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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/21 in Posts

  1. I already made a similar suggestion here Though its a cool idea it might be hard to implement. But many players want this. So enjoy my upvote
    1 point
  2. The keyword is "Arbitrary". The status of the ship is "Free Arbitrary Turrets" or "Arbitrary Turret Slots". However, the system upgrade is different. . /data/scripts/systems/arbitrarytcs.lua: . /data/scripts/systems/teleporterkey2.lua: . /data/scripts/systems/teleporterkey5.lua: "Armed or Unarmed Turret Slots" and "Adds slots for armed and unarmed turrets". All-round Turret Control System". There is no "Arbitrary" here.It's not in the encyclopedia. It's a little confusing. *The problem with "RAW-" and "R-”. This is a keyword that the developer's translator got wrong, but there has been a small problem with it before. In many games, the mining laser mines ore. A salvage laser extracts scrap. I think that is probably the most common image. However, in AVORION, the refining laser is the oldest first weapon.The only one. it is the oldest, it did not need a prefix. The RAW-laser is one of the newest weapons. There were already mining lasers and salvage lasers. So it got a special prefix, right? This is different from the general image that is easy for new users to understand. To make the game easier to understand, can this prefix be reset? Getting ore "mining laser". (old RAW-mining laser) Getting scrap "salvage laser". (old RAW - salvageing laser) Ref-(R-,Refining) mining laser" to get material .(old mining laser). Ref-(R-,Refining) salvageing laser" to get material.(old salvage laser). I think this is easy to understand for new users.
    1 point
  3. I'll give feedback again. The community translation is being upgraded with feedback from the support version (JP.PO). It's mainly an upgrade of the translations related to system messages. Errors and problematic translations cannot be used for community translation. Even if it is the client's supported version. There are many problems with the current localization that need improvement. For the Japanese community, it is very problematic. Almost everything in JP.PO is Literal translation, and there are so many sentences that are unnatural for the Japanese language. Also, the translators are very lacking in checking the displays in the game. Or they do not check for errors at all. As a result, there are several keywords that are not displayed correctly. The biggest problem is that there is no respect for the AVORION of the game. There is no respect for the Japanese language. There are many characters in the original English text. There are bad guys, good guys, pirates, soldiers, merchants, citizens, and so many more. The characters have a lot of praise, sarcasm, and abuse. The support version (JP.PO) does not have such character personalities. It is ignored in Literal translation. All the characters speak the same language. Pirates, merchants, and citizens all speak like street gangs. There are only violent expressions. This is very, very unusual for a Japanese language. The exception is the DLC. The community translators have localized the DLC Syndicate characters with their own personalities. I used movies and TV dramas as references. And I have translated them uniquely. Only where he has copied the translation of that DLC, the inhabitants of AVORION have personality. This is part of the problem. There is not enough time to give feedback on all of them. So I ask the developers, where does JP.PO come from? Who translated it? Why did you decide to use it? I don't want to know the private information of the translator. I want to know if the translator can improve the translation and fix the errors. And I'm worried that the serious problems that the Japanese community has are damaging Avorion. I am a user. I'm not a developer. Like a developer, I need time to do something other than AVORION. (Work, family, sleep, other hobbies, building ships) So I can't spend a lot of time translating as a community-translation validator. I use a limited amount of time. So the work is slow. However, I know all the problems and improvements of community translation. (I really don't have enough time!) I respect AVORION and hope that the game will be known to Japanese people and sell well.
    1 point
  4. Proposed Improvements to "Riddle of the Sphinx” (/Common/Scripts/dlc/blackmarket/player/missions/sidemissions/sidemission4.lua:) The reason for the critical error in this translation is that the developer translator is a good person who follows the rules. That's what caused the error in the Japanese translation of the supported version! The meaning and value of this mission is the riddle of the Sphinx. So, the correct translation for this mission is not to directly translate the English original. It is to understand the CONTEXT and the meaning of the English riddles. Then, rewrite it into Japanese Riddle. It's about translating it into a Japanese riddle that Japanese people can understand. The riddles of the Sphinx do not need translation. We need to localize the riddles. It needs to be a backwards Japanese word. Here's a suggestion. The names of the three clues -Erehton = nothere.Japanese translation: "nothere = ここではない". Make "ここではない" into katakana. This is a different character to express, but the meaning is the same. Turn "ココデハナイ" backwards. 「イナハデココ」. This is the Japanese word "Erehton". -Etiseslaf = false site. Japanese translation: "false site = 偽サイト". Make "偽サイト"in katakana. This is a different character to express, but the meaning is the same. This is the same as the Japanese word for "fake site. Turn "ニセサイト" backwards.. 「トイサセニ」. This is the Japanese word "Etiseslaf”. -Reniatnoc = 'container' (Japanese translation: "コンテナ") Turn "コンテナ" backwards. "ナテンコ". This is "Reniatnoc" in the Japanese language. These are the three names that the Sphinx mysteries need. With these three names, a Japanese person can derive the answer by the same process as a native English speaker. A little luck and inspiration. That's what AVORION's Riddles of the Sphinx mission needs, right? Developers, please pass this suggestion on to the developer's translator.
    1 point
  5. (/Common/Game/Language.cpp:) The translation of the faction titles needs to be fixed! Developers, please tell your translators! This is less critical than the cases of "RAW-Salvaging Lasers" and "MultiHarvest Raw". However, the Japanese language users will be disadvantaged by this translation. It is inferior to playing in English. The developer translator should respect the game and the Japanese language users. The game has 220+1 different random faction political titles. It has two types. -The %s context:This refers to factions, such as 'The Xsotan'. - "The %s Emirate" , "The Emirate of %s" Variations on the same political form with and without "of”(%s ”の” 首長国 or %s首長国) translation of the client support JP.PO has only 110+1 names. JP.PO translation has only 110+1 names. The developer translator has only translated half of them. The same translation is done for "The %s Emirate"(%s首長国), "The Emirate of %s".(%s首長国) It ignores the meaning and value of the name of the faction with "of", the flavor of the game, and the two personalities. In the Japanese language (and I think this is true for other languages as well) The Emirate of "AAAAA" means Emirate of the race or alien race "AAAAA".(AAAAAの首長国) The Emirate of "AAAAA" can also mean the Emirate of the geographical location "AAAAA".(AAAAAの首長国) In the Japanese language, faction names with and without "of" have the same value. There is a clear difference in the nuances. Meaningful and game-worthy Especially with the "of". doesn't have any "Buccaneers" in the client support JP. where the Buccaneers' translation is Buccaneers = Adventure They have a different name for it. This translation is wrong. It means "group of adventurers." Please take back the Buccaneers. So, you absolutely need to translate 220+1 political titles for this faction! This is a worthy translation! Developer translators, please respect the game and the Japanese language users! If the developer translator can't or has difficulty translating the "of", please let me know here. I will help with that part. Alternatively, developer translators can copy the translation (220+1) of the political title of the faction in the community translation of the official translation site. (/Common/Game/Language.cpp:)派閥のタイトルの翻訳に修正の必要があります 開発者、どうかあなたたちの翻訳者に伝えてください これは”RAW-サルベージングレーザー”、”MultiHarvest Raw”のケースよりも致命的ではありません。 しかし、この翻訳は日本の言語のユーザーが不利益をこうむります 英語でのプレイより劣ってしまいます。 開発者の翻訳者は、ゲームと日本の言語のユーザーを尊重してください ゲームには、220+1種類のランダム派閥の政治タイトルがあります。 それは2種類あります。 -The %s context:This refers to factions, such as 'The Xsotan'. -"The %s Emirate" ,"The Emirate of %s” 同じ政治形態で”of”のあるなしのバリエーション クライアントのサポートJP.POの翻訳では、110+1の名前しかありません。 開発者の翻訳者は半分しか翻訳していません。 "The %s Emirate" ,"The Emirate of %s”に同じ翻訳がされています。 ”of”のある派閥の名前の意味と価値とゲームのフレーバーと二つの個性を無視しています。 日本の言語において(これは他の言語でも同じだと思います) "The Emirate of AAAAA" は、”AAAAAという人種かエイリアン種族”のEmirate”という意味をもちます。 ”AAAAA”という地理的な場所のEmirateという意味にもなります。 日本語言語において、”of”のある派閥名前と”of”のない派閥名前の価値は同じです。 そのニュアンスは明らかに違いがあります。 意味があり、ゲームとしての価値があります 特に”of”がある事で。 これは些細な事ですが、クライアントのサポートJP.POには”バッカニアーズ”がいません そこでは、バッカニアーズの翻訳は、 バッカニアーズ=冒険(冒険) 違う名前にされています。 この翻訳は間違いです。 ”冒険者たち(の集団)”という意味になります バッカニアーズを取り返してください だから、絶対に220+1この派閥の政治タイトルを翻訳する必要があります これは価値がある翻訳です 開発者の翻訳者は、ゲームと日本の言語のユーザーを尊重してください もし、開発者の翻訳者が、”of”の翻訳が出来ないか難しいのなら、ここで伝えてください。 わたしがそのパートを手伝います。 もしくは、開発者の翻訳者は公式翻訳サイトのコミュニティ翻訳の派閥の政治タイトルの翻訳(220+1)をコピーしてください。
    1 point
  6. Need to fix. Explains critical errors in naming Raw-mining lasers and Raw-salvage lasers In the official translation site, the translation of Raw-mining-laser is "Raw ore mining laser(粗鉱採掘レーザー)" in Japanese language. The translation of "RAW" is "Raw ore(粗鉱)" in Japanese language. In English, it would be ”Raw ore Minning Laser”. Therefore, this keyword cannot be used for other items. In the client's Jp. po. R-(RAW-) salvage laser is also the same translation "粗鉱サルベージレーザー". This is a critical error. It means "Raw ore Salvaging Laser". The same mistake is made in the DLC's Legendary weapon, "RAW-". MultiHarvest Raw-" is very serious. it translates to "crude". I do not know the translator. I don't know if he(she ? they are?) is a native Japanese speaker or bilingual. However, I do know that he referred to the community translation on the official translation site. So, as a validator, I changed the translation on the official official translation site Raw- (R-)" in the community translation is "unrefined"! This is used in the sense of a mining or salvage laser that does not refine the ore or blocks into material This is the counterpart to a refining laser. Developers, please pass this on to your translators. 粗鉱(Raw ore)の単語の使い方を間違えています。 粗製は、まったく別の意味です。 私には翻訳者がだれかわかりません。 ネイティブな日本語スピーカーなのかバイリンガルなのかわかりません。 しかし、彼(彼? 彼女? 彼ら?)がオフィシャル翻訳サイトのコミュニティ翻訳を参考にしたことは分かります。 なので、ヴァリデータとしてオフィシャル公式翻訳サイトの翻訳を変更しました コミュニティ翻訳での「Raw-(R-)」は、「未精製」です これは、鉱石やブロックをマテリアルに精製しないマイニングレーザーやサルベージレーザーという意味で使われます これはリファイニングレーザーと対になる意味です
    1 point
  7. I will explain some details. The JP.PO file in the supported version of the client is translated into Japanese, including the names of people and ships. The official translation site I manage as a validator does not translate names. Even in Japanese translations, names of people and ships are displayed in the same alphabet as the original English text. There is a reason for this. This is a pronunciation problem. Other than that, it can cause translation trouble. Example: In the case of "Mr. Jackson", it also says "Jackson" in Japanese. Riddles of the Sphinx of the DLC Black Market have been destroyed in the supported JP.PO translation. The user cannot read the three hints. This is because Palindrome is translated directly into Japanese. This doesn't translate the nuances of the original. There are other parts that need to be modified in the name of the weapon. The part of the Raw-mining laser and the Raw-salvage laser. There is a problem with the name of the Raw-Salvage laser. The meaning of the translation is different. 具体的に説明します。 クライアントのサポート版のJP.POファイルは、人や船の名前といった固有名も翻訳して日本語にしています。 わたしがバリデータとして管理している公式翻訳サイトの翻訳は、人名などの翻訳をしていません。 日本語の翻訳でも人や船の名前は、英語の原文と同じアルファベットで表示しています。 これには理由があります。 これは発音の問題。 他にも翻訳のトラブルの原因になるからです。 例: 「ミスタージャクソン」の場合、「Jackson」と日本語でも表示しています。 サポート版のJP.POの翻訳では、DLCブラックマーケットのスフィンクスの謎々が破壊されています。 ユーザーは3つのヒントが読めません。 これは、Palindromeを直接的に日本語にしている為です。 これは原文のニュアンスを翻訳できていません。 他にも武器の名前で修正が必要な場所があります。 Raw-採掘レーザーとRaw-サルベージレーザーの部分です。 Raw-サルベージレーザーの名前に問題があります。 翻訳の意味が異なっています。
    1 point
  8. SectorNameGenerator.generateSectorName_orig = SectorNameGenerator.generateSectorName function SectorNameGenerator.generateSectorName(x, y, count, seed) return "Prefix " .. SectorNameGenerator.generateSectorName_orig(x, y, count, seed) end
    1 point
  9. I posted this on the Steam discussion but wanted to copy it here. The basic issue is that when you are setting up complex production chains and have stations in multiple sectors and you only want to use materials produced by your own mines/factories, you have to set up a huge number of freighters once you get past basic production chains. Why? Because when looping orders to set up a supply chain, a "soft error" can occur where a station becomes full of a feedstock and your freighter will wait indefinitely until the # of goods in the freighter cargo hold you first set when issuing the order is achieved. It will send an error notification every 10 mins and otherwise do nothing, even if it has other commands available in the loop. Below is some of the pertinent code(I am not a coder): From sellgoods.lua: -- ## Things that can go wrong: ## -- -- no station buys the goods -> critical error -- stations buy the goods, but not enough space -> soft error -- stations buy the goods, but unfitting prices -> soft error -- other player doesn't have enough money -> soft error -- Critical Error: notify & block -- Soft Error: keep trying / wait, after 10 minutes: notify & keep trying if full and badMargin then -- soft error TradeUT.setSoftError("No merchant has room for '%s' or a matching price."%_T, self.data.name) return elseif full then -- soft error TradeUT.setSoftError("No merchant has room for '%s'."%_T, self.data.name) return elseif badMargin then -- soft error TradeUT.setSoftError("No merchant accepts '%s' for a matching price."%_T, self.data.name) return end end end From tradeutility.lua function TradeUT.updateErrorHandling(timeStep) if not self.currentError then return end local maximum = 10 * 60 self.notificationTimer = (self.notificationTimer or maximum) + timeStep self.lastError = self.lastError or "" local newError = self.lastError ~= self.currentError.text if self.notificationTimer > maximum or newError then self.notificationTimer = 0 self.lastError = self.currentError.text if self.currentError.critical or not newError then -- notify whenever an error has been there for a while -- or when a critical error happens for the first time Faction():sendChatMessage(Entity().name, ChatMessageType.Normal, self.currentError.text, unpack(self.currentError.args)) end end DockAI.reset() end function TradeUT.setSoftError(msg, ...) self.currentError = {text = msg, critical = false, args = {...}} end Like I said, I'm no coder so I could have missed something but it seems like the issue is that a soft error does not take in to account if a ship is in a command loop. Since the scenario where a station becomes full of feed material is likely to occur at times, especially when first setting up large supply chains, it makes sense to have it check if the next order in a loop can be completed without errors. Seems like a third "Very Soft Error" should be made for TradeUT.setSoftError("No merchant has room for '%s'."%_T, self.data.name)" error. If that can be done, then you could technically have a single giant barge supplying all your stations with self produced materials.
    1 point
  10. For anyone that is interested, I figured out a patch to somewhat fix this(I am not a coder so your mileage may vary): in sellgoods.lua: -add "local stationsupplier = false" variable at the top with the other local variables, before the "if onServer() then" line -two functions need to be edited, Function 1: function updateServer(timeStep) ...(first part is same,edit the text below from)... -- Check if we're done yet local required = getRemainingAmountToFulfill() if required == 0 then -- print ("required: " .. required) terminate() return end CHANGE TO: -- Check if we're done yet local required = getRemainingAmountToFulfill() if required == 0 and stationsupplier == false then -- print ("required: " .. required) terminate() return elseif required >= 0 and stationsupplier == true then -- print ("Idle Station Supplier Detected, executing next Order") terminate() return end (leave the rest) Function 2: function updateFindingPartner() ...(first part is same,edit below from)... elseif full then -- soft error TradeUT.setSoftError("No merchant has room for '%s'."%_T, self.data.name) return CHANGE TO: elseif full then -- soft error TradeUT.setSoftError("No merchant has room for '%s', assuming station supplier."%_T, self.data.name) stationsupplier = true return (leave the rest) This could break your game so try it at your own risk(always make a backup of edited files and saves). The idea is to flag any sell order that has a good station to trade with but a full station cargo as a "stationsupplier", which will then complete the sell order as if the cargo of the ship is 0(leaving the remaining cargo in the ship and moving to the next order if there is one). I'm sure their are scenarios where this breaks but I just wanted a quick fix to supply my stations with as few ships as possible.
    1 point
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