So we may already have a "north", which is different from "the center of the galaxy". The "north" could be reset at will. For example to a station, so then you could align your ship with the station, and make a proper docking. Also to align your ships together and keep formation, in Solo as well as in multiplayer.
  13. It's not old at all. It's what its name says : a simple yet powerful machine. It's very mod friendly, has a great community, and it does the job well. It's actually one of my favorite engine, as a user and as an admin (i had a few small private forums based on SMF over the last decade). I like this brut, plain, simple, direct approach much more.
  14. Yes me also, however a simple mod could do it. For example : http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1197
  15. Gentle bump. Anyone has any comment about it ?
  16. I love your glass™ story.
  17. Maybe add a filter to show roids / wreckages / all ?
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