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Bubbet last won the day on August 19 2020

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  1. function getRealBonuses(seed, rarity, permanent) local ok, plan = pcall(Plan) if not plan then return 0 end local transporterBlocks = plan:getBlocksByType(BlockType.Transporter) local transporterVolume = 0 for k, v in pairs(transporterBlocks) do local block = plan:getBlock(v) transporterVolume = transporterVolume + length(block.box.size) end return transporterVolume end 2021-03-17 18-31-03| T: 28 2021-03-17 18-31-03| Object: Unknown 2021-03-17 18-31-03| Execution Context (inner to outer): 2021-03-17 18-31-03| #0: makeTooltip data/scripts/systems/transportersoftware.lua 2021-03-17 18-31-03| 2021-03-17 18-31-03| Error constructing Plan: component can only be created in context of a scene 2021-03-17 18-31-03| 2021-03-17 18-31-03| stack traceback: 2021-03-17 18-31-03| [C]:-1: in function ? 2021-03-17 18-31-03| [C]:-1: in function pcall 2021-03-17 18-31-03| C:\Users\Bubbet\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\mods\TransponderRangeFromBlocks\data/scripts/systems/transportersoftware.lua:4: in function getRealBonuses A function for getting the current 'scene context' so i can stop this error from showing in the console/logs, considering pcall doesn't do that.
  2. Add iteration metamethods to the enum userdatas like KeyboardKey __pairs - (Lua 5.2+) Handle iteration through table pairs when for k,v in pairs(tbl) do ... end is called (See GeneralizedPairsAndIpairs). __ipairs - (Lua 5.2+) Handle iteration through table pairs when for k,v in ipairs(tbl) do ... end is called (See GeneralizedPairsAndIpairs). Also KeyboardKey has some values in the documentation that don't exist in game like QuoteDBL Maybe a function for getting the readable value of a keycode. I'm recreating a keybinding window for other mods to attach onto and set up binds that can be remapped by the end user. Key pressed/released callbacks?
  3. A userdata to emulate ControlAction presses, so i can release the cursor when making a Hud():createWindow() though I'm sure it has plenty of other uses. Or some functions added to GameInput to set key presses I.E. GameInput():setKeyDown(ControlAction.ReleaseMouse)
  4. I'm just going to direct you to this mod for while you wait: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2030858799
  5. I'd like to also throw in the suggestion to make the top where it says the mod name and id to be clickable, and sort the list by whichever you click. Like you'd expect from a list like that.
  6. Modding support to change the color and look of the nebulae generated in a sector, the background. Stuff like planets and dustiness is controlled by lua, why not the color and other properties of the sector?
  7. All i was really asking for was something like UIRenderer():calculateEntityTargeter() but for a vec3 in the sector. But full camera modding would be pretty cool too.
  8. Some method to get the camera position in 3d space so i can do projections onto the 2d screen. Was planning on making lead indicators. Or alternatively a vec3/matrix method to project to screenspace so i don't have to do all the math 😛
  9. .borderCombo and .sortCombo are not valid when trying to :hide() them in a InventorySelection() while .filterTextBox is valid and can be hidden. It'd be nice to be able to hide these elements too.
  10. A player callback for when you select a block in build mode passing the selected block.
  11. We have LoadPlanFromFile why not a save?
  12. Add the parameter for onShotHit to return the turret that shot the bullet/beam with this i could get information about the turret and open up a whole ton of doors for cooler weapons. Currently the callback only returns the two ships in question and where the shot hit, surely the game keeps track of which turret also shot the bullet. I requested this during the play with the devs event but haven't seen much for news on it, so I'm making a suggestion here.
  13. I suppose that makes sense, but then you've got no way to disable things like the hangar. The devs have mentioned that they cannot go back on making fighters craftable. But without being able to disable that tab i don't see a way as a modder to disable fighter production.
  14. I'm requesting two things with this post: 1. An external tool for uploading to the workshop so you can automate the updating via github or something. 2. Taking advantage of the steam workshop collaborators which currently do nothing and are unable to update the mod.
  15. It would appear PlayerWindow has the same issues.
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