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Everything posted by deep

  1. I using Google Translate,My English is bad. I am trying to understand the reason of the buff. However, it is not a damage problem that XSOTAN is not a threat. It's not about weapons, it's not about ship performance. XSOTAN is weak because NPC's AI is weak (Every NPC has the same problem.) Even if the damage buff is further increased, XSOTAN (NPC) is weak. It's not a threat. Because the player ship is more powerful than the DEVs think. And the player is cunning. I like real-time strategy games. I love AI programming games like "Nimbatus - The Space Drone Constructor" (I'm really bad at it!) https://store.steampowered.com/app/383840/Nimbatus__The_Space_Drone_Constructor/ What does the Nimbatus workshop drone have but AVORION's AI doesn't? It's a tactic. AVORION AI enhanced But AI still can't keep a distance from the target. The NPC cannot effectively retreat or use the side thruster well. It flies very fast, but AI cannot use the speed effectively. because there's no strategy. NPC cannot keep the bow and starboard/port to the target. Why do NPC ships with rail guns, canons and torpedoes approach enemies? Why does an aircraft carrier approach the enemy? Why do NPC-controlled Star Destroyer, Enterprise and Galactica dance close to their targets? This is why XSOTAN doesn't become a threat no matter how much damage it inflicts. Do you know "CosmoTeer"? Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander Look at the enemy's moves in this game. - Keep target distance - Keep the direction of the ship - Keep position relative to target The combination of simple actions has become a threat. This is what XSOTAN and AVORION NPCs need. AVORION NPC has no tactics, no matter how much damage buff you do, it becomes just a balloon.
  2. *0.24ベータで翻訳した分 同じ立場で翻訳を手伝ってる他の翻訳者さん達へのただの作業報告と受け取ってください 他の翻訳者の人と同じで来週もAVORIONを遊んでいるか、来月も翻訳の手伝いに時間を取れるか分かりません 一昨年と去年と同じで時間に余裕のある時だけしか手伝えません そして、一昨年と去年と同じく「夏までに終わる」「秋までに終わる」「クリスマスまでには・・・」の繰り返しは覚悟してます -Boarding Boarding関係は英語と齟齬のない海戦術の用語にならって「移乗攻撃」で翻訳してます 日本人だと接舷攻撃の方が通りがよさそうですが、それって移乗攻撃って戦術の中の特定のいち戦法なので泣く泣く外してます 白兵戦やその辺りの類似語もかっこいいけど!Boardingから乖離するので個人的に避けてます CrewのBoarderが「強襲戦闘員」なのは、一年か二年前の翻訳がなぜか「強襲”歩兵”」だったので折衷案で使ってます 戦闘システムやTIPs周りも一応ゲーム内の表示を見て翻訳しましたが、多分、怪しい場所があるはずです -Fighterの訳 Fighterアップデートの時に、Fighter Factoryの生産メニューで”Combat Fighter”という単語が出現して以来、 原文でも”Fighter"の使われ方が色々とアレなのです 仕方ないので個人的にゲームシステムに齟齬が出ない翻訳になりそうな以下の様にしてたり、こうなってた筈です -クラフトで作るFighter全体を指すとき、ワークショップタグ=艦載機 -Combat Fighter,Armed Fighter(new!!!) 他じゃおかしい時=戦闘機(武装した戦闘目的の飛行機的意味で) -0.24で追加された分類= 戦闘機、修理機、貨物シャトル、乗組員シャトル、サルベージ機、採掘機 -”Squad” = 編隊、分隊で訳が分かれていたので両方の意味合いに取れそうな”部隊” 操作メニューのアイコンをホバーした時のメニュー表示関連やTipsも私が手伝った範囲は、こうなってると思います Boardingのシステムメッセージで、乗組員シャトルがBoardingに使用されてる時は「強襲戦闘用シャトル」「強襲戦闘用部隊」「移乗戦闘用***」みたいな使い方をしてた気がします -クローンニングとアカデミー関連 自分の目でゲーム内で確認した表示場所がわかる部分は、粗方、ざっくり翻訳してあります 一番最初の起動時に表示されるアップデート案内だけ色々意訳を多めにしてます (システム的な説明や憑かされたブロックの(英語名) ) -翻訳できない部分、翻訳してない部分 LUAファイル上でもゲーム内でも表示場所とタイミングが分からない=見たことがないメッセージは、表示の意図が正確に分からない極力触ってません
  3. Japanese language is used in this topic. このトピックでは日本の言語を使います。 公式の日本語翻訳プロジェクトhttps://translate.avorion.net/projects/avorion/ja/default/ のValidatorになりました。 日本語翻訳プロジェクトのValidatorとしての発言は、こことIDがわかるSteam内だけになります。 今後は、それ以外の場所でValidatorと名乗った上で活動することはありません。 (毎日ではないですが)公式フォーラムを見ているので、このトピックが一番反応が速いと思います。 次いで、Steamのグループ「Avorion_JapanAVOJP(https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Avorion_JAPAN)」(活動停止中)のトピックになると思います。 翻訳サイトに登録したり、公式フォーラムに登録するのが面倒な場合は、そちらの日本語化Modのスレッドに翻訳内容の指摘を投稿してもらえれば反応できると思います。 グループが活動再開してスレッドがクローズした場合は、別の場所を考えます。 過去の記事
  4. Thank you Warrax I'm trying to fight a ship that looks like anime and movie images, it's very difficult X ( However, with 'Twisted Corner' blocks we can now create great V-tail and slope lines. Thank you DEV 宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199 Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Murasame-class cruiser ムラサメ級宇宙巡洋艦 https://yamato.fandom.com/wiki/Murasame-class_cruiser 銀河英雄伝説( Legend of Galactic Heroes ) Imperial battleship (788 UC era) https://gineipaedia.com/wiki/Imperial_battleship_(788_UC_era) 銀河英雄伝説( Legend of Galactic Heroes ) The flagship Rio Grande https://gineipaedia.com/wiki/Rio_Grande I love 'Twisted Corner' lol
  5. I am sorry I am not good at English. I am using Google translation. I change the color with "modify turret parts". Turret body becomes invisible. Both the bass and the barrel disappear. I can shoot with invisible turret body. Coaxial gun has the same bug. Invisible coaxial gun can also be shot.
  6. United Nations Cosmo Navy Kongo-class Battleship "Kirishima" https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1548826377 I am sorry I am not good at English. I am using Google translation. After the combat update, I am challenging to connect a seamless custom turret. This ship is the result. Lost seams and hide in part of the hull. Turret not in the shape of a turret. Fake coaxial gun. Hide the torpedo launcher on the hull ... etc Thank you for a wonderful game
  7. Turret disappears when changing color with "modify turret parts" Turret becomes invisible You can use the invisible turret. The same bug came out even if re-installing The same bug will appear even if custom is done on a new turret base The same bug will appear even if you customize a new turret When I make a turret I will do 99% of the work in the ship's build UI I only use the turret build UI for saving data So I did not notice such an interesting bug so far Do you need a screenshot? Shall I upload the invisible turret data to the workshop?
  8. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543548325 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543548484 Shoot the standard coaxial gun and custom coaxial gun side by side A bullet comes out from a different position custom coaxial gun is a turret build UI vanilla I do not operate the muzzle point DEV, I am not your enemy. I am thankful and respectful for your limited time, resources and labor I am a user who wishes AVORION success as well as everyone However, I feel angry at having to report such basic bugs since the beta test of Combat Update 2 has ended If you are testing the new element within the beta test, please prepare an environment that anyone can test in the game If it's an environment where many players can test custom coaxial gun I did not have to report this bug report
  9. Also proposed by STEAM Do you know the number of coaxial gun design uploads of the current STEAM workshop? It is only 28 pieces Turret design is 597 Is this because the coaxial gun concept failed? Does not anyone make it? NO! Is not it attractive for coaxial guns? NOOOOOO !!!!!!!! Coaxial gun is not necessary for AVORION So why does not anyone make it? Absolutely NO! I considered There is something that interferes with players who have the idea of ​​coaxial gun design It is interfering even in creative mode Many players can not make it even if they want to make it Even if it is made by a player, I can not even test it on the hull DPS is zero Range is zero I would like to add a dummy turret for coaxial gun design to creative mode so anyone can test the design The fact that the design of the coaxial gun is small is that the coaxial gun has not been sufficiently tested from the beta test Even if there is a bug in the coaxial gun there is a possibility that nobody has noticed Because many players can not use it
  10. I am sorry my English is very bad Decimal error always brings fatal destruction to ship's build Micro cracks, micro steps, edge overlap, black lines of shadow effect capture everything. The ship I am making now does not have the same shape as I made slopes and curves by piling a lot of 2.5 blocks on the port and starboard. Finally we do not have 50.00 ... lol Blender performs smoothing on jagged edges It is the final processing of the build of the ship Is it impossible to adjust the size of the whole block and fill the micro cracks or smooth the rounding of the seam line of jagged blocks?
  11. Plan.xml" seems to be an old patch format The data of the current workshop seems to be "design.XML" I do not know if it will become design XML someday, but it seems that you can use the data of the ship uploaded with the old patch Uploaded two ships to the workshop with an old version of the game It seems to work now
  12. It is very interesting MOD. However, I do not understand the workings of the script and Lua It is easy to make an efficient ship with few blocks What should be careful when designing NPC's functionship for MOD? Number of blocks? A big block for the turret?
  13. I am using Google translation I am sorry my English is bad More than a year ago, I also had the same trouble Because I could not make the Millennium Falcon dome on AVORION scale Decimal point was not enough even though resizing was repeated I do not know the blue print of your station I can not imagine the shape of a completed round dome I am happy if this method helps But there is a problem This method of deforming the template transcends the decimal point made by the AVORION system Instead it will be difficult to remodel the dome https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=971567358
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