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Everything posted by Laserzwei

  1. I will choose a more reliable way of determining civil ships in the next update. To all the server-owners, where this mod crashes: I can't set up a server that is visible to the internet, due to my ISP. Hence I can't test possible fixes. I would be grateful, if you could me help out here. Send me a privvate message and I walk you through of what specifcally is required
  2. Gilt das für alle zivilien Schiffe? Oder nur manche? Z.B. Waffenhändler, Equipmenthändler, Frachter oder andere?
  3. in /data/scripts/systems/ arbitrarytcs.lua civiltcs.lua militarytcs.lua teleporterkey<X>.lua the function: function getNumTurrets(seed, rarity) returns the amount of turret-slots added
  4. Wrong, who started the topic? I'm still waiting for you Waiting 5 posts for that already. Order it as you please Finally something to discuss. Wrong assumption though. I've never excluded it from the game, getting a mod is just faster. That is, If you can find a modder. I'm not going to mod for such a stubborn person. From there it's much easier to tweak it in cooperation with the modder, than it could ever be via the gamedev. The final mod can be integrated into the vanilla game, if the gamedev likes it. If not, you still have the mod. win-win
  5. That is exactly what I thought about your very first response. I sadly couldn't find any substance in it... Maybe you didn't elaborate them enough. Maybe they hold less value for the game, than you're currently convinced? There is a lot to be spoken about and I'm open to find out, are you? I like the general idea of increasing the amount of gameplay in Avorion. If you've read my 1st response you must have noticed that. Yes. Arguing is the process of understanding someones point of view. Nothing to be afraid of Tuning your aggressive tone down will likely help though
  6. Ask yourself: Did this answer help support the points you brought up in the first post? I gave my opinion about your ideas and explained which and why I like/dislike them. Now you're offended, but I don't care. So anything productive you want to add here?
  7. Could be easily done with a mod, balancing would literally be the hardest part. Not currently moddable (only the boost part is, the rest would require changes from the dev). But I like the general idea of different highly specialised Crews. All Asteroid-field sectors actually regenerate some asteroids already. I don't think the worshipers need more detail atm. Giving the player a god module, especially with 5) would absolutely break any attempt for any kind of balancing. More Dps/HP =/= more fun (not even in pvp. Especially not, if your opponent gets them first!) So you say you want better/best upgrades/turrets (that is what 1,2,5,6,8 can be summed up to) and then you complain here (7) that the game is too "easy" to beat. Right after that you want to nerf every aspect of the current gameplay into a hellish grind. Avorion is already very grindy for new players and especially at the start. Your proposed changes would keep lots of players away from Avorion. Therefore I have to disagree with your improper "balancing" proposals. There are the "Bigger is Better" mods that can give you harder enemies, if you're after that. But don't force your playstyle onto others. Generally you seem to have two metas here: - "make everything harder to obtain, but give (inbalanced) rewards for it" - "pull players away from the core" I'm against the 1st and already stated why. For the 2nd I have to state that the game already has a clear direction: From Edge -> Core. This is literally the main plot of the game. And that plot actually includes traveling away from the core back into the Edge and then back into the core. The only improvement I can see here is putting interesting sectors along that path. Also you seem to be worried about missing content after beating the Guardian? Well the official roadmap has you covered.
  8. Well on twitter Koonschi posted these patchnotes: http://steamcommunity.com/games/445220/announcements/detail/2732995878613284518
  9. So dispite (accidentally?) having the 0.16.3 patch notes posted here, there is some cool new stuff: Usable/consumable Items An hiding from Persecutor-structure/ship/satellite called "energy suppressor" An utility Merchant selling above probably some more that I missed while looking through the files
  10. Create 2 new files: /scripts/commands/torpedo.lua /scripts/player/torpedo.lua /scripts/commands/torpedo.lua : package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua" package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/player/?.lua" function execute(sender, commandName, warhead) local ship = Player(sender).craft ship:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/player/torpedo.lua") ship:invokeFunction("data/scripts/player/torpedo.lua", "start", sender, commandName, warhead) return 0, "", "" end function getDescription() return "/torpedo [type]" end function getHelp() return "soo many torpedos" end /scripts/player/torpedo.lua : package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua" local torps = { Nuclear = 1, Neutron = 2, Fusion = 3, Tandem = 4, Kinetic = 5, Ion = 6, Plasma = 7, Sabot = 8, EMP = 9, AntiMatter = 10, } function initialize() end function start(sender, commandName, warhead) if not torps[warhead] then warhead = "Nuclear" end local ship = Player(sender).craft local TorpedoGenerator = require("torpedogenerator") local x, y = Sector():getCoordinates() local torpedo = TorpedoGenerator.generate(0, 0, nil, nil, torps[warhead]) --stats ---general properties torpedo.rarity = Rarity(RarityType.Legendary) torpedo.tech = torpedo.tech torpedo.size = torpedo.size -- body properties torpedo.durability = torpedo.durability torpedo.turningSpeed = torpedo.turningSpeed torpedo.maxVelocity = torpedo.maxVelocity torpedo.reach = torpedo.reach -- warhead properties torpedo.shieldDamage = torpedo.shieldDamage torpedo.hullDamage = torpedo.hullDamage * 100 torpedo.shieldPenetration = torpedo.shieldPenetration --[true or false] torpedo.shieldDeactivation = torpedo.shieldDeactivation --[true or false] torpedo.shieldAndHullDamage = torpedo.shieldAndHullDamage --[true or false] torpedo.energyDrain = torpedo.energyDrain --[true or false] torpedo.storageEnergyDrain = torpedo.storageEnergyDrain torpedo.damageType = DamageType.Physical torpedo.acceleration = torpedo.acceleration -- reach max velocity after 10km of travelled way if warhead.damageVelocityFactor then -- scale to normal dps damage dependent on maxVelocity torpedo.damageVelocityFactor = torpedo.damageVelocityFactor torpedo.maxVelocity = torpedo.maxVelocity torpedo.hullDamage = 0 end -- torpedo visuals torpedo.numShockwaves = 1 torpedo.shockwaveSize = 60 torpedo.shockwaveDuration = 0.6 torpedo.shockwaveColor = ColorRGB(0.9, 0.6, 0.3) -- torpedo.shockwaveColor = ColorRGB(0.1, 0.3, 1.2) -- this looks cool :) torpedo.explosionSize = 6 torpedo.flashSize = 25 torpedo.flashDuration = 1 -- see /lib/torpedogenerator.lua for more local launcher = TorpedoLauncher() if launcher == nil then return end local shafts = {launcher:getShafts()} for _, shaft in pairs(shafts) do for i = 1, launcher:getMaxTorpedoes(shaft) do launcher:addTorpedo(torpedo, shaft) end end --torpedo storage --[[for j = 1, 50 do launcher:addTorpedo(torpedo) end]] terminate() end Ingame type enjoy
  11. You can't mod an Avorion turret on Iron blocks, but you can modify turrets to be made out of Iron that is hard coded. The material has to be changed in GenerateTurretTemplate. Prettyy much anything related to Materials is not moddable. Nearly all the things within sectors are of the entity-type. To change the ownership of an entity to a player, you can use entity.factionIndex = Player().index
  12. I made a video showing the "The production line you chose doesn't exist. " error and that its occurence is relatively random. Which is caused by the way lua handles iterators. I used the Oxygen-Hydrogen-Nitrogen Gas Collector as it seems to be especially likely to cause this error (others are likely to be affected as well. Typically multi-output üroductions are affected). The video is pretty boring though. Headphone users tune down volume, some bad noises sneaked in. As you can see reloading "fixes" this bug for some ships at a time. This is not consistent in when or which ship can create the gas Collector. Now this bug is not new to 0.16, it is here since at least 0.13, but even more likely since the steam-release or earlier. I tried to find the scource of the bug, I found a solution pretty fast, but I still didn't get how the bug actually occurs. So I will start with a summery of where and what goes wrong. Then I will present an un-invasive fix. The cause lies within When iterating through productionsByGood in the selection of the possibleProductions (line 340-346) it seems as if the wrong production-index combination can get chosen (Oxygen, 2, for the above shown gas collector). Which is not present in productionsByGood . This wrong combination gets saved on the client-side and is send to the server in the foundFactory(goodName, productionIndex) function, where in line 486 production becomes nil, due to the wrong parameters transferred and the error gets thrown. My Solution: It is based around the fact that productionsByGood is already holding all the productions, sorted by their respective resultName. line 333: Instead of the wildcard we save the Goodname, which happens to be the key of productionsByGood for k, productions in pairs(productionsByGood) line 340: Instead of using the first result we could grab, we use the good that actually is indexed in productionsByGood local result = goods[k] line 345: since this goodName would not be available outside of the loop we save it for later use: table.insert(possibleProductions, {production=production, index=index, goodName = k}) line 377: Now we need to unpack our additional information: local result = goods[p.goodName] Edit: added boring disclaimer
  13. There were no crashes visible, so they weren't helpful Are you guys playing on the same server? I've set up my own dedicated server with only shipScriptLoader and CarrierCommand installed.Created 3 Carriers loaded with 60 attack and 60 salvage fighters each. One Carrier being an alliance ship. I would then crank up the event-rate and amount of enemies spawned and enjoyed the firework as my fighters did their work. Inbetween battles I turned some salvagers off and on, sometimes kept them all going, sometimes only 1 carrier. I changed all settings. But never ever did a crash (neither client nor server sided) occur. tested in 0.16.2 with CC 0.10
  14. First and foremost get familiar with lua and the modding API in /Avorion/documentation. Also look at the games script files in /data/scripts/* In short: There sure are! longer: The easiest approach might be using workshop ships (get the permission of the Authors beforehand!) and use LoadPlanFromFile(string file) (See the API's function section for further research) If you want to improve the procedural generation of the ingame ships, it gets dirty really quick: The following API's are a must have - BlockPlan - BlockPlanBlock - vec2 - vec3 (is much more important than vec2) - Matrix - Random - Seed - Sector - Entity - PlanBspTree (never used it myself, but would be useful) Additionally fundamental knowledge of Analysis-math. (up to 3rd. dim. a must, 4th. dim. for rotation, scaling, etc...) scripts to look at: /scripts/lib/ - asyncpirategenerator.lua - asyncshipgenerator.lua - plangenerator.lua - shipgenerator.lua - stationextensions.lua and how to use them: - entitydbg.lua - SectorGenerator.lua - galaxy.lua - pirategenerator.lua - shiputility.lua always have: - utility.lua And now comes the actual hard part: Making your ships look good and have them working at the same time. And all of it just by starting with: math.randomseed(seed) I tried a little bit of it myselft a while back, but ultimately decided to work on other projects
  15. Is very useful, but the rest of the overlay is ... distracting I used local resource = wreckage:getMineableResources() and it returns a list of resources. In this specific example it would return {3, 1,275,966}, but since I only put it in single variable it would read out as just 3 (Iron), which lead me to the wrong conclusion that the 1,2M Avorion wreckage was not part of the entity-list. So all in all I derped hard and sectors do work as intended
  16. While testing my Carrier command mod's salvagers, I got a wreckage which is not registered in the Sector's entity list: It was a station and through fighter-salvaging it broke apart, leaving lots of other wreckages and this particular one. I tried finding it via: local sector = Sector() sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Wreckage) sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.None) sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Ship) sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Station) sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Asteroid) sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Anomaly) sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Unknown) sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Other) sector:getEntitiesByComponent(ComponentType.MineableMaterial) sector:getEntities() and see for every entity:getMineableResources() None of these returned an entity with an approximate amount of Avorion. The wreckage can be target and attacked manually and will yield resources, break further apart in proper entities, but will always leave an unregistered entity(=smaller wreckage) Whole save: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19a7RhypM1H8-v--qMX3ba2Kcto9Xx37q Sector: 0:-1 The existance of this half-functioning wreckage seems to point at a broken registering mechanic in sectors. So I thought you might want to have a deeper look at it :)
  17. Wrong topic look here: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4594.0.html
  18. Das grenzt es schonmsl ein. In dem Ordner wo die galaxy gespeichert ist sind auch die server logs (%appdata%/roaming/Avorion/galaxies)
  19. 1) Carrier command 0.10.0 with Avorion 0.16.1, I guess? 2) You say it crashed, when you activated, deactivated or while being used? 3) Was it on the ship you were personally (or a player reporting it) flying, or some different ship of your fleet? 4) Are there any Carriers working in sectors without playyers? Any crash-log?
  20. Then most likely shp-script-loader is not installed (properly) on the server side. Carrier command has to be installed on the server side as well
  21. Do you guys have some crash log? Some specific thing you did before the crash occured? To try and fix it I could use some point of reference to start from
  22. CC-0.9.0 is for 0.15 and CC-0.10.0 is for 0.16 However: Never should a mod cause a server-crash. The functions defined in the API don't allow for such low-level access. If such a hard-crash happens it is always unexpected/-documented behaviour of that function. I, as a mod developer, can neither change nor improve or fix these functions. The only thing I can do, is not using them and trying to find a combination of others to keep the general functionality woking. Therefore it is of great importance to figure out which exact function, under which circumstances, causes the crash and report it to Koonschi (the gamedev). Ps: Es gibt rechts über jedem post einen "insert Quote" button, mit dem man diesen post inklusive formatierung zitieren kann
  23. I guess you use carrierCommand 0.9 for 0.15? try changing line 320 to: if aggressiveCommand.checkEnemy(entity) and valid(aggressiveCommand.enemyTarget) then After this, CC Freezes our Server if we call back our Fighters. This is bad, really bad. I couldn't recreate the issue yet. Any more specific infos on how to recreate it?
  24. updated to version 0.10.0, for beta 0.16 --0.10.0 - Added GreatWhiteKong's/Cwhizard's Nearest-Neighbor-targeting implementation, which can be turned on in the ingame-config menu - Salvagers now actively look for new wreckages, hopefully being more reliant in player-less sectors, by Hammelpilaw - Xsotan fighters should now be properly targeted - The no Hangar message will now appear, as intented
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