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Everything posted by LoSboccacc

  1. it also seems that slow downs on one sector (generation, battles) affects every other player on the server independently whether they're close or far from the action, but in the meanwhile the server load is very low - all points to some big universe wide synchronization lock happening on the server that impacts all sector threads.
  2. Do you have acces to the squadron menu from code? It'd be useful to have each squadron have it's settings wheter to mine, salvage or idle
  3. I do think energy consumption flats out at some point
  4. would it be possible to add some energy efficiency lines for energy consuming weapons? like dps/energy at max power draw?
  5. what do you mean by not backward compatible? does it need a galaxy reset? also, does this fix the sector load time issue with the colliders?
  6. not saying this is not the case but you need to compare the stat with a full crew in also I agree placing thousand little thruster is not really enjoyable, especially after they lock up your ship build when you lose one of them after a nudge to an asteroid from the wrong angle. if anything buff the force and increase the costs, if you need them pricey to balance capital vessels.
  7. sp I went and tried to kill the pirate boss with a buddy of mine. got it spawning in a sector, then my friends jumped in. another pirate boss appeared and my weapons suddenly stopped dealing damage to enemies. when the first pirate was killed, he dropped one artefact. when the second pirate was killed, he dropped two artifacts, one bounded to me and one to my buddy. now I know it's alpha etc etc, but is there a proper way to start the boss encounter in a way that works?
  8. what changed? btw in previous version the popup for turrets also opened when hovering on an enemy turret, don't know if it's intended or not
  9. it's be useful to get message in bulletin boards for the random spawning bosses when the user is in the right range. not much spoilering in those, as in, maybe not exactly how to have them spawn, but at least an hint to tell the player where to search and whether the zone is right.
  10. linux. just saw the patch now :) anyway, since I got the mod enabled sector generation is way way slower if I jump in a new sector that turns out to have asteroids would you be able to time initialization times? looks like jumping in a sector afterward is fine.
  11. what about this one tho? [OOSP] This is not critical on first start: Loading galaxyticks failed: data/scripts/server/tickhandler.lua:34: cannot open file 'galaxyticks.txt' (No such file or directory) keeps happening even after many serer restarts
  12. put some thin armor on them
  13. a sector restoration log: http://pastebin.com/raw/qY50S9J3 are the single process warning normal?
  14. I was under attack, so that'd be it, will make sure to recall them next time, thanks.
  15. Can you also add dps adjusted with cooldown directly on the lines there? It's nice to know the dps at regime while holding the mouse button down, especially for cannons that overheat every burst.
  16. I've a minor issue that's kinda annoying would it be possible to change the salvagers behavior so that if no wreck is in sector they'd idle around the mothership? Currently they charge into the enemy which is quite annoying.
  17. I hope you didn't delete any files, did you? This can lead to inconsistency and crashes on both client and server side. If you need to make it inaccessible i recommend going into moveAsteroid.lua in lines 63, 398 and 401 change 500000 to something like 1000000000 (= Don't use dots though. no changed the range check to return false always
  18. I axed the asteroid jumping anyway :P
  19. I've a server will send log after it gets some population. 9_2 seemed to be working fine, will send 9_5 logs later. I've had to manually patch server.lua since everyone and their modher has to register there :P
  20. independently targeting turrets ignore the weapon maximum range and engage ineffectively far targets. this is mostly evident with shortly ranged turrets like lasers, especially annoying since they use up energy for nothing.
  21. can we get the move asteroid feature on it's own mod? I hate when one mod grows in scope and start messing with everything around, so it becomes impossible to mix and match them without running in conflicts
  22. pitching in: the way to go is for mod to register themselves to listen to game events, so that none needs to drop code on common parts. also all stuff like crew number spawned per station etc should reside in a dictionary somewhere, so that mod can listen to 'beforeStart' event and change the values without having to change files.
  23. First of all, the thousand slices issue has nothing to do with capital ship balance and capital vs fighter performance. That can be easily tweaked with the right math and matters none with the issue at hand, which is: Annoying to salvage a buttload of them Annoying to see the fps die as they get destroyed in droves during combat Annoying to have one destroyed and now the whole ship can't be modofied Requiring a lot of annoying mindless click spam while adding little as gameplay element
  24. crash on server when removing turret in multiplayer game (not every time, but often) logs: http://pastebin.com/9FGtbTxv
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