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Posts posted by LoSboccacc

  1. you can still strap together some thruster, sell an asteroid and gate all your way to xanion starting right there.


    pirates and aliens won't target you if you don't have weapons and are generally flying around on slow junk that's easily outrun



    there should be more incentive for staying at iron/titanium or a way to start directly in xanion if skipping most content is considered legit

  2. I agree, some players on the (steam) forum are already turning a little anxious because of this.

    By being active on the forum you can make up a lot yourself by the reactions from the developers but I can imagine that for those who aren't it might seem as if things were going a bit slow due to the recent beta patches.


    There is already some sort of roadmap on the page of the kickstarter but that list can use a little update as well since quite a few things must have changed since the release.


    I agree, it seems the game is running circles around thrusters while annoying, aggravating gameplay issues (automatic turret reset?) are left to rot. sure most of them aren't severe, but all of them are sure annoying (the ship transfer windows, for example, on ly just patched by modders) and are causing an hemorrhage of players from servers-

  3. with little modifications to your code i managed implement the directory scan nicely and now the check for existing sectors is so much faster and takes like no performance hit ;D

    thats just perfect! and a bit sad that game API calls are so slow in comparison...


    updated the OP and released version alpha3:

    • added super fast sector checking routine, now searches finish in few seconds and only have little performance cost
    • refactored mod files and code (please delete all old mod files if you are upgrading!)




  4. this is great!


    btw why do you check sector existence with the game api instead of iterating trough all the files that ends in v in the sector folder?




    function scandir(directory)
        local i, t, popen = 0, {}, io.popen
        local BinaryFormat = package.cpath:match("%p[\\|/]?%p(%a+)")
        if BinaryFormat == "dll" then    --am bit rusty, might not be reliable when embedded, but you get the gist of it
        local cmd =   'dir "'..directory..'" /b /ad'
        local cmd = 'ls -a "'..directory..'"'
        local pfile = popen(cmd)
        for filename in pfile:lines() do
            if string.sub(filename,-1) == "v" then
                i = i + 1
                t[i] = filename
        return t

  5. building turrets always get messy, so no block based turret building. sure they look better and cover a multitude more of roles that way, but look at from the depth and starmade: there you spend hours building and you never get to the part where you enjoy the game.


    the current system for turret is fine. if anything they could add weapon blocks - unturretted blocks that fire in a specific direction, dps based on volume, so that people could tune the weapon they have without getting messy with details.


    anything that touches the topic of sub-entities, docking, self collision, hp-pool etc really kills accessibility

  6. Can I suggest another approach? Use the entity id multiplied by a large prime number modulo the amount of wrecks (or an arvitrary cap, say you want to limit to 5 wrecks, do modulo 5) then sort the wrecks by dostance and allocate the fighters according to the number that comes out of the module operation

  7. Check out starmade: every weapon does 10pt dps per energy used and still how damage is delivered and applied to hull/armor makes each unique and useful.


    That said, ship gigantism is bad for a whole other amount or reason beyond ship-vs-ship balance:


    -  lag servers

    -  make cooperation superfluous

    -  make engagements last hours

    -  make easy to grief players well beyond newbie levels


  8. Gonna say this here once.


    There's plenty games that  get the engineering  and pvp part better than what avorion  could ever do and yet avorion is growing in spite of them because the unique, different gameplay environment you had. Chasing the pvp minority screeching for infinite op designs will lose what made you unique. When everyone can solo the endgame or any other part not inconvenienced by the limitations of planet-sized ships, cooperation will be dead.


  9. I'd be happy enough with ai that understands weapon range, especially fighters are painful to watch.


    But top would be 'do whatever homeworld does'


    Their ai supported evasive maneuvering, formation/unit cohesion, 3d space, ranging, evasion, target prioritization and was a wonder to watch

  10. it's amazing but quite unpolished. starmade is far ahead technically and in terms of features but it's missing a major theme to drive the player... empyrion gets the story part well but has littlecomtemt and zero replayability..


    there are literally dozens at this point  that did it  but  many of the clones are built without a person that understand the "game" part of "gameplay" it seems - which is what made minecraft a smash hit.



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