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  1. deep

    Error in po.file

    screenshot .mission tab
  2. deep

    Error in po.file

    Error in po.file I use POEDIT for translation. When I check the translation, I use my client's German po.file Bug-checking also uses the official in-game German, English and Japanese (Mod) Uninstalling and reinstalling client The same error occurs I will add a screenshot later. 1. There seems to be an error in 0.27 German po.file There were no errors in German files older than 0.26 .1 2. Error in po.file exported by translation site The content of the po.file exported from the translation site and the German po.file from the beta client are different. No build mode UI translation on official site and exported po.file Some of the text can be found in the beta client's German po.file. However, there are not a few sentences in the exported po.file and official site. No Tips When mouse cursor Overlap 3. Localization of new tutorial mission not shown There are many errors in the mission tab and email. 4. Please check the status of the official translation site's server. More than 800 errors are registered.
  3. He was a little unkind. -[Torpedo Tests] It is difficult to find the wreckage of the target. This is a simple tutorial. You may need to guide the ”next target [Tab] key” or highlight the target.
  4. The current version of the Function War is very exciting. But the functional war reveals the bad parts of the NPC ship. - We should give NPC ships the wisdom of "primary weapons" and "secondary weapons" That's why NPC ships are inferior to player ships. The player's ship uses a strong weapon to attack the ship as its primary weapon. Players' boats use point defense and plasma as secondary weapons. It may be a launcher. It may be a salvage laser. On a player's AI boat, this method works very well. (Salvaging and mining are not good...) How about NPC ships? a ship equipped only with cannons. a pulse boat. a ship with only point defense. Tesla's only ship... They are very stupid and weak ships. Also at INSANE. I gave feedback on the fighter phobia ship (a ship that is all point defens turret). If developers are afraid of fighter, all ships should be given a defensive mode PD turret as a secondary weapon. It should be given with a primary weapon to attack the ship. Example:one or two in a small ship. If it's a battleship or a dreadnote, there are 4. Is it difficult to change the generator of the ship? -a functional war in a colonized sector with a large asteroid belt Are NPC ships more resistant to the asteroid belt than the older version? The Asteroid Belt ambush is a very strong tactic. This is because the NPC is stuck with errors. This is also a serious error in the current version of the Function War. We need to improve the asteroid belt generator in the colonized sector. - Seeker misses can't see torpedoes? In mod, I added a seeker missing to my anti-fighter gun. Seeker missile anti-Combat guns ignore torpedoes. Do we have to ignore torpedos? - NPC ships use torpedos to shoot fighter. NPC ships make a lot of errors when they target enemy fighters. They target fighter and shoot torpedoes. NPC ships stop moving when they target nearby enemy fighters. NPC ships must move ignoring enemy fighters. NPC Ships Should Not Target Enemy Fighters Mainly. NPC Ships Should See Enemy Fighters in Point-Difence turrt Defensive Mode Only If there is no enemy ship, NPC ships should target fighter planes. An NPC fighter and a ship with the "anti-fighter" icon should track the fighter. NPC Fighter is not a threat to players Because you can ignore the NPC fighter and move around. NPC ships should get more wisdom and tactics.
  5. -Fighter name in store. -message of the negotiation result,Time counter error The faction refuses to negotiate with you for another %1%. = ./data/scripts/player/ui/diplomacy.lua: The faction won't negotiate with you for another %1%. = ./data/scripts/player/ui/diplomacy.lua: -Mission We need ${amount} ${material}, quickly! If you can deliver in the next 30 minutes we will pay you handsomely. = ./data/scripts/entity/merchants/resourcetrader.lua:
  6. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1aRYEEFDMgovKqU5bzMBnGEaFCsUpn3xL 公式翻訳サイトからのエクスポートが上手くいかない人用にv0.26.1ベータの下書きを置いてきます。 一応、ベータクライアントのpo.fileを使っているので0.26.1追加分の翻訳も入っています。 (下書きなので一部翻訳が抜けてたり、おかしい場所があります。多分)
  7. 宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199 Space Battleship Yamato 2199 磯風型突撃宇宙駆逐艦 Isokaze-class space destroyer https://yamato.fandom.com/wiki/Isokaze-Class_Destroyer
  8. I read an interesting topic in Mod's thread. [sFX QUESTION] BEAM WEAPONRY SOUNDS. This is a topic written by IcoHarbinger. I don't use a short-range vanilla laser weapon. It's weak and worthless. I only use a mining laser and a salvaging laser. (weapon.sound = "minig") So I didn't notice that there was no sound, and I didn't question it. I think there was a weapon sound in a very old version. I think it was before Combat Update I. The V 0.8.5 has a laser sound. I don't know when it was lost I can only make simple Mods. So I don't understand the system of weapon.sound perfectly. But is this normal? - Lua, the silent weapon weapon.sound = "beams" weapon.sound = "repair" weapon.sound = "laser" weapon.sound = "lightning" Reinstalling client v0.26b and official demo. That is vanilla.
  9. AVORION has few weapons for multiple barrel turrets :'(
  10. 公式の翻訳サイトが更新されるまでの繋ぎとしてv0.26ベータで追加された翻訳を含むpo.fileを暫定的にアップロードしました。 -https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1-GyZe-D8O6O056RBHjkBU7wy5B6kv6kA
  11. The maximum speed of the fighter has been enhanced to 600 m/s. Fighter have become better at catching ships at close range. Fighter are still not good at tracking fast ships. I feel that fighter need more speed. However, the difference between the randomly made NPC fighter and the player's fighter is much bigger. Many of the NPC fighters are slow and their weapons have short ranges. There are very few. (Random size problem?) Players can build a lot of fast, long-range weapons fighters. Players have a great advantage. If developers think fighter are too strong, How about reducing the range of fighter weapons? Another problem is the NPC point defense turret. There may be a large number of ships equipped only with point defense turret and anti-fighter turret. (No anti-fighter icon ships, not CIWS ${class} ships) In the worst case, pirates and factional groups continue to fight for a very long time. ... with a very low-damage weapon. (and when the player's ship is fighting them, it's not damaged.) It has been there for a long time. It continues in v 0.26 beta. Fighter escape capsules are hard to find. The background star hides the capsule. I think it needs to be brighter, blinking or colored. Will we be able to detect capsules with the Object Detector upgrade?
  12. -The Energy Suppressor Satellite properties are missing. This property requires three lines. But there are only two lines. -The volume display is wrong. -Hazard zone warning messages are not localized. PO file has been translated.
  13. ありがとうございます。 問題の変数部分が半角「%*%」ではなく全角「%*%」らしかったので他の翻訳も見直しています。 他にもおかしな場所があったら指摘の方よろしくお願いします。
  14. Thank you Vis! I didn't study enough X (
  15. Thank you everyone. Two beams come out of two barrels, three shells come out of three barrels... I believe the turret effect will be updated someday. :)
  16. 現在の翻訳の進捗状況の報告です。 一応、アップデートの度に追加分を処理するだけで100%を達成可能な体裁は整っています。 0.23、0.24以前の部分は、まだ全体的に精度の向上が必要な部分が多い状況です。 -マシな部分(チェックが簡単) --ゲームの基本的なシステムの説明。コマンド関係。 -精査が必要な部分(luaとゲーム内での確認不足) --クエスト関係のテキストと返答の繋がり。翻訳の内容。 --国の名前‐
  17. There are some items in the game that do not display translations. Also, it seems that some sentences are not included in PO.FILE It's the same in German and other languages. 1: $variable for headquarters "${faction} Headquarters" /data/scripts/entity/merchants/headquarters.lua: 2: $variable for station name * * * * ${size} goods _ template.xml: 3: TIPS of "* * * * * * Cargo License", "in ${actionName} 's sectors" and the name when sold at the station ./data/scripts/lib/curgotransportlicenseutility.lua: 4: Function name of Xsotan ship (Xsotan Frigate.etc...) in the core world of galaxies. I like this function name Xsotan in every language X ( -screenshot
  18. Thank you. I also wrote about the Japanese grammar issue in the "Translation" section of the official forum. Adding context is very helpful.
  19. Reinstalling 0.24 b The name of the torpedo is in English in German. Torpedo names are in English in other languages. The Po.file I download from STEAM (German, Chinese, and other languages) looks perfect. The name of the torpedo, the Energy Suppressor Satellite, the fighter's weapon, They translate perfectly. My client is NO MODs, absolutely vanilla.
  20. the problem in the names of fighters and torpedoes. Some ${variables} in the localization file are missing. Will these be repaired during this beta period? Will it take more time? - ${warhead} - Class ${speed} Torpedo - Not loaded with localized turret names for some fighter jets Japanese language has a unique grammar. The text "Reconstruction Token" and "Energy Suppressor Satellite" have two sections of text. This type of text confuses localization. If possible, put them all on one line. ”An empty crystal with enough capacity to hold” //now// ”all information of an entire ship.” ”An empty crystal with enough capacity to hold all information of an entire ship.” X-(
  21. We can EXPORT unfinished translation po.file from translation site. Is it possible to upload an incomplete PO.FILE exported from a translation site to a steam workshop? -it is a Localization mod with * * .Xml and Po.File. Sorry, my choice of words is bad. It is a private translation (Non-Sexual, Non-Violence) which edited PO.FILE exported from official It's a different Japanime-like translation. It's the Mod of the Star Wars world localization, Different object names, different item names, different ship names..... This is outside the translation guidelines. PO.FILE is part of the client. Is it a problem to upload Alternative localization files to the workshop?
  22. Untranslated 残り20を切りました。 Validaterは、確認と承認をしてください。
  23. -他の翻訳者さん達へ 0.24ベータで https://translate.avorion.netのテキスト文章だけ見ていると正しく翻訳できない文章があります アイテムのreconstruction tokenとそのヴァリアントのunbrandedreconstructiontokenです。 どちらもゲーム内で改行がある複数行のテキストで表示されます。 が、https://translate.avorion.netでは、 「改行を含む一つの(もしくは句点で幾つかに分割した複数の)文章)」ではなく。 「改行位置で文章の途中でブツ切りになった複数の短文」の集合体で表示されるヤバイ部分があります。 なので、https://translate.avorion.netの情報だけで翻訳するとゲーム内で滅茶苦茶な日本語になります。 また、ゲーム内でアイテムの説明文として意味が通じる文章を改行位置にあわせて翻訳すると https://translate.avorion.netでもその行に存在しない単語を含む文章が翻訳文になります。 なので、この部分の翻訳はhttps://translate.avorion.net上で滅茶苦茶になります。 reconstruction tokenの翻訳は、DetailsのプロパティのReferences:でreconstructiontoken.luaや unbrandedreconstructiontokenのLuaファイルを参照先にしています。 この部分は、https://translate.avorion.netの文章が破綻してるのが正常です ゲーム内で表示される改行位置が基準の翻訳が正常な状態です Suggesut する時は気をつけください
  24. -他の翻訳者さんへの連絡 機械翻訳を使っていると、たまに出力された変数部分が壊れてる場合があります。 テキストに座標などの数字を表示する「${i} 」「%s%% 」なんかの部分を入れ忘れるとちゃんとした文章として ゲーム内で表示されないです。 どういう書式に翻訳すればいいか分からない時は、他の言語の同じページの同じテキストの書式を参考にすると安全です 見つけた分は修正してますが、多分、全部拾いきれません
  25. the balance and the dullness of the fighter is a serious problem. AVORION has X wings, TIE fighters, Colonial Viper MK2 fighters crawling like snails. Fighter planes cannot catch up with NPC ships. Fighter planes can't do anything with NPC ships. because it only runs at 500 m/s. It has been a serious condition for a long time. Combat fighters need a speed of at least 1000 m/s. 1500 m/s is better. I think 500 m/s is enough for healing fighter, mining and salvage fighter. The balance of remaining points in fighter craft. Small SIZE is the best performance. Large size is the worst value. How about changing the system of the size? Size 1 is the base value for all materials And the bigger the size, the more buff it gives to speed and aggression. a large fighter jet is strong and fast and defensive But you need a big hanger. It's like the hero unit of the RTS game. 12 size 1 fighters or 3 size 3 or 4 strong fighters? The player needs a choice.
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