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  1. The load time of So many subscribed ships/stations/fighters sometimes can make your game freeze and possibly crash trying to load so many ship/stations designs that you are subscribed too. So Any chance you can make it possible to sort workshop designs either by your self or a way to where it sorts "ships" and "stations" in a sub folder of Workshop Ship Designs. And anything that isn't sorted pretty much stays where its at in the normal folder and u can Sort it yourself on where you'd like it ? I mean you can drag out workshop ships from the folder but its not "sorted" in a way Something that kind of resembles this terribly edited version possibly ? This is inside the workshop ship designs folder by the way.
  2. Ive been looking for Auto Docking with the AI Tractor beams HOW Ever i Cannot get the Mod to work for me. Ive done what you said. Ive added the script to ShipScriptLoader, I've Modified DefaultScripts Ive done it to where instead of being on line 28 i put it on line 15 and still does the same thing. Am i missing something ? Im not getting any Errors what so ever when in game.. so i havent a clue. function AddDefaultStationScripts(station) station:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/startbuilding.lua") station:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/entercraft.lua") station:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/exitcraft.lua") station:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/crewboard.lua") station:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/backup.lua") station:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/bulletinboard.lua") station:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/story/bulletins.lua") station:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/regrowdocks.lua") station:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/craftorders.lua") station:addScriptOnce("data/scripts/entity/transfercrewgoods.lua") station:addScriptOnce("mods/AutoDock/scripts/entity/autoDockInteraction.lua") end -- Example use to add a script to a players ship -- Config.Add("mods/YourMod/scripts/entity/YourMod.lua") Config.Add("mods/CarrierCommander/scripts/entity/CarrierCommander.lua") Config.Add("mods/RenameShips/scripts/entity/shipRename.lua") Config.Add("mods/RenameShips/scripts/player/shipRenameMigrator.lua") Config.Add("mods/AutoDock/scripts/player/autoDockMigrator.lua") return Config Says its registered that i modified the DefaultScripts.lua on loading the server Sorry in advance just showing all the modified files ive done. along with the defaultscripts Detected Modified Files: "data/scripts\sectorspecifics.lua" "data/scripts\commands\agoods.lua" "data/scripts\commands\consolelevel.lua" "data/scripts\commands\crew.lua" "data/scripts\commands\disttocore.lua" "data/scripts\commands\fighter.lua" "data/scripts\commands\gate.lua" "data/scripts\commands\inv.lua" "data/scripts\commands\inventory.lua" "data/scripts\commands\list.lua" "data/scripts\commands\loglevel.lua" "data/scripts\commands\price.lua" "data/scripts\commands\regen.lua" "data/scripts\commands\sethome.lua" "data/scripts\commands\tmod.lua" "data/scripts\commands\whereis.lua" "data/scripts\lib\defaultscripts.lua" "data/scripts\lib\shipgenerator.lua" "data/scripts\lib\upgradegenerator.lua" "data/scripts\systems\universalsystem.lua" "data/scripts\entity\merchants\turretfactory.lua" "data/scripts\lib\cmd\common.lua" "data/scripts\lib\cmd\materials.lua" "data/scripts\lib\cmd\professions.lua" "data/scripts\lib\cmd\ranks.lua" "data/scripts\lib\cmd\rarities.lua" "data/scripts\lib\cmd\upgrades.lua" "data/scripts\lib\cmd\weapons.lua" "data/scripts\player\cmd\agoods.lua" "data/scripts\player\cmd\crew.lua" "data/scripts\player\cmd\disttocore.lua" "data/scripts\player\cmd\fighter.lua" "data/scripts\player\cmd\gate.lua" "data/scripts\player\cmd\price.lua" "data/scripts\player\cmd\sethome.lua" "data/scripts\player\cmd\tellposition.lua" "data/scripts\player\cmd\whereis.lua"
  3. So this is the code using player,price ,how ever i cant figure out where to rewrite what you have giving me in possible to making it work Edit: put the full gate.lua into this if onServer() then package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/cmd/?.lua" package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua" require "common" SectorGenerator = require ("SectorGenerator") Placer = require ("placer") function initialize(help, action, ...) local flag, msg = false, "" player = Player() if action == "create" then local ship = Entity(Player().craftIndex) flag, msg = popWormhole(ship, ...) else player:sendChatMessage("Gate", 0, "Unknown action: "..action) end terminate() end local station function popWormhole(ship, x1, y1) --local player,price = Player(),0 if onClient() then invokeServerFunction("popWormhole") return end local player,price = Player(),0 if not player:canPayMoney(price) then player:sendChatMessage("Station Founder"%_t, 1, "You Need 1000000 credits!") return end if player:canPayMoney(price) then player:payMoney(price) local generator = SectorGenerator(Sector():getCoordinates()) local faction = Faction() station = ShipGenerator.createShipGate(faction) center = center or vec3() station.position = MatrixLookUpPosition(vec3(0, 1, 0), vec3(1, 0, 0), center + random():getDirection() * random():getFloat(500, 750)) Placer.resolveIntersections() local plan = PlanGenerator.makeGatePlan() station:setPlan(plan) station.invincible = true station.title = "Hacked Warp Gate"%_t local sector = Sector() local wormhole = createWormhole(station.translationf,x1,y1) end end function createWormhole(center, x1, y1) center = center or vec3() local wormholeLifetime = 55 -- spawn a wormhole local desc = WormholeDescriptor() desc.position = station.position desc.cpwormhole.color = ColorRGB(0, 0, 1) --desc:addScript("data/scripts/entity/gate.lua") local size = random():getFloat(75, 150) local x, y = Sector():getCoordinates() local own = vec2(x, y) local d = length(own) local distanceInside = 355; local specs = SectorSpecifics() local x, y = Sector():getCoordinates() local coords = specs.getShuffledCoordinates(random(), x, y, 1, 25) local serverSeed = Server().seed --local x1, y1 = Sector():getCoordinates() local wormhole = desc.cpwormhole --local faction1 = Galaxy():getNearestFaction(x, y) wormhole:setTargetCoordinates(x1, y1) wormhole.visible = false wormhole.visualSize = 50 wormhole.passageSize = 50 wormhole.oneWay = false wormhole.simplifiedVisuals = true --wormhole.title = getGateName() local wormhole = Sector():createEntity(desc) --local timer = DeletionTimer(wormhole.index) --timer.timeLeft = wormholeLifetime wormhole.translation = station.translation return wormhole end end
  4. So here im looking through the mods section and im like Player??? WARP GATES YES , How ever when i tried testing it, i get from the server console Using /gate Create xxx -xxx Via Console Execution Context (inner to outer): #0: execute data/scripts/commands\gate.lua could not execute function 'execute' in '"data/scripts/commands\gate.lua"': data/scripts/commands\gate.lua:2: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: data/scripts/commands\gate.lua:2: in function <data/scripts/commands\gate.lua:1> Script "data/scripts/commands\gate.lua" or one of its requirements is not in its original state, skipping sending of stack trace. Using /gate create xxx -xxx Via client Execution Context (inner to outer): #0: initialize data/scripts/player/cmd/gate.lua could not execute function 'initialize' in '"data/scripts/player/cmd/gate.lua"' property not found or not readable: Player.payMoney stack traceback: [C]:-1: in function __index data/scripts/player/cmd/gate.lua:32: in function popWormhole data/scripts/player/cmd/gate.lua:13: in function ? Setting state to invalid. I have no knowledge into this sort of coding but id figure id ask and see what anyone has to say.
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